Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Genesis for the New Space Age with John Leith - Chpt XI - Byrd Stalks the Missing Nazis


At this point we have completely entered the world of historical fiction with no possibility of actual corroboration.  This certainly explains the tale of a postponed publication to avoid so called living witnesses to denounce this tale.  Worse the lack of actual science makes the exercise futile and powerfully suggests that it was all constructed of whole cloth.

Even the magic engine now possible  was guessed at for decades.

At the same time though, we are using technology of the time and place to do thinks that are likely outside the actual reach of the engines of the time. Thus it really could not happen this way.  There is also an eight hundred mile long tunnel without ample lighting to fly through to add to the problem.  The author in fact shows a complete lack of scientific curiosity when it suits him and where the reader is most concerned...


Chapter XI  

Byrd Stalks the Missing Nazis  

On February 16, 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led his squadron of eight propeller driven Falcon  Bombers to the South Pole to test German resistance. Each plane was powered by four Pratt & Whitney engines and tuned with precision for the endurance flight into the unknown interior of the earth. The planes were fully armed, but orders from President Truman was that Byrd was not to fire on any German craft he met in the hollow earth. As the squadron repeated the flight pattern executed the year before, Byrd and his crew surveyed the terrain. 

Only this time, besides his own crew, a total of 60 astonished combat veteran Americans were descending in a straight southerly line towards the interior of a planet that was presumed to be of a solid molten core. They carefully noted that the mouth of the double funnel or "screw" as Byrd called it, had a 500 mile opening in the bottom of the Antarctic valley that tapered down to a diameter of 125 miles. Through this opening they would fly for 800 miles towards the interior, before emerging again in a vortex-like aperture inside the earth. 

 Gradually, the bottom of the hole to the interior widened as it did at the topside until the squadron of Falcons found themselves entering into a hollow world within a world. Above the planes the crew saw what appeared to be sky and clouds. Below was sea and land just as above. They were now in the interior of the hollow earth which Byrd in 1929 had described as "that enchanted continent in the sky - - a land of everlasting mystery". (Whereas on the outer surface of the planet a direct line of vision on the convex surface is seven miles, a straight visual sighting on the surface of the earth's interior would be ad infinitum except for air impurities.) Compasses on the aircraft strangely enough returned to normal upon their entrance to the interior of the earth. They were now descending further inside the earth's sphere, flying in an atmosphere identical to that on the outside of the planet. The seas and land masses clung to the interior walls and the void between was filled with clouds and light in which there were seen mirages of the sea and terrain below. As the outside earthlings sped on at 259 miles per hour every sight they beheld triggered new stimuli of curiosity. 

They were not flying into a molten mass and the only heat and light energy source came from a diminutive misty ball of fire, an interior sun that seemed to hang suspended in front of them in the center of the globe's interior. The land masses below were protrusions on the inside of the earth's 800 to 1,200 mile thick mantle. The flyers observed one major difference from the outside of their planet. 

The interior appeared to have a greater land surface, for as they continued south, their visions widened in this new concave world surrounding them. There were no celestial bearings, no Pole Star or planet Venus on which to take a dead reckoning. Each hoped their squadron could find its way out.  

In this unbelievable world of fantasy, Admiral Richard E. Byrd commanding eight navy Falcons and 60 airmen, went stalking Germans. A belicose nation from the earth's surface had broken into the interior in search of another Aryan race, with whom they had fought two world wars in the present century. Was the "enemy" here in this lair? And would he fight? Byrd had taken his squadron further than he himself had ventured the year before. He was now recording a distance of over 2,400 air miles from base. Still flying north at approximately 10,000 feet, Byrd's navigator, Captain Ben Miller, of Navy air arm, spotted what appeared to be an airfield. (Only hours before Capt. Miller had joined Byrd's crew. He had temporarily turned over to his second in command the command of his carrier from which the flight departed when Byrd's original navigator had taken ill at the last moment.) All eyes of the American squadron peered down and confirmed the sighting. A closer scrutiny revealed various fixed wing aircraft lined up in rows and high powered lenses picked out their identity markings. Swastikas, the emblems of Nazi Germany, were clearly visible.  

The American squadron flew on. They reached a point of 2,700 miles within the earth before the order was given by Byrd to return. The cameras on Byrd's plane whirred away as a pictorial account of his journey was made. An hour later the planes returned over the same compass bearing. Down below they had seen rows of buildings on their trip north and endless planes at a particular bearing. Now these were gone. (The pictures developed by National Defense later showed the airport had been quickly camouflaged.) Suddenly, the Falcon pilots observed that they had uninvited company. Above them and behind on their tails, were five unmarked round wing planes, which the Germans had finally elected to expose. Byrd had come to this new German world poorly prepared for decisions on the conduct of aerial confrontation. He was primarily an explorer. 

The Joint Chiefs of Staff had assessed his capabilities and at the last minute briefing Byrd was ordered not to fire on any Germans if he encountered them in flight. Those instructions exist today and were explicit. In addition, Byrd did not evaluate his squadrons vulnerability in the present air strategy which the five round wing planes controlled. And worse, he regarded the German piloted round wing planes as his natural enemy with whom there could be no compromise. 

Yet, Byrd was not a combat admiral, and suddenly he was catapulted into making a decision whether to accept or decline aerial combat. Did he fail at that time to discern that his "enemy", so called, had abandoned the propeller or even jet powered aircraft of World War II vintage? Certainly Byrd was cognizant from his experience the year before that the Germans now rode the sky in advanced design aircraft that made his conventional Falcon aircraft completely outmoded.  

But, on the other hand, giving Admiral Byrd the benefit of the doubt, did he purposely intend to confront the Germans and make them show their hand? No one knows what illogical drive motivated him in his last moment decisions, but they were not the result of any wise on-the-spot military sagacity or desire for survival. The only thing that can be said on behalf of Byrd is that the round wing planes were conundrums that in his mind produced a panic.  

Byrd had already given orders to his own gunners to be prepared to fire (and his co-pilot reminded him the order should be rescinded). Therefore, all of his aircraft were in a state of combat readiness. Perhaps ten seconds remained in which the Admiral could have changed his mind. Then Byrd received an unexpected message on his wave length from outside his aircraft. 

'Admiral Byrd, this is General Kurt Von Ludwig, Commander of the flying ships you see above. Our fire power has your squadron covered." The same German Commander who was interviewed to substantiate this episode continued: "World War II is over. Leave us alone and return to your base. However, if you wish to land at our station in peace, we shall receive you Americans in peace for you are not our enemies. Our aircraft and weapons are so superior to yours that I advise you not to fire on us. There is no chance for your squadron to survive our attack if you insist on fighting. I would also remind you that you are over territory controlled by New Germany and that you are here under our sufferance."  

Commander Byrd listened but did not reply. When the German had finished speaking, Byrd gave his order in two words: "Open Fire!" His aircraft hardly had time to comply before the sky seemed to explode. Those Falcons hit by the saucers' laser beams broke up and spiralled or nose dived to earth where the crews were killed on impact. From what looked like hidden anti-aircraft gun sites on the land below there emanated pencil-thin broken beams of red light. An American witness in one of the planes struck with this ray weapon said, "the ray seemed to let us down gradually and our pilot was helpless to maintain control; we had to ditch. Those who could, bailed out." 

Admiral Byrd watched his entire supporting aircraft plummeting out of the sky nearby. Suddenly, the voice of the German Commander broke into his wave length again. "Commander Byrd, you are a fool. You have sacrificed your own men. You were warned. Now leave this land and never return. Leave at once." Byrd was shaken and quickly went into shock. Miller took over the controls and pointed the aircraft for the opening that led to the topside of the world. Byrd had carried out his orders to find the Germans. He had entered the young lion's den; but he was no Daniel.  

The scene that followed as the American planes crashed to earth was not reminiscent of a wartime  landing in hostile enemy territory. American survivors picked up by the Germans were interviewed in 1977 to verify the German version of what took place. The Germans immediately mounted an all-out rescue attempt in order to save the American airmen. Some of the crashed American planes were not severely disabled. From these the occupants quickly crawled out with their hands over their heads. They were met by Germans who immediately disarmed them and asked them to drop their hands, saying that they were in friendly territory. German crews hurriedly raced to the totally demolished American planes, extinguished fires, and removed bodies in an attempt to save lives. 

Twenty six live Americans were finally assembled that day by the Germans as ambulances with doctors sped to the scene. Para-medics administered first aid to the surviving American crew members as the ambulances headed to nearby hospitals in New Berlin. At the hospital, German specialists set limbs and carefully stitched wounds and made the Americans as comfortable as possible. 

Occasionally the Germans addressed the Americans in English, some quietly telling how they had taken their degrees at German and American institutions. Crew members not severely injured were taken into the city. A sign on the outskirts said, "New Berlin". The "prisoners" were then given an escorted automobile tour of the emerging city which the Germans had secretly begun in early 1940. 

Examples of buildings designed by Albert Spear on the order of Adolf Hitler were shown to the visitors. Stunned by the cautious friendliness of the Germans, the Americans were given a meal and made comfortable in a hotel. But not all the invading Americans were so fortunate. 

As Byrd's plane sped homeward to his carrier base, German morticians embalmed and dressed the young Americans killed in the New Berlin raid. Using I.D. cards, victims were identified, features restored when necessary and then redressed in their own flight suits. The remains were placed in sealed plastic coffins.  

The German Commander came in and met some of the surviving American officers. Introducing himself, he called them "heroic fools." The next day was February 17, 1947. Open German army trucks had picked up the various bodies of the young Americans. The vehicles assembled and slowly the cortege bore the dead American airmen through the broad streets of the new city. At the convoy's head, a German military band played Mendholson's Funeral March. Behind the cortege German airmen themselves, in honor, marched in slow step. Escorted in cars, American survivors brought up the rear.  

As the funeral procession moved toward the Air Field, cannons were fired in the air; and all German flags on Government buildings flew at half mast as the dead and living Americans were prepared for their trip home. For the Americans and the Germans it was the unofficial end of World War II combat. At the New Berlin Airport five saucers sat waiting. 

The dead Americans in unbreakable plastic coffins were placed on board another craft. The 24 walking cases were taken on board two other German 110 craft. Finally, Commander Kurt Von Ludwig and his crew boarded the lead ship. A squadron of five German UFO's rose silently and headed south to the hole at the end of the world to pay a regretful respect to 60 living and dead Americans.  

Emerging from the South Pole funnel, the saucers took a northerly course from the Antarctic continent towards Australia. Approximately 1,800 miles southwest of Sydney, Australia, a U.S. aircraft carrier hove to at the radio request of the German Commander. As fleet commander Rear Admiral Cruzen listened, flat top commander Ben Miller, now back in control of his own ship, was hooked into the radio of the German round wing plane. A friend of Commander Miller then spoke from the German craft. The American survivor appealed to the commanding officer to allow the Germans to land on one end of the carrier flight deck to deliver American survivors. 

 The German UFO's sat down as Commander Kurt Von Ludwig hovered above in an attitude of surveillance. Americans stood down. No guns were drawn. No orders were given. No battle positions were taken. The walking Americans stepped out and then moved to the other German round wing planes to remove the wounded. These were placed or helped on deck. American sailors began to stand at attention and many officers stood at silent salute. 
No American word had been spoken. No German voice had been heard. When the last stretcher was removed, the German UFO's silently lifted and joined their commander aloft, then suddenly they were gone.

Under sedation in the carrier's sick bay, Admiral Byrd had missed the last chapter of the tragic drama he had begun. From below the carrier flight deck, an ambulance plane was hoisted. Within 20 minutes it too was airborne, headed for Honolulu, Hawaii, where Pearl Harbor was alerted to receive the injured.  

The same night, over 10,000 miles away from the carrier, five round wing planes appeared at 8:00 P.M. over Arlington, Virginia. They stopped in mid-air and hovered over the tomb of World War I's Unknown Soldier. A German plane broke formation and landed in an open area near the tomb. The door of the craft opened and darkened forms brought out the bodies of the 30 American airmen who had perished two days before. 

  There is a spirit, believed to be that of the Unknown Soldier, which had appeared often in the past whenever a body lay in state under the Capitol Rotunda. It was seen by many at Kennedy's death; it 111 appeared when the body of President Eisenhower lay in state, and also appeared on the death of President Hoover, Johnson and other notable Americans. 

The night of February 12, as the Germans placed the bodies of the dead airmen before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, completing their task, they stepped back and surveyed the darkened scene for a moment before entering their airships. As they watched, the apparition of the dead doughboy of the American Expeditionary Force in World War I was suddenly seen again.

 It gave a brisk salute and then vanished. The Germans themselves swear this appearance took place. What arrangements were made with the next of kin is not known. Nevertheless, 30 men of all ranks were buried with full military honors at the cemetery. (Today in a nearby building a bronze plaque reposes, inscribed with the names of the young heroes - and how they died in the center of the Earth.  
 The plaque will be erected in the year 2000 A.D.) 

From Arlington Cemetery three of the German saucers stopped above the Capitol Building and two hovered over the White House where the Trumans lived. Simultaneously, all five shone powerful search lights on the buildings below. The Washington military was alerted. 

Then the German Commander spoke via the Air Force radio channel. He said: "This display of our strength is a warning. If we so wished we could destroy both your White House and Capitol with deadly rays and within five minutes both historic places would be only ashes. Send no more armed military expeditions below unless America wants full scale war," the German warned. "If it is war you seek, then we shall fight you, but as for New Germany, we prefer peace and the friendship of America." 

The voice finished by saying "the real enemy of both our peoples is Russia." All night the German saucers hoverd over Washington. Little did they suspect the U.S. chose not to show any of its military strength from the arsenal of over 500 laser equipped round wing planes hidden across the land. The German craft departed westward at 9:00 A.M. the next day in a burst of speed. 

  In 1948, acting independently of the Americans or other nations, the Russians, who had watched the 1947 Byrd foray in the Antarctic from an Antarctic base, sent a fully-armed wing of conventional combat aircraft to the earth's interior at the north. The Russians, told of the Americans' 1947 reception by the Germans at the South Pole, but uncertain of the outcome, elected to penetrate the North Pole entrance from their bases. 

The Russian planes were computer clocked by Americans passing Point Barrow, Alaska heading due east. Canadian bases on three northerly locations kept the Russian planes spotted. The American base reported 102 planes; the Canadian check points reported 97 planes.  

The Russians' first aerial encounter was with the guardians of the North Pole entrance - descendants of the Vikings whom the Germans call the "old race." The Russian planes at first were challenged by the "old race" but were allowed to proceed when they claimed they were on a mission to New Germany in the southern hemisphere. The Russian wing, still intact, continued past the man-made orb of light at the equator of the earth's interior and sped toward the southern hemisphere where, in the Germans lion's den, seven UFO's were now waiting.  

No Russian enemy plane escaped German wrath. One hundred planes and their crews perished. Those Russian bodies recovered were cremated. In 4-1/2 hours, German UFO's were over Moscow, brazenly scattering the ashes of the Russian dead over the capitol. 

As in the Washington incident, the Germans broke into the military air waves and taunted the Russians with the statement: "Here are the remains of your brave airmen you sent down to destroy us!" Moscow's red alert sounded. 

And up into the skies to teach the invading Germans a lesson went Russian MIG fighters. One after another, the German machines easily disposed of all the Russian interceptors. In defiance, the German Commander in his undamaged round wing plane hovered imperially above. Then over the military frequencies that moments before cracked with Russian chatter of aerial combat, there came a final German voice: "Next time we will annihilate you." The Germans flew off - intact.  

They would taunt the Russians over Moscow year after year after that memorial victory. That day, when the squadron leader Von Ludwig landed in New Berlin, he patted his plane and commented: "I shall name her 'Old Ironsides' in honor of today's fight." 113

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