Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Genesis for the New Space Age with John Leith - Chpt V - Early German Development of the UFO

I have been having formatting problems with this text and am sometimes unable to repair it.

Otherwise we are now introduced to a natural parallel with the German side.  this makes sense in time and place simply because German science and technical education was completely superior to anyone else.

Again though, we are gaining no technical explanations that are useful and the aerodynamic model is simply plunked down as if it were real.  Yet i do have some familiarity with the possibilities and simply think that such is a device is improbable.  Yet even then honest efforts were advanced and it is plausible that we had a serious attemt underway on both sides of the Atlantic.

We are introduced to Dieus ex Machina soon enough as we now meet the Venusians.

What makes this interesting is that it does not make much sense to use Venus on the basis of our knowledge from 1975 or today.  It was a plausible cover story in 1943, but this was not written in 1943.  It really screams of either Inner Earth or Inner Venus or both for that matter and that concept had been utterly rejected by all of science forever.  It is only now that my knowledge of Cloud cosmology has shown it to be both possible and truly plausible as well.

Chapter V

Early German Development of the UFO

The Germans shot down their first unidentified flying object in 1938, and thereafter, attempted to lead the international space race. Already tooled for war under Hitler's crash program, Germany's engineers and skilled tradesmen set out to duplicate the downed machine from Venus.

On hearing of the fortunate prize, Hitler directed his private pilot, Christina Edderer, to fly him to the 
site. It was during an interview in Munich in 1975 that the courageous Christina Edderer, perhaps 

unjustly imprisoned by the allies, showed the authors a collection of over 100 snapshots from her album of many famous Germans and the facilities involved in their round wing plane production. One such picture showed Hitler, the German Chief of State, posed smiling, with one foot on the edge of the 
downed and tipped-over saucer craft which revealed a broken landing tripod.

In 1938, German research began in earnest on the implosion engine and the round wing aircraft. One of 
the foremost early inventors of the implosion engine was a German Swiss named Victor Schauberger 
who went to work full time on the project. With the downed UFO, the Germans created a new industry 
to duplicate the engineering and flight characteristics of the alien craft.

A hidden factory was tunnelled out of the Austrian Alps, and the facility remained undetected by 
American or British reconnaissance planes during most of the war.

The Germans began their research under a veil of secrecy more complete than similar measures of news 
suppression in America's Manhattan (Atom Bomb) Project. In Germany, death was the penalty for an 
unguarded tongue, and only a release from the Feuhrer himself permitted a worker to return to the  
outside world once he was taken to one of the hidden factories.

Few in the German Command were made aware of the round wing craft development project, and 

Albert Spear in his book, Inside the Third Reich, fails to mention it, although for a time he was in charge 
of German War Production. German airmen throughout the war were also ignorant of the round wing  
building and testing program. Like their American counterparts who asked questions, the German fliers 
who saw alien UFOs in their skies were told truthfully they were extra terrestrial.

The Germans experienced several difficulties in recreating their version of the Venusian craft which they 
had acquired. To say the least, the German version fell short of perfection. At major problem was in the 
field of metallurgy, the Germans being unable to duplicate the metal substance of the UFO skin. A 
lightweight alloy, thought by Germany to be superior to anything in the Western World, was finally 
rolled out in the Krupp mills. But it was a poor substitute and the Germans knew it. Another hurdle they 
couldn't overcome was to reproduce the craft's electro
magnetic engine. The coil was duplicated as faithfully as German technology could provide - but the 

hard, unknown metal substance used for the craft's skin was also necessary for certain parts of 

the propulsion coil. The formula for this metal continued to remain elusive.

In 1941, an American soldier of German descent enabled Germany to evaluate what the U.S.A. was 

doing in the advanced field of aerodynamics. For $5, the German Edward Gunther bought the patent 

description of Caldwell's 1936 Rotoplane. He resold it for $50,000. The German government

eventually paid $1,000,000 for the patent drawings and description. In June, 1943 the first German

spy, Gunther, was apprehended, convicted and sentenced to be shot as a spy. The story was kept out 

of the news media although a high treason conviction was handed down by a Military Tribunal Court in 

Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C. The convicted traitor's sentence of death by firing squad was  

reversed by Roosevelt, and death came in the electric chair at Sing Sing Penitentiary.

American newspapers of that period mentioned the affair, but the reading public did not learn the

complete facts because of government censorship.

A total of eight people who were involved in the theft received death sentences and died in Sing Sing's

electric chair under contract between the State of New York and the federal government. Two of the 

spies were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as well as a clerk in the New York patent office. Also 

participating were other German nationals beside Gunther. 

The Rosenberg involvement is said to have begun prior to their espionage activities in the Manhattan 
Project. Once the Caldwell plans had been acquired, they knew they had in their possession the hottest 
aeronautical invention in the world. The plans were first offered to Japan which refused them. Then the 
Russians were approached and they also turned the Rosenbergs down against the advice of their 

military attache, who had watched Caldwell's roto-plane through field glasses fly over Washington.

Subsequently, the Germans heard that the Rosenbergs were peddling the Caldwell plans and, 

recognizing their military value, acquired them through a German agent.

The name Long Island Project was used to designate the stolen Caldwell plans because a German  

submarine had surfaced off Long Island at night to pick up the plans of the revolutionary plane.

Within ten months, the Germans had made and flown their version of Caldwell's roto-plane.

German engineers gained enough knowledge from the American invention to produce their operational 

models of the Roto-plane — which gave them a breakthrough, but they needed more time to perfect 

their Roto-plane, more time than the emergencies of war would allow.

Undeterred, German technology continued serious work on propulsion of the Caldwell craft and using 
the implosion engine, determined to place a round wing plane in the air for use in the final month of 
World War II.

The Germans finally produced a design prototype combining the alien UFO and the stolen "American" 

patent of Caldwell's.

In late 1942, Adolph Hitler gave orders to those in charge of research and production to produce an

airworthy round wing plane by 1943. In March of that year, in compliance with the Feuhrer's orders,

the country's first earthman version of a fullsize round wing space craft was wheeled out for testing.

The craft could best be described as resembling a spoked wheel, (like Caldwell's Rotoplane) with 

spokes actually being adjustable fins which moved from a horizontal to vertical position. In the center of 
the wheel was a rounded hub for the Schauberger implosion motor, over which the craft's operators 

sat. The whole operation from a distance somewhat resembled a bowler hat with a wide brim.

One of the three occupants of that craft was interviewed by us in America and the story of the ensuing

test flight corroborrated by him.

Uncertainty dominated the takeoff. The three occupants were strapped into a heavily cushioned interior, 
and the craft was catapulted into the air. The machine was then taken to an altitude of over 10,000 feet.

However, the first German UFO pilots were disappointed in its lack of speed and maneuverability.

Shortly thereafter their disappointment turned to fear.

In addition to ground observers who tracked the craft and accompanying conventional chase aircraft,

the Germans suddenly became aware of another presence above them - an aerial craft 

similar in design to their own.

After determining the position of the alien craft, occupants of the German plane realized they were 

locked in the power of the plane above them. The German pilot tried to take evasive action 
and change his craft's position but was helpless to do so. This strange, celestial experience thoroughly
bewildered the young Germans.

Then, as they sat in quandry, a voice came over their radio in perfect German. "Don't be afraid. We are
here to help you."

The voice introduced itself as a Venusian! and stated his people had watched German progress since the day the disabled Venusian craft had been taken by the Germans in 1938.  I'm here to instruct you," the voice told them, "and to get you back safely to earth, which you would never make without our help. We are, at present, holding you safely in our tractor beam which is an embodiment of the magnetic principal you are trying to unravel."

He then explained that as superior as the ship's metal alloy was, it was unsuitable. The alloy would bum under the friction of re-entry from space into earth's atmosphere. He explained the metal was still too heavy, and subject to deterioration from stress. "Also," he said, "Your propulsion must be changed."

German engineers had tried to reproduce the Venusian magnetic coil but rejected it in favor of the more conventional implosion engine when the magnetic coil failed to provide controlled lift.

The stranger knew of this failure, and he told them that before they again used a magnetic core, their metallurgists must produce a metal that would be magnetized only at those precise times in which a low voltage was passed through the coil. "Whereas," he continued, "in the earlier prototype which you abandoned, the magnetic field was sustained for a time after current was turned off and the craft, therefore, failed to respond immediately to your control.

"Without such a change in your power core, your craft will always have propulsion difficulties regardless of design." The alien spaceman addressed the young Germans in perfect calm.

"Free electro magnetic energy is the agent that holds our solar system in place. This force can also take manned vehicles into space faster and more quietly than the conventional petro chemical or new solid fuels derived from the earth. Someday your costly earth fuels will be depleted, but the free energy of the planets is everlasting."

The stranger admonished the Germans. "You earth people don't fully understand the cosmic marvel of this energy of which I speak. I repeat, it is free to all who seek it and is a gift from the Supreme Being or Godhead. Harness this basic force for peaceful purposes, and it will become your servant — as it has been the servant of other planets for millions of years. Harness it for war and you can no longer count on our cooperation — or tolerance."

The Germans were asked to cut their power and rely on his space ship above, and thus, locked onto the UFO's magnetic field, the Germans would be lowered safely. "Otherwise," he cautioned, "you will crash, and all of you will be killed. Trust us," he continued.

"I promise that we will appear before your engineers and teach them how to make these improvements to your craft. Your time is short. For the present, there should be no delay. "Now let me tell you of the future! I shall meet two of you again in America when Germany and the U.S., now at war, are once more friends."

The spaceman said farewell. His final message was to prove prophetic.

The space stranger told two of the German plane occupants they would be involved in America's space program after the war. To the third occupant, he foretold that he would remain in Germany and continue his work there.

The German flyers were debriefed on landing. Observing ground forces had seen the two ships descend as though connected by an invisible beam, whereupon the upper alien ship took off.

Today an American scientific spokesman describes the invisible magnetic ray as a "tractor beam," i.e., a magnetic pick-up force generated from one space craft over another. The use of this magnetic beam has been verified in the following documented cases: Rescue of one space ship by another - the
capture of an American helicopter according to Naval records - abduction by friendly alien space ship of an American missile which had gone, off course. Earth nations today are working feverishly on their various perfections of the tractor beam, because its application in a number of aerial requirements, both civilian and military, would be worthwhile.

When the three young German spacemen told the story of their aerial encounter with the Venusian, the German officers in charge of the debriefing were incredulous. The interrogators at first refused to accept the apparent manifestation of alien aid from one ship to another. From then on, the academic search to find an explanation of the strange encounter 10,000 feet in the air spurred German attention and explanations were sought even in the occult, the paranormal and psychological communities.

But, like their American counterparts, many Germans remained perplexed as to the reality of the voice visitation from another world. In any event, the Germans decided to delay their final conclusions.

If the alien or others like him was able to appear again, as he promised, to help them perfect their space  craft, the Germans would accept that there existed a higher wisdom which they had yet to learn. The phlegmatic German scientists waited and hoped. They knew they needed a miracle to meet Hitler's timetable for craft completion. They were not to be disappointed. Eventually a number of aliens appeared in their engineering departments to instruct them in a new metallurgy and chemistry techniques and provide them with a partial electro magnetic breakthrough.

The German staff apparently continued their all out effort to turn the tide of war, but their priorities changed. Late In 1943, many of their best scientists and skilled workers were transferred from the round wing plane project to the same mountain area for work on solid fuel rockets. It was anticipated by the General Staff that these secret weapons could be deployed quickly and in strength over London to make the British surrender. A longer range rocket version also was being drafted for use against New York. This shift to rockets was due, in part, to German anger for the mass destruction of their cities by allied air raids and the ultimatum by their non-earthling helpers that the round wing plane could not be used against the enemy. The rocket project therefore delayed German deployment of the round wing plane by six months. So German industry at that time switched to quickly mass-produced rockets with conventional warheads, as opposed to overcoming engineering deficiencies in their round wing plane.

Recent evidence from captured German records suggests that their round wing plane project also was
deferred for other reasons. By 1943 they had not incorporated a sophisticated laser ray weapon system into the craft to suit their engineers, and although they believed they were ahead in the international race to build a viable round wing plane, they elected to keep their product under wraps, for use in the future when Germany would use it again. But the most compelling reason for deferring military rise of the new round wing plane was the Venusian threat against Germany if it were so employed.

In the coming months the Germans projected that allied bomber force capabilities would increase while German strength declined. The German Air Force already knew the value of the round wing plane and how space weaponry in the form of laser rays could be used in conjunction with it. Their military reasoning was based, in part, on events stemming from the Munich Stadium rally in 1936 while Hitler was delivering a speech. He was downplayed by a huge, wingless, cigar-shaped object that hovered menacingly high above the sky.

Attempting to buzz the intruder, all the engines of a protective fighter squadron went dead, forcing the
pilots to land on feathered props in nearby fields and airports. A beam from the UFO (witnesses interviewed by the author) had disabled each of the German airplanes.

Hence, seven years later in 1943, German scientists were mindful of Venusian threats and also that without advanced space age weaponry to fight enemy marauders the secret of their round wing plane should be kept under wraps. As promised, the aliens ventured to help them in their revised plans but only in a limited way. Mass production of their new plane and new weaponry, therefore, would be delayed till that particular period when it could properly take its place in Adolf Hitler's grand scheme to continue the Third Reich and pursue his conquest of the world.

That period was not far off. And, of its dawning, the allies were totally unaware.

Early in 1944 Germans in the environs of one underground Austrian round wing plant, saw the "saucer" activity gradually disappear from the skies above as did the piercing humming noises associated with the craft.

Large trucks moved out the machinery as well as two unfinished craft, and the mountain forests were
returned, in part, to their primeval solitude.

In the five years of German effort to duplicate an alien spacecraft, they had made several significant
breakthroughs combining alien technology and Caldwell's patent. They had begun with a conventional liquid fueled aircraft engine while solving problems of rotating balance and guidance in the plane's "design." But the machine was ponderous and slow. According to one of their test pilots living in America, this first version, like Caldwell's, was a vertical lift propeller machine, indicating it was a very elementary version of their later designs. The design and functional improvements in their prototypes came as a result of direct outer terrestrial help in 1943-4 that enabled them to overcome their prolonged failures, and build a round wing plane with limited capabilities. Albeit, when the Germans secretly started their exodus in their five, 30 foot round wing planes, somewhat similar in design and propulsion to the alien one shot down in 1938, they were sufficiently airworthy to load and depart under their own power. Two unassembled planes were also removed.

During the closing years of the war, entire German factories mysteriously disappeared. When the allies accepted the surrender of Germany from the substitute leaders, the former enemy had already removed  to unknown regions of the world those round wing plants that were to enable them to continue research  and production, undetected by the victors of World War II.

Of course, along with the UFO factories, standing orders had been issued that scientists, engineers, and  personnel who had worked on the latter UFO program, would also be sent abroad with the secret shipments of UFO manufacturing paraphernalia. Thus, thousands of such German experts were swallowed into a natural refuge which the allies never surmised was in existence and which will be described later. American and British intelligence units had deciphered the German round wing riddle  prior to the surrender, and it only remained for those teams to seek out the evidence of German production. Working on slim leads, the Western powers uncovered what remained of German UFO plants and personnel. Meanwhile, the Russians concentrated their search on the rocket factories. In all, the Russians forcibly removed over 3,000 German science and technical experts in rocketry. With this inflow of German brains and industrial resources, the Soviets acquired the post-war lead in the field of manned rocket flight.

The English-speaking allies would assess German accomplishments by sifting through reams of top  secret German files and transporting German round wing machinery to Canada and Great  Britain for examination. They would also enlist the help of 183 German round wing plane technicians brought to North America after the war on a voluntary contract basis, and 100 other German experts under Wernher Von Braun to work on missiles and rockets.

But in spite of the favorable status given the German experts, there is some uncorroborated evidence that a number of Germans by necessity surrendered their freedom in North America  as did the native son, Caldwell.

It is recalled that Hitler had asked for an operational version of the first German round wing plane in
1943. Allied Intelligence now maintains he was carrying out a long prepared plan to divide the remaining German resources, including its manpower, In order to continue the struggle elsewhere beyond the reach of allied bombs. The reader will realize in the succeeding chapters that no other explanation can exist for the vanishing German personnel and their round wing technology in the last years of World War n.

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