Monday, October 10, 2016

Genesis for the New Space Age with John Leith - Chpt III - International Response to UFO Phenomena

So far this document interleaves a narrative that draws on known points of reference such as real people and failed efforts but remains technically unconvincing. The emergence of Dark Project research is somewhat mapped but no specifics are laid out except that everyone seemed to go there at need. Again we have stories that appear to exist no where else. 

Yet there is an internal logic here also it is certainly what might have happened and could have happened.  It bothers me though that we are not referencing even anonymous informants as that would give credence to the claim of extensive research.  That is the natural framework.  Of course by 1975, all those witnesses to the 1930's were mostly gone.

Again we will see as this unfolds. .

 Chapter III  

International Response to UFO Phenomena  

President Roosevelt may have acted with justifiable reason in placing the nation's immediate rights above those of inventor Caldwell. In Roosevelt's mind, and that of certain Congressional and military men, they regarded Caldwell's round wing plane as perhaps a crude facsimile of that outer space version, that is, as related to aerodynamic design. 

Earlier in 1936, on two occasions the President was made aware of the presence of strange unidentifiable objects in American skies when he received his first visit by an alien who said he came from another planet in our own solar system.  

But even more terrifying than the 1936 visit to the U.S. President by an alien who was human in all aspects, was that of another suppressed landing the same year involving weird creatures stopping at three airports located throughout the northern part of the country. According to intelligence sources, the creatures' resemblance could best be described as octopus-like, with multiple tentacles rather than human appendages of arms and legs. 

The beings slithered along on their tentacles and were able to communicate that they came from a planet beyond Earth's solar system and that their celestial wandering was exploratory but their intention peaceful. They showed a fear and nervousness of the curious looking things called Earthmen, so the feeling between the visitors and the visited was of mutual intimidation. 

The Earthmen had seen creatures with eyes, ears and mouths who communicated from an Intelligent center in their beings, and with exposed organs in animalistic bodies, whereas the pilgrims from outer space saw Earth creatures activated by fingers and hands and feet plus a variety of clothing which must have seemed obnoxious if not at least bizarre. As terrifying as the spacemen themselves were huge seven feet, hairy monsters accompanying the travelers as guards. Today these creatures, called Yetti, have been reported all over the globe indicating they may have been planted as "information censors" by outer spacemen.  

Nevertheless, aside from differences in anatomy, the shock to those Earthlings who witnessed the sighting of the outer terrestrials was terrifying. Following the 1936 episode with the humanoids (subsequently with other intelligent beings), the Executive Branch clamped a censorship on the arrival of the spaceship and its (by human standards) grotesque looking interplanetary visitors. That experience of select Earthmen being wakened out of an insular lethargy which ordained that all Gods creatures had to look like us is still hidden in classified records of the Library of Congress of the Roosevelt era.  

Caldwell's genius and his Rotoplane became the beginning by which the U.S. would secretly attempt to duplicate the more advanced interplanetary UFO's. And even then, as today, the U.S. military recognized that a nation with mastery of the air could command others in times of war or peace. 

Caldwell's Rotoplane was typical of other similar inventions drawn to the attention of the Army/Air Force as it geared to help Caldwell develop an improved version of the round wing plane. An official attitude of suppression grew concerning the sharing of knowledge of this type of advanced aerodynamic structure. In 1936, the non-revealing name of A-2 Army Air Corps Intelligence concealed the Air Corps' first efforts to improve Caldwell's round wing design and duplicate an interplanetary space vehicle. 

A military awareness was born with presidential blessing to develop a temporary, secret military air arm of technology and industry around the round wing plane. But what was needed first was where to hide the project away from the prying eyes of increasing numbers of German espionage agents. Meanwhile, as previously noted, President Roosevelt had been disturbed in 1936 by his first meeting with an outer space being, not to mention the terrifying visit of the octopus-like creatures. A hasty cabinet meeting was called. 

The President was adamant in his remarks at that meeting that the American people must be told. It was Postmaster General Jim Farley who first suggested an informative radio show to prepare the public. A sense of unbelievable doom was present, the feeling that an interplanetary invasion of earth, like that fictionalized on the Buck Rogers radio program, was a possibility. 

Worse still, cabinet members were inclined to believe that earth technology was incapable of any defense, and consequently, destruction or slavery of our people was not unthinkable. Roosevelt invited several electronic media leaders to a private conference. The meeting developed around a radio dramatization of H.G. Wells', War of the Worlds. 

Present that day were Lowell Thomas, Floyd Gibbons and other top writers and producers. Roosevelt opened by saying, "Gentlemen, we inhabitants of Earth are not alone in the Universe. First, there are other planets in our solar system inhabited by people much like us. I've personally been visited by one of these intelligent aliens. 

Second, but more unbelievable, are verified reports of terrifying looking creatures who have emerged from strange looking crafts at random airports. I feel we must tell the public! But the question is, how? Gentlemen, can you help us? What do you propose?" The President then polled those present for suggestions. A committee of five men was then chosen by the Chairman of Radio City to work quickly with Roosevelt on a drama format. 

From 100 narrators and producers they finally chose Orson Wells, with his clear diction and ominous voice. At 8 P.M. on the evening of October 30, 1938, radio listeners tuned into the Mercury Theatre Hour heard a drama of horrible Martians landing in New Jersey. The original H.G. Welles story "War of the Worlds," seemed prophetic. The drama as portrayed for radio had been given a dry run at the White House to members of the cabinet and other key citizens, fifteen days before the public broadcast. With this audience aware of the tentacled visitors and hairy monsters, and the ultimate terror they or future humanoids could inspire, Orson Wells and his drama group were urged to make the fictional Martian invasion of Earth more dramatic in its inducement of fear. The radio play finally produced was a masterful piece of emotional suspense and terror, but it was also propaganda. 

In hindsight, the invasion theme and the real fright and panic it engendered was not an appropriate way to deliver a message on the arrival of friendly outer space beings. People went beserk. Eight jumped from tall buildings in New York, other unexplained suicides were recorded during and after the show, and state troopers performed herculean feats looking for the "enemy." Exit roads from Newark and New York were jammed as were bridges and tunnels. Panic-stricken listeners tried to escape to the countryside where they might hide from the mythical Martian Invasion. Unfortunately, no station break announcements were made during the hour long show to explain that it was only a drama, and those who had never heard of H.G. Welles' "War of the Worlds" believed the adaptation was real. 

The grim voice of Orson Wells kept up a running commentary of the terrified human exodus of America's greatest city, New York. Acting solely on the effects of this radio drama, the Executive Branch of the time decided that the American public could not now be told the truth - that we were being scrutinized and surveyed by a race from outer planets with technological advances far beyond that of Earth. The unwitting cover up had already begun to insulate North American minds from the horrifying possibility of contact with creatures unlike us from other worlds. 

The ramifications of the traditional concept regarding the singular majesty of man, made in the likeness of a supreme creator, could no longer be reconciled by those who had seen other creatures totally unlike us in appearance but equal to or exceeding us in mind and spirit. The question then was how many anatomical versions of intelligent life existed beyond our frontiers of space. And as a result of the panacea of an alien visit in 1936 of humanoid types, the United States took action to suppress future knowledge of alien visitations to Earth. 

President Roosevelt and his advisors were the guiding force behind the original movement, and a vigilante committee of 100 was formed to monitor future sightings from across the country and advise government on them. At the time no private agency or government body existed who were versed in such a unique problem. 

Those chosen were men who exerted powerful influence and included prominent bankers, educators, industrialists, railroad presidents, judicial people and select politicians. Among those selected were Henry Ford, the Presidents of Pacific Electric, General Motors, the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Chase Manhattan Bank and a Justice of the Supreme Court. 

The power of these leaders vis a vis government policy would increase yearly and in 1980 the vast territorial boundaries of that private advisory group would still survive and be instrumental in most aspects of the U.S. government's outer space programs. It would also affect the political, military, science and educational sectors of our entire society. The broad charter of NSA is in itself properly warranted. Its global intelligence gathering abilities keep American's military leaders cognizant of the subtle shifts in military aggressiveness at world trouble spots, notwithstanding the stagnant diplomacy of the foreign policy experts who make judgments based on NSA intelligence briefings.  

Therefore, since the Orson Wells broadcast over 40 years ago, the reality of even one outer terrestrial visit and its disputable effect on a large segment of Earth's population has not been tested because of severe intra-governmental censorship. At the outbreak of World War II, much of America's brain power was being expended to improve existing concepts of the round wing plane. And, although American scientists continued to search and evaluate the new capabilities of its design and propulsion, industry's main thrust was quickly switched back to conventional war apparatus with which U.S. allies were more certain they could combat the enemy.  

On December 7, 1941, when the U.S. entered World War II, UFOs were first sighted in number over the White House, and the U.S. Capitol Building. Anti-aircraft fire from guns located in the center of Washington sent up a barrage of metal that literally surprised the extra-terrestrials. 

Thus, as the hovering UFOs took evasive action, an Air Corps radar observer noted a hit on one spacecraft, which left formation and was seen vanishing into a large mothership located at 35,000 feet. This event was the first of several incidents during the war when unidentified flying objects were seen hovering over various buildings in the nation's capitol. It was also at that time that a different UFO design of cigar shape was observed over several American localities. 

These craft required heavy electric power for their propulsion cores and were frequently seen stealing power while suspended above and attached to the center rail of electric streetcar systems. During one such Washington incident in l944 the power drain was so great that all of the cities' streetcars came to a standstill. 

Power plants themselves became the fast feeders for what came to be known as the "juice hogs" which began to steal electric power on a large volume basis. These "unknown alien craft" continued to pilfer power as evidenced by the Eastern Seaboard Blackout in 1975, and the New York Blackout in 1977, the latter of which is documented by U.S. Air Force electronic observation on the site.  

By 1945, when the Japanese Surrender was signed, America still did not know for sure the identity of any of the UFO invaders or the reason for their presence. At the beginning of his tenure as Supreme Allied Commander for the Far East, General Douglas McArthur summoned the top Japanese officials to his office in the Mechie Building in Tokyo. He stared straight at the Japanese officers, "All right, you So and So's," he spat out roughly, as McArthur could do. "Where do you keep those round spy planes you have had over Washington during most of the war?" The Japanese looked at each other and smiled. "What round spy planes do you speak of?" McArthur cussed, and refused to believe their denials.  

But for the time being America had the last laugh. At the Yalta Conference, Stalin asked Roosevelt and Churchill why the allies had kept the secret of the round wing plane from Russia. Roosevelt and Churchill denied the UFO's had been produced in allied war factories. Stalin was furious, and almost left the conference. He hissed across the table as his cold eyes apprised the two allied leaders. "You English speaking people act together. But just remember I have spies throughout both your countries, and I intend to uncover the whereabouts of your secret spaceships that hover over Moscow."  

Was Stalin really aware of the UFO's? Indeed, yes! United States intelligence (perhaps unknown to Roosevelt who overly promoted Stalin's friendship) had penetrated the heart of the Kremlin for a period of time and witnessed some astonishing things. The most enjoyable to American intelligence was the following incident: One day in 1943, Stalin received a visit by a being from outer space. The alien suddenly appeared before Stalin's desk and identified himself as an emissary from the government of the Universe. Stalin looked up startled, and replied, "I don't appreciate American jokes," and half rising told the "Yankee" visitor he was going to call his guards. Without further discussion, the alien then told Stalin to call his guards - who promptly entered. The Russian security guards grabbed the intruder and before Stalin's eyes the ensuing scuffle left the two embarrassed policemen holding only each other. The being had simply vanished into thin air. 

Adolph Hitler of Germany had also received alien visits, but the discourtesy shown by Stalin marked the beginning of an antagonism between Outer Space visitors and subsequent Russian leaders that has lasted to this day. It is obvious that by the end of World War U, international intrigue to discover the origin of the increasing unidentified objects became the order of the day in several nations.  

But, although public knowledge of the UFO phenomena was slow to spread throughout the world, extensive military interest in it grew during World War H Over Germany and its occupied territory, allied pilots reported strange lights and luminous balls of fire hovering in protective gestures over ther aircraft formations. These peculiar objects were considered by allied airmen to be of unknown origin while uninformed German pilots assumed these same phenomena were perhaps of allied invention. Among allied airmen the name "friendly foo fighters" became a wartime slang that was well understood. And in the living quarters of allied airmen stationed at British airdromes, hushed voices at night whispered of the lights from heaven that sometimes flew in their midst and gave courage. Intelligence agents of all nations preoccupied with World War II fighting began earnestly to explore the mystery of the "foo fighters." 

Typical is this account of Russian intelligence interrogating Lt. Colonel H. Sylvester Williams (his code name), a United States Officer in November, 1944, who had just delivered a special dispatch, direct from U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Russian Premier Joseph Stalin. 

The special American courier had completed the flight from Washington to New York, then to England, then by special plane across Norway, Sweden and on to his destination, Moscow. The next morning the American courier was carefully questioned by a Colonel Murisky as to whether he had seen anything in the sky in his flight from England. The questions and answers were as follows:  

Q. Did you see a cigar-shaped object flying in the sky either alongside your ship or nearby? 
 A. No.  

Q. Did you see any cylindrical-shaped objects at all, say silver or light bluish in color?  
A. No.  

Q. Sometimes during the trip your plane flew at low altitude; did you observe any shadowy forms on the ground other than that of your own aircraft? 
 A. No.  

Q. Did you see any round saucer-shaped objects that seemed to travel at extremely high speeds? 
A. No.  

Q. Did you observe any enemy planes during your flight?  
A. No.    

Q. Were you followed, say, by odd looking objects?  
A. No.  

Q. Did you see anything strange at all? 
A. No. At this point, the U.S. officer was told to please be on the lookout for anything unusual on his return flight.  

During World War n, there were many fascinating chapters of intrigue in the international guessing game of who owned the UFOs even after the alien visits to major governments. The problem of being unable to place a name tag on the aliens was too simple. They looked too human not to be human. 

That there were those nearly identical to us in other worlds, was considered simply too blase an explanation. Truly, major governments could not accept that these objects were extra-terrestrial. Deep prejudices that earthman was a superior creature living alone in the universe were ingrained through our educational and religious concepts. Therefore, at that time, much of the intelligence and military of the world surmised two things: the crafts were presumed hostile and were of earthly origin. Each country quickly developed its own methods of counter surveillance, but with few real leads and facts to give its agents. 

The Americans, the British, and the Canadians cooperated, anticipating that collective action would bring faster results. Standing orders of some countries to their fighter pilots in cumbersome propeller planes were "Hit a UFO - if you can." Already they had catalogued several varieties including the common saucer variety and coleman lantern types, the bell, the cigar or tubular object, small 13" disks, and even square - yes, square ones - and, of course - giant mother ships, brighter than Venus, stationed 100 miles high and as long as a mile in length - cities in themselves, about which the military were divided, as to whether they were illusions or realities. 

  It's a wonder that American intelligence (Office of Strategic Services) did not become atrophied at its biggest task since General William Donovan had founded it in 1942. But, with the help of the scientists and major universities, composure was maintained and plans developed as the government quietly and clandestinely swung its efforts into the Age of Aquarius without Morming press or public.  

Science forums across the land, usually sponsored by some government agency, first addressed themselves to the questions:  

1. Are we seeing visions or real beings with bodies like mortals?  

2. Is it possible that the vibrations which apparently hold together in permanent shape the atom structure of human bodies might on a higher vibrating scale bind the structure of being from other planets in such a way that the beings are enabled to appear and disappear?  

3. Must visiting intelligent beings breath an air combination as we do to survive on earth? 

And then it was asked, "What if the force of gravity were negated?" The answer the scientists gave was, "If gravity could be overcome in a localized area such as a space ship, the mass thereof would be weightless. And finally addressing themselves to the problems of space travel, other groups asked: is it possible for a given mass to travel along earth's magnetic North-South grid perhaps faster than the speed of sound?  

"Someday, we expect earthships to do just that, and even fly at incomprehensible speeds between planets on free magnetic energy," was the reply. With these concepts accepted, Air Force intelligence surmised that true aliens were arriving from our own solar system and possibly beyond and were indeed policing our skies. Certain U.S. scientists hurried to review the age old concepts of earth's magnetic energy fields and the electro magnetic forces operating between planets. 

  By the end of World War II, Caldwell's round wing plane would be a first priority and hidden in a location where it would become approachable only through 100 miles of guarded mountain roads and tunnels. In this hideaway, the design and pertinent specifications of English speaking peoples' future round wing plane would be decided.  

The rocketry race to the moon in the sixties was simply a continuation of that American goal to learn more of the stellar world. For reasons of national security, the main thrust of the plan to build a round wing plane was to be kept hidden or camouflaged under newly devised security wraps until the propitious time to tell would arrive.   

Today, forty years later, many in America's intelligence and military community believe it is now an appropriate time to open the door for the public to see the dawning of a new technology that will change the world. But many others in over 30 secret government agencies, particularly NASA and National Science Foundation, consider that telling of the struggle, even in part, is premature. Although it was not articulated to the rank and file in the services, the American Air Force went on record in 1966 that some of those UFO's appearing in North American skies were interplanetary. With that admission, a confidence was growing that the UFO sightings must eventually be explained.  

In 1977, a four- star Air Force staff general who had served in various hush-hush research and development projects since World War n, explained to the authors the Air Force reasoning paraphrased as follows: Heretofore, we were unwilling to divulge the nature of our own development projects because outer space beings we had met were so far advanced metaphysically and technologically that should they or other aliens less well disposed to humanity try to destroy us, we would have been helpless. It was the same assumption as that told in 1936. 

The General didn't mention weaponry or counter weaponry — he simply spelled out earth's dilemma, not in terms of retaliation, but confined his remarks and thoughts to effective protection on the surface of this planet. Beyond that official explanation of the 20th century problem, the subject apparently was closed. While the world in post-war years hunted old manuscripts to find the answer to the riddle of the UFO's, America knew the answer, and each year would bury it deeper and deeper.  

For the U.S.A., the haunting question was simply this: Could she develop a counter airborne hardware quickly enough to protect her own skies from extra-terrestrial invaders? And in trying to accomplish this super-human task before the years of World War n, could she also shield her endeavors from the prying eyes of earth adversaries such as the Germans and the Japanese, and even the Russians whom they called allies?

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