Friday, August 12, 2016

The Sugar Creek Giants

This report appears to be straight up and what is described is a common grave site that included tall individuals up to seven feet.  It is really one of many reports that have been pointedly ignored and we suspect even suppressed.

All this conforms to what we have been able to piece together.   A group of tall humans that may have reached nine feet emerged during the Bronze Age under Atlantean protection.  They were present in Europe and the Lake Superior copper region in North America.  The collapse of the Atlantean world in 1159 BC forced movement and resettlement.  Most Atlanteans appear to have gone into Mexico and particularly to the Olmecs.  Later we have information that shows them fleeing the Aztecs to resettle in the Appalachians.  Add in grave sites all through Eastern North America and it appears that many communities were established during the post Mexican diaspora and may well have linked back to communities remaining from Atlantean times.

This population largely died out both before the conquest and after when populations were generally decimated.  Post contact European observers did report on these peoples..

The Sugar Creek Giants

 Wednesday, July 27, 2016

In December 1892, the press across the nation reported on discoveries made by archaeologists digging near Sugar Creek, Indiana. Twenty-five gigantic skeletons were unearthed by archaeologists and students from Wabash College. The following account was published in the December 16, 1892, edition of the Cambria (PA) Freeman:

Skeletons of an Ancient Race Unearthed in Indiana

A rich archaeological find was recently unearthed two miles west of Crawfordsville in a gravel pit along the high bluffs of Sugar Creek. Thus far twenty-five skeletons of Brobdingnagian stature have been exhumed, and the unburying of these mammoth bones is still going on. This necropolis of long ago is filled with excited hunters of curios and scientific students from Wabash College almost continually, and as soon as removed from the gravel their rattling bones are carried away to become part of departments of archaeology, which are being established all over the city.

The last skeleton taken from the burial ground was a gigantic one, measuring seven feet in length. The femur alone would prove that the skeleton was that of a giant, and the pelvic bones are twice as large as those of an ordinary man. The grinning skull of the giant had a perfect set of teeth, not one cracked or decayed, and with an enamel as beautiful as polished marble. The bones were perfect in every detail, notwithstanding the fact that they must have been interred here for centuries. The entire absence of vegetable matter in the soil and the perfect drainage would account for the preservation of the bony structure.

Of the whole number of skeletons thus far found only two indicate immature development, the remainder representing the framework of a race of men evidently extinct for centuries. This is certainly the first discovery of skeletons in which the characteristic development of giants has been observed. It is thought by local scientists that these bones belong to a tribe of aborigines, but this theory cannot be fully established by the material structure of the skeleton.

Although no implements or ornaments were found buried with the bones, yet in close proximity many instruments of warfare and domestic utensils were found. They are mostly composed of stone, though some are composed of copper and a few of shell and bone. The stone implements are flint spears and arrow heads, and appear to be wrought with exceeding great skill. Pottery is found in great abundance. For many years specimens of these pots have been unearthed in this region, especially along the banks of the creek.

None of these skeletons was found in a separate grave, they being for the most part piled together in one conglomerate mass. Ten were found in one place in close contact, facing the setting sun, and arranged in a sitting posture. Many of the bones found farther down the bank, and in a soil in which there was more vegetable matter, crumbled to dust as soon as exposed to the atmosphere, and the symmetry of a single bone could not be distinguished.

Many traditions have been brought out since this discovery. One old settler has called to mind the fact that fifty years ago a tree was uprooted on this same spot, exposing three skeletons of gigantic dimensions, and as they were beneath the tree, it must have sprung up long after the bodies were buried.

Gen. Lew Wallace says he remembers the actions of a stranger who several years ago spent many months digging along the banks of Sugar Creek in search of a gold spoon supposed to have been buried long ago when this part of the country was inhabited by savage tribes, and the owner of the land on which these remains were found calls to mind a tradition often related by his grandfather that a Spanish treasure had been buried here in the long, long ago, when the country was a wilderness and Chicago a barren waste of impenetrable swamps.

The excavations are being continued, and it is thought that rich developments are in prospect, for there is not a foot of the soil removed that does not contain some relic or grinning skull.

So where are these giant skeletons today? One thought is that Darwinists may have destroyed the skeletons in order to conform to Darwin's evolution theory. Another is that science has simply hidden the skeletons...but for what reason? There have been several tales of giant skeletons unearthed throughout the country. It's interesting that, if these accounts are true, the whereabouts of these skeletons is unknown.

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