Friday, August 19, 2016

Homo Sapiens Before the Flood: Peru’s Ancient Cave of Dangerous Energies

What is new here is the linkage between the crustal shift and ENKI.  My own work detailing the shift that i named the Pleistocene Nonconformity of 12900 BP came out on this Blog in july of 2007.  The original conjecture came out under Hapwood back in the fifties and has been worked on be others since.  I policed up the geometry and the slip plane that makes it possible.  Alternatively a hollow Earth make things a lot easier.

That a great power was involved became obvious.   Now for some reason this piece has named ENKI although the story line has not appeared elsewhere for myself yet. 

Otherwise this site is not that convincing although special rock working is in the region.
Homo Sapiens Before the Flood: Peru’s Ancient Cave of Dangerous Energies

In the video below, a Peruvian man compares the Antediluvian Homo sapiens with today’s Homo sapiens sapiens – something I discussed in my papers, as well. 

I also wrote about the time before the Sun began to shine from a blue sky. Before the Flood, the sky was damp and very cloudy – a global canopy was keeping the sunlight out. This man confirms my research.

However, when terraformed the Earth after the Deluge, by tilting Her on Her axis, the gravity and the frequency slightly changed on the planet, and there were big climate changes worldwide as well. 

Before the tilt, creatures that inhabited the Earth were bigger in stature, but when the gravity changed after the tilting of the planet, most species became smaller, or more accurately; most species who survived the Flood succumbed when Earth’s gravity was changed, and replaced them with beings of smaller stature.

The sky now became much clearer, and the new inhabitants of Earth were “allowed” to see the sky, the Moon, the planets, the stars, and the galaxies; i.e.’s Hologram, as described in my new book, “Synthetic Super Intelligence…”

Moreover, after the new terraforming of the planet, the Moon was aligned due to an exact mathematic formula, making it the same size as the Sun (seen from our perspective) – thus we have the “eclipses,” where the Moon covers the Sun exactly. This is precision work.’s terraforming of the Earth affected both the planet and the new species, Homo Sapiens sapiens – the new, genetically manipulated human race, to whom we belong. 

Those living underground, whom this Peruan man talks about, are the humans who lived on the surface of the Earth before the Flood. Most of them were wiped out together with the rest of the fauna at that point.

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