Monday, June 13, 2016

Elijah Wood & Corey Feldman Speak Out Again About Hollywood Pedophilia

 Here we go again.  What the science tells us is that all sexuality is biologically driven.  The drive is quite capable of altering thought patterns to accept a wide range of sexual practices.  Some of those are downright scary even to the point of killing non consenting partners.  All that begs two questions:

How do we prevent the actual emergence of socially unacceptable sexuality, or at least non consenting sexuality  and then how do we cure the problem once established?  Society is discovering where the problems sort of hide out but has made slim progress on curing anything unless prison is deemed a cure.

I also suspect that enforced celibacy only leads to a powerful reinforcement of the various syndromes.. So prison is no solution at all.

Thus short of a scientific solution such as a potent safe drug that eliminates desire except as therapeutically mandated, we have to think in terms of creating a completely novel social mandate.

That means addressing the biology.  That is actually pretty simple.  While women may start fertility early on, it is not until actual commencement of intercourse that the full weight of desire kicks in, or so I have been told.  Thus postponement until other objectives like emotional maturity are met is actually a good plan.  That is why it is so easy for young women to take the pledge and put the topic aside.  The good news is that sexual obsession does not kick in for most women too quickly and this is confirmed by the lower levels of apparent deviancy.  Or so it appears.  All this really needs to be studied.

The problem with all this is that boys have a completely different problem with desire.  That also kicks in with puberty and makes itself known through unwonted erections leading naturally to self release and attention to possible partners.  This ideally needs to be captured and dealt with by sexually mature women on a continuing basis to ensure a correct sexual orientation for the young men.

Now none of this deals with the social system of marriage which can be put off for some time until the sorting of prospective partners is complete and emotional and even economic maturity is also complete.

Yet what has just been described could be codified and a whole system of unattached sexuality put in place to handle sexual maturation fully in support of  male female pairing.  Once that is complete transition to a married state may turn out to be a natural consequence and divergence to other obsessive behavior unlikely.

Otherwise we are running around tossing folks is jail because they cannot help themselves to no account.  Money and power will always find a way.  Mature thinking may plausibly resolve it all.


Elijah Wood & Corey Feldman Speak Out Again About Hollywood Pedophilia

As we’ve come to discover time and time again, many secrets hide behind Hollywood’s glamorous doors.

Actor Elijah Wood’s recent remarks on Monday about the realities of child star sexual abuse in the industry offer us yet another glimpse behind the curtain.

The interview, given to The Sunday Times to promote upcoming movie The Trust, took a dark turn when the topic of child stars and pedophilia arose.

“There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind. There is darkness in the underbelly,” he told the interviewer.

“What bums me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power,” Wood continued.

“That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people: They can be squashed, but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”
The interview prompted international attention and a slew of questions regarding Wood’s heavy words, which caused the actor to put out a statement clarifying his comments.
“Let me be clear: This subject of child abuse is an important one that should be discussed and properly investigated,” he said.

“But as I made absolutely clear to the writer, I have no firsthand experience or observation of the topic, so I cannot speak with any authority beyond articles I have read and films I have seen.”
Wood claimed he had based his comments on a documentary he had seen called An Open Secret,  focused on young men exposing sexual assault they had faced by older gentlemen in Hollywood.

While the statement may have cleared up questions regarding Wood’s personal experience with the matter, it only put the spotlight back on a troubling issue that continues to lurk beneath the surface in the industry, especially for vulnerable child actors who don’t immediately jump to stardom, but instead have many hands trying to “help” them climb up — some clearly through manipulation for personal gain.

Before Wood stirred up controversy on the subject, child actor Corey Feldman touched on it in 2011, claiming that it was “the No. 1 problem in Hollywood,” and calling it “the big secret.”

And while his comments went underreported, his statements proved powerful.

When asked in an interview about the loss of innocence in his childhood, the actor blamed the adults and pedophilia.

On a personal account, Feldman explained how he and fellow former child star Corey Haim were fed drugs and taken advantage of, and the trauma associated with this is what Feldman claims played a large role in Haim’s death.
“There’s one person to blame in the death of Corey Haim, and that person happens to be a Hollywood mogul, and that person needs to be exposed, but unfortunately I can’t be the one to do it.”
He also attributes this behavior to people who feel they are above the law because they are either very powerful, or connected to people with a lot of power.

There have even been some high-profile legal cases, including that of Martin Weiss, who managed young stars. He pleaded no contest to two counts of child molestation in 2012.

And Anne Henry, the co-founder of BizParentz, a resource for the parents of child actors, claimed that “probably every child actor has brushed shoulders with a pedophile in the industry.”

These matter-of-fact comments from various people in the industry make it seem as though everyone knows about this problem, but no one really wants to do anything about it.

Has it become, in some form, accepted? Why will no one come forward and call perpetrators to justice?

Feldman told The Hollywood Reporter that, while he “would love to name names,” he is legally unable to do so because of statute-of-limitation laws in California.

It’s a dark and twisted side of Hollywood not often represented, but one that clearly needs to be further addressed.

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