Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Folicle Calcification

This is an advertising pitch but it does make one excellent point.  Hair loss is a direct result of calcification of the hair follicle.  That is a biological effect that can be plausibly reversed somehow.  This also provides a linkage between baldness and heart disease.

A google search shows many others are now following this trail.  In the meantime, all this vindicates even scalp massages and other stimulation which can not possibly do enough but do help at least.  They are merely on the right track.

It will narrow down to a biological imbalance combined with something to do with hair care as well with the biology been the biggest factor.. 

This 5,000-year-old mineral grew all the hair back on my head

INSIDE: Find out why you only lose the hair on your head...
but never the rest of your body!

Plus: Why your scalp is literally turning to stone-and how to fix it FAST

Hi there, my name is James Davis...

And you're about to find out how examining the skulls of over a hundred BALD cadavers...
Led to a mind-bending discovery of the most potent hair regrowth secret in the last century.
And brought every single hair on my head back from the dead.
It works no matter if your hair is just starting to thin, or if you already have a shiny "cue ball" for a head...

Because the secret to this dirt-cheap and completely natural technique is NOTHING like the gimmicks you see on TV....
It's a brand-new method based on an article published over 60 years ago in The Journal of the American Medical Association...
Something that was totally BLACK BALLED by industry drug makers all these years...
But that helped me expose every leading theory on hair loss as BOGUS...

And beat the odds by RE-GROWING a thick mane of hair on my head without any expensive gels, pills or surgeries...
All in less than a month.

It has to do with the surprising discovery of a cement-like "crust" lurking beneath the scalp of every bald person...

Which smothers the hair follicles, causing them to die...
A rock-solid substance that is completely non-existent in people who've never lost their hair.
And inside this short letter, I'll show you EXACTLY how to strip away this hair-killing crust...
So you can permanently regrow your hair, starting TODAY.

Just imagine sprouting a jungle of sexy, confidence-boosting hair across your scalp, even if you've been bald for years...

Ditching all the embarrassment your hair loss has caused you... the hits to your self-esteem...
The feeling of powerlessness when you look in the mirror every day and wonder where the hell it all went...

And instead, taking control of your hairline FOREVER.
Now, if this all sounds a little too good to be true, I completely understand...
Because, just like you, I'd tried every so-called "solution" out there...
Vitamins, shampoos, pharmaceuticals, you name it...
NONE of which ever worked.

I was depressed and embarrassed, knowing I was doomed with a hairless head for life.
So, of course, when I stumbled across this incredible miracle, I was just as skeptical as you...
Until I was able to see EXACTLY how this method worked with my own two eyes...
And used the very same method I'm about to hand over to you...
To finally regrow my own hair after losing it when I was still in high school.
Don't believe me? Here's a "before" picture of me from years ago...
And now look at this photo from just last week - pretty handsome, right?
But it's not just me...

This new method has already worked for over 35,775 American men and women...
Like John Gray from West Palm Beach, Florida... here's his "before" and "after 2 months" picture...
This is Rebecca Adams from Reno, Nevada...and her "3 months" later picture...
I get emails and letters with before-and-after pictures just like this all the time, and I'll show you a few more in a second...
But first, I'm sure you're curious about who I am...
And exactly how I found myself cutting open corpses for this incredible discovery that EVERY man deserves to know.
So let's jump right in.

Like I said, my name is James Davis, I'm 56 years old, and I live outside downtown Chicago...
And for the last 30-plus years, I worked in a morgue at a police station as a medical examiner - County Coroner, to be exact.

You've probably seen one of those "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" shows where they bring a victim's body back to the station to perform an autopsy...
Well, as a medical examiner, I'm the guy who inspects the dead body, inside and out...
And we take lots of pictures of everything we do...

Which helps us find clues about how someone died... so our detectives can catch the bad guys.
And while most people immediately assume that my job is weird and gross - I absolutely LOVE it.
Probably the main reason I chose this line of work has to do with the fact that I went bald before I even graduated from high school...
Which is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
I mean, whether you're a man or a woman...
Losing your hair is about the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
And maybe for people like Bruce Willis or Demi Moore, rocking the "bald look" is great...
But for me, I was cursed with a lumpy, uneven head that looked like a deformed pumpkin...
So, naturally, I got teased ruthlessly every single day.
My school mates had a long roster of insults they hurled at me daily...
Names like Cue Ball, Old Man, Lex Luthor, Mr. Clean, Peanut Head.
So I'm sure you can imagine how miserable my entire high school experience was...
Especially since I couldn't even get a date for a single dance...
And I never had any friends, since no one wants to buddy up with the school's favorite whipping boy.
But it didn't stop after graduation...

I got teased all through college as well, and on the occasion that I worked up the courage to ask a girl out...
It always ended with them laughing in my face and giggling about it with their friends.
With all of that in mind, when it came to choosing my career...
I guess I just preferred to work with dead people who wouldn't insult or humiliate me.
Plus, I loved studying the human body and its anatomy...

And I was always very good at looking for clues, no matter how small they were.
But don't get me wrong...
Even though I may have gone bald when I was 15 years old...
I desperately searched my entire life to find a solution that would end my hairless nightmare...
And I literally tried every single thing out there...
Including some of those crazy alternative medicines that I'll talk about in just a moment.
When I first started to lose my hair, my mom would let me use her hair dryer to fluff out what remained of my quickly thinning fuzz...
But if you've ever been desperate enough to try to mask your hair loss like this...
Then you know it isn't really a solution or treatment at all...
It was more like a bad disguise, and it only gave my high school classmates more material for them to humiliate me with.
As I got older, I started trying out any and all of the so-called mainstream treatments for hair loss...
And if you struggle with hair loss, then you've probably tried some of these too.
I used products like Minoxidil, Rogaine, all of those ridiculous creams, gels and pills...
And every single one of them cost me almost a fortune because I had to keep buying them every single month...
But despite how much hard-earned cash I flushed down the drain...
None of them were even able to grow back ANY hair on my shiny chrome dome.
Of course, I'd done hours and hours of research on hair plugs and implants...
And I went as far as to go sit down with a surgeon and discuss the procedures, the cost, and the recovery...
Which I probably shouldn't have done...

Because after realizing it would cost thousands and thousands of dollars...
AND that they would have to slice off several inches of my scalp just to staple the "hair grafts" in...
There was NO WAY I wanted any part of that.
Plus, I'd seen some guys, and a few women too, with hair plugs...
And not only did it look incredibly painful...
But one guy in particular on the subway looked like he'd been burned with a bunch of cigarettes on his scalp...
With little pathetic tufts of hair growing out of each circular burn mark.
After seeing that, I swore that no matter how much my glimmering, hairless head tortured me...
I would NEVER let any of those barbaric doctors butcher my scalp like that.
My final option was a hair piece...
And of course I went all out on the one that I bought...
Making sure that I got the absolute best piece I could find...
That fit my head perfectly and looked as natural as possible.
Well, I went to a football game for my college alumni association that evening...
And I should have known that it was a HUGE mistake...
Because everyone immediately knew it was a fake and started laughing and booing me.
Some guy in the row behind me decided to rip it off my head and hold it up for everyone to see...
And, of course, my worst nightmare came true when I looked up and saw my bald head on the jumbotron screen above the field...
With the jerk behind me trying it on his own full head of hair just to spite...
As I tried to cover my face in total shame.
Well, needless to say, after that degrading experience, I never tried on another toupee again.
So, with all of my mainstream options gone, I had no choice but to try some alternative hair growth methods...
Including buying those insanely expensive supplements off a creepy Middle Eastern website...
That some "doctor" on the internet said would cure hair loss.
Well, after draining a couple hundreds of bucks out of my pocket and ingesting only god-knows-what inside those supplements...
I was left with the exact same amount of hair that I had before...
The only difference was that I had a weird rash all over my body for a couple days and the lingering sting I felt after getting scammed.
After all that effort, I was still left waking up every morning with a depressing ache in my heart that I would never have a normal head of hair...
That I'd have to stare at my ugly bald head every single morning in the mirror... forever.
Now, while that might sound silly and childish to you...
Imagine knowing that every room you walk into, everyone looks at you and immediately stares like there something's wrong with you...
Or never being able to get the hair style you've seen your favorite movie stars wear...
Or never feeling attractive to your spouse or the opposite sex...
All because you can't keep a respectable amount of hair on your head.
But, despite my discouragement...
In December 2012, after 30 years of working in the morgue...
I made a staggering discovery - completely by accident - that revealed the TRUE enemy lurking under the scalps of bald men...
And the result of that finding led me to the amazing hair loss solution that you're about to learn.
You see, over the years, I've seen hundreds and hundreds, probably thousands of bodies...
But, we don't just cut the head open of every victim that comes in...
It's only in cases where there was a head trauma...
Or when a head injury was suspected, since we obviously have to do a very in-depth analysis.
Well, I'll never forget the day...
It was December of 2012 when I came to work, and we just so happened to have a bald, male cadaver on our autopsy table...
And he was laying right next to another male cadaver with a full head of hair.
Now, both of these men were involved in a horrible traffic accident and were tragically killed...
But we needed to determine what specifically happened during the collision that caused them to die.
Well, both of them had deep cuts on their skulls, so that was the obvious place to start...
And I got to work examining the wounds.
After I removed their scalps, I compared both of the skulls and noticed something really weird...
There was a crusty clay-like layer covering the skull bones of the bald guy underneath his scalp...
While the guy with a full head of hair was totally missing this gritty "cement" layer.
To be totally honest, at the time I had no idea why these two healthy guys, who were roughly the same age...
Had such a huge, obvious difference in their bodies.
So I decided to get a closer look at their skulls...
And as I looked at a part of the bald guy's head under a microscope...
I noticed another huge difference: which was that the mineral layer on the bald guy's skull had totally cut off the supply of blood to the hair follicles on his scalp.
Now, this was a HUGE difference...
Because, just like every other part of your body...
If your hair follicles lose their supply of blood, then those hairs will die.
I remember looking up from the microscope that day and feeling like the whole sky had opened up...
Maybe this was the TRUE reason behind balding...
What if this mineral layer was completely strangling the hair follicles, causing them to die from lack of blood and nutrients?
And it got me thinking...
Why is it that we only lose our hair off the tops of our heads, but not anywhere else on our bodies? Not even our beards?
Was this mysterious cement-like mineral layer on our scalps causing ALL of the hair located there to die?
Well, I knew that I could be onto something big here, so I figured I had two things to do...
And if you or one of your loved ones suffers from hair loss...
You'll want to pay close attention to both of these steps...
Because these two things are almost certainly what is behind every single case of hair loss.
My first step was to figure out what in the hell that crusty layer was made of...
And second, I needed to go back through every single case I'd worked on where I removed the scalp...
Because I needed to see if this "cement layer" was just a fluke...
Or if every bald guy I worked on had this same sticky, gritty coating under his scalp that I just hadn't noticed before.
Well, the first step was easy...
I was able to send a sample of the crusty mineral layer to our laboratory to analyze it...
And the results came back that it was CALCIUM DEPOSITS.
Now, you've probably heard about calcium before, and how it's good for your teeth and bones...
So while calcium deposits might sound harmless enough...
I promise you that they can actually be very dangerous, and here's why:
See, calcium build-up anywhere in the body is referred to as "calcification"...
And it happens when calcium hardens in the soft tissues of the body, instead of flowing through the bloodstream or building up in our bones like it's supposed to.
Now, obviously having a "blockage" in your tissues is never a good thing.
But here's where it starts to get deadly...
Calcification is often an indicator of VERY serious diseases...
Including a condition called "atherosclerosis," which is when your arteries get clogged and often leads to a massive heart attack, stroke, and death.
So now that I knew that it was calcium I'd found underneath the scalp of the dead bald man I'd examined...
I needed to see if other bald corpses also had it.
To do that, I had to go back and search through our computer database...
And once I'd narrowed my search only to autopsies that required removing the scalp...
I could look through all the pictures I'd taken of the skulls to document my final reports.
And sure enough...
I saw the EXACT same pattern: the bald cadavers, and this applied to both male and female cadavers that I had worked on...
Every single bald cadaver had this calcium layer, while the ones with full heads of hair didn't.
I don't know why I hadn't notice this before!
And this was when my journey totally blasted off...
Because the next thing I did was jump online to see if anyone else ever noticed a similar pattern or had done any research on this...
And the first thing that popped up was a paper written in The Journal of the American Medical Association...
And it was from all the way back to 1942!
It turns out that a lab technician who was working on cadavers for the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois...
Had noticed the exact same calcification only on the skulls of bald men, after removing the brains of over 80 cadavers.
He had also written in the paper that the blood vessels leading to the hair follicles were completely strangled...
Because the skull bones had almost completely fused together due to calcification.
As I read this 60-year-old report, I remember feeling my heart start to race and my head spin because...
I quickly realized that I could have stumbled upon a long-forgotten cause of balding.
Not only that, but it also seemed like I had answered the question of why we only go bald on our scalps...
Because I knew from medical school and my many years of experience...
That of all the places your hair grows, your scalp is the ONLY place where there is very little movement of the skin, muscles and tendons underneath it...
Which is essential for your skin follicles to "breathe"...
And this lack of movement is what allows the calcium deposits to slowly build up over time...
Strangling your hair follicles and eventually starving them altogether.
Well, I didn't want to put the cart before the horse...
Because while it was exciting that I'd figured out WHAT causes balding for millions and millions of embarrassed men around the world...
I needed to know WHY my body was stashing all this calcium under my scalp and killing my hair in the first place.
Fortunately, because I've spent my entire life studying and dissecting the human body...
And have been constantly researching how we lose our hair...
I was actually able to answer this question pretty quickly.
Here's what I realized:
First, hair loss happens in 2 parts...
And the first part starts when your body takes testosterone - which is a male hormone which is also found in women...
And transforms that testosterone into a chemical called DHT.
DHT is totally toxic to your hair.
And it actually shrinks your hair and shortens its lifespan so that the follicles completely disappear.
Now, in order for your body to convert testosterone into DHT, it uses a different chemical called 5AR...
And, in fact, the hair loss industry is aware of this...
And a few so-called treatments out there feebly attempt to regrow your hair by eliminating DHT and 5AR.
But none of those work because they only address HALF of the problem...
I knew this for a fact, because what I'd also uncovered in my research on calcification on the bald cadavers was that...
DHT also causes the calcium deposits to slowly form underneath the scalps of balding men.
So not only does DHT basically "poison" your hair...
It's also responsible for squeezing the life out of each strand of hair, like a boa constrictor, by depositing a rock-solid layer of calcium under the scalp...
Which stops the flow of essential blood and nutrients to your hair follicles.
So, while most mainstream hair loss solutions only target DHT and 5AR...
They're really leaving the most important half of the job UNDONE...
Because they do absolutely NOTHING to eliminate the thick layer of mineral deposits that seal off your hair follicles like a mummy's tomb.
Well, now that I had the whole picture of why my hair could never grow...
I needed to figure out a way to quickly, naturally, and safely dissolve and remove that calcium layer...
So that my starving hair follicles could get a steady supply of blood and nutrients and finally start growing again.
This process of removing the calcium from underneath the scalp is what I like to call "Decalcification Phasing"...
And over the course of the next few months, I devoted ALL my spare time to finding a way to make it work.
I collected a comprehensive list of every vitamin, supplement, ingredient, nutrient, and food group...
All of which had been scientifically tested and proven to absorb excess calcium from your body.
And bought them all for under $50 at my local WalMart...
(Which is about the same cost as only ONE pack of Rogaine or Propecia).
My collection of calcium-removing elements included simple things like magnesium and vitamin D...
As well as several other powerful elements that would safely remove that calcium crust layer off the top of my skull.
But, like I mentioned earlier, this was only HALF of the hair loss equation...
Because while I was dissolving the constricting layer of mineral and calcium deposits in my scalp...
I also needed to block that "hair assassin" chemical we talked about earlier called DHT.
So, along with the Decalcification Phasing protocol,
I also began developing another formula of DHT blockers...
So that, once my hair follicles could gain access to more life-giving blood and nutrients, they would be immune to DHT's assault.
Plus, along with the Decalcification Phasing and the blocking of DHT...
I also gathered a few other incredible "booster" nutrients that act like Miracle Grow for your hair.
Things like lentils, whole grains, potatoes and eggs.
As well as a large variety of other delicious foods and nutrients...
And every single one provides your body with certain types of proteins that your scalp sucks up like a sponge and uses to build new hair.
Once I had my DHT blocker, the Decalcification Phasing and the "booster" ingredients...
The next phase of my protocol was to test it all out...
And since I didn't really have any friends, that meant it was up to me.
So I got to work testing my entire daily protocol...
And you're not going to BELIEVE the results I got until I show you a picture of it.
But here's how it worked:
I used a "cycling" method where I would consume a certain amount of the DHT blockers with one meal...
And then, with the next meal, I would cycle in the decalcification ingredients...
But then for a snack or my third meal of the day, I would include the "booster" ingredients.
This way, my body was constantly hammering away at the DHT "hair assassin" ...
While also stripping and dissolving the calcium layer starving my hair follicles...
And then boosting all of those nutrients with the hair "miracle growth" ingredients to make sure my follicles had enough raw material to create new hair.
As I started this daily protocol, I kept notes on EVERYTHING...
And if one of the ingredients or nutrients didn't seem to be that effective--I slashed it from my list.
I only wanted the BEST and most POWERFUL nutrients in my protocol...
Because I was sick and tired of being bald and I didn't want to waste any of my time with things that just "kinda worked".
After the first week went by, nothing really happened...
And while I was definitely discouraged, I hoped it was just my body re-starting its hair growth mechanisms that hadn't been used in almost 4 decades.
But then, on the morning of Day 20, I woke up and my ENTIRE life changed in an instant...
As I stepped in front of the mirror, I saw a slight shadow across the top of my head...
Something I hadn't seen since high school.
My heart almost burst through my chest when I looked up close...
And realized it was the start of young, tiny hairs just poking through my skin...
Even shorter than a "five o'clock shadow"...
But as I carefully ran my hand over my scalp...
I could feel the wonderful rough texture of new hair coming in.
I cannot BEGIN to describe the overwhelming joy I felt...
And I have to admit, I even did a victory dance in the middle of my bathroom... and cried like a baby.
Well, of course, after that I counted the days of being on my protocol like a kid waiting for Christmas...
And, by day 60, the hair growth was SO fast that I actually had to go get a haircut...
The first one I'd needed since I was 15 years old...
Not only that, but I grabbed a can of pomade and was able to style my hair just a little bit.
And from that point on, things in my life changed rapidly.
I mean, I had more confidence than I think I've ever had in my life...and I actually felt like I gained a few inches in height...
Plus, I was happier-as if the storm cloud following me my whole life was finally gone...
And a couple months later, I even got a date with a cute lady who worked at the local coffee shop I stopped in at every morning.
Man, I couldn't believe how much of a difference having all this new hair made on my whole outlook in life...
And I immediately started to think about how I could get this out there for more people to experience.
Well, at the police station, word started to spread that the old "cue ball" in the morgue had somehow brought his hair back from the dead...
And, of course, within a day, all of the balding officers stopped by my office to see it for themselves...
And to see if they could bribe me into giving them my secret.
A couple of women on the force and in the office who were horrified that their luscious womanly locks had begun to thin...
They were some of the most excited folks that stopped by my desk to find out how I did it.
Of course I was happy to help, and I emailed every single one of them my daily formula...
And then I anxiously waited to see what would happen.
It didn't take long... within 3 weeks, I started to get a flood of emails, phone calls and personal visits from the officers and secretaries...
They told me all about how easy the protocol was...
And how it had started working for them, too.
I even got personal stories about how this method totally changed their entire outlook on their careers, their personal lives with their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, and husbands...
How the single guys at the station were getting more dates than they had in decades...
And even how their buddies started treating them with more respect.
And while the men were obviously excited ...
The women in the station just couldn't stop raving about how they finally felt beautiful and "whole" again.
A few of them were actually brought to tears...
Because all this new confidence had completely changed their relationships with their spouses and boyfriends...
And they could finally wear their thick, youthful-looking hair down and not have to hide their thin, wispy hair under a hat...
Or feel like other women looked down on them and judged them when they saw their frail strands of hair.
At that point, I felt like I had all of the testing I could ever need...
But I wasn't done with this new daily regimen...
Not by a long shot.
Because my new life goal was to get this out to the entire WORLD.
So I packaged all the material into what I started calling the "Hair Rejuvenator Program"...
And now, I want to give it to YOU.
Since I can hardly wait for you to experience this miracle yourself, I'm going to go ahead and tell you everything you'll find inside...
First of all, you'll get unrestricted access to my highly optimized lists of nutrients, ingredients, vitamins and foods...
All of which have been proven, through scientific testing, to rapidly dissolve that tight, crusty layer of calcium deposits underneath your scalp - the one that's strangling your hair to death.
Total, you can expect these items to cost about $50...
Which is about the same amount as just one box of Rogaine...
But, unlike Rogaine, the Hair Rejuvenator Program will give you permanent, safe and powerful hair regrowth...
Instead of forcing you to get "hooked" on those hair creams you'd have to restock every month like a drug addict.
Second, you're also getting access to my DHT blocking formula...
Something that is completely unique to the Hair Rejuvenator Program and that you won't find anywhere else...
These are all ingredients and elements that I have personally used to quickly regrow the hair on my head in just 30 days...
And that over 35,775 other American men and women have also used to regrow their hair as well...
And I'll show you some more of their success pictures in just a moment.
Third, you're getting access to my complete, personal stash of "booster" ingredients that will take your hair growth results to the next level.
Adding these "miracle growth" items to your everyday routine is like dumping a can of gas on a fire... and watching it grow.
They each give your hair follicles everything needed to start sprouting a literal jungle of hair across your head.
But that's not all...
The Hair Rejuvenator Program lets you put this life-changing, hair invigorating protocol on total and complete autopilot.
Here's how it works:
Included in your copy of the program is a daily guidebook, calendar and complete schedule...
And it tells you how to quickly and easily add in the powerful and delicious hair-restoring ingredients to your daily meals...
Not only that, but you're also getting the complete recipe compilation for every single meal...
And believe me when I say that these recipes are designed to be so easy, that an untrained monkey could follow them.
To date, over 35,775 American men and women just like you have used the Hair Rejuvenator Program to get the full head of hair they've always wanted...
All in as little as 4 weeks.
Here are some of those "before" and "after" pictures I promised to show you...
Check out Raymond Fielding in Kentucky...
And here's Chris Norman in New York...
And this last one is from Joyce Roberts in Massachusetts...
But people don't just send me their pictures...
I also get a ton of emails and letters from my clients, like John Austin in Michigan who wrote me just last night to say this...
"Hey James, my experience with balding was pretty bad. I went bald in college and my fiancé left me for my best friend with a full head of hair. Like you, I tried everything. So when I heard about the Hair Rejuvenator Program, I thought it would be just another pipe dream. But boy am I glad that I grabbed my copy! I've regrown ALL of my hair in just a few short weeks. My wife can't stop running her fingers through my hair and she's constantly telling her friends about how much younger I look. It's incredible! I feel like I'm back in high school with all the confidence I've got. Thanks a million, James. You changed my life!"
So when you stop and think about everything you've just read...
It should be pretty obvious that there isn't anything else like the Hair Rejuvenator Program in the world...
And you can understand why I initially thought about charging $369 to get access to this incredible hair restoration miracle.
Imagine just 30 days from today, being able to look in the mirror and see a younger, more confident and vibrant person magically appear...
With real, permanent and completely natural hair that is all your own.
Imagine what it will feel like to see the faces of your spouse, your friends, your co-workers, and your kids...
When you walk in the room with a brand new head of hair, perfectly styled how you've always dreamed it would be.
What would it feel like to finally be able to wash your own hair with shampoo and run your fingers through it without fear of yanking out the final strands on your head...
And get that wave of confidence as you step into a room without worrying about the light glaring off your chrome dome...
Or if anyone else notices the last few scraggly threads of hair you've tried to "fluff up"...
Or what other people think when they see your shiny, bald, sweaty, scalp.
I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is a sensation you'll NEVER get at any other moment of your life.
I mean, until now, people who suffered from the shame of baldness only had a couple bad options...
First, you could become dependent on drugs like Rogaine or Propecia...
But the only thing those are good for is continually sucking hundreds of dollars out of your bank account each year...
Plus, if you stop using them, guess what? Any new hair that did actually grow falls out of your head again.
Not only that, but they can come with some devastating side effects...
Like hair growing out your forehead, getting nasty skin rashes, and sometimes even nausea.
But those ridiculous scams are nothing when you think about a hair transplant...
Which can cost up to $10,000 and forces you to let a surgeon slowly carve inches of your scalp off...
Peeling it back and stapling the new hair to your skull.
I'm not sure about you, but that sounds like a crazy torture experiment - not an advanced hair loss solution.
Your final option is to go out and get a wig or a hair piece...
But in this day and age, people, especially women, can spot those fake toupees from a mile away...
And do you REALLY want to run the risk of being exposed?
That's really not a solution as much as it is a Halloween costume.
So none of those options are real "solutions" when you compare them to the Hair Rejuvenator Program...
Which offers a safe, quick and PERMANENT solution to hair loss...
One that is scientifically proven to eliminate even the worst bald spots and restore your natural hair in just a few short weeks.
So, given all of that, you can probably see why I thought $369 was a fair price for this ultimate hair loss formula.
But here's the thing...
I'm not here to make a quick buck.
In fact, if I really wanted to, I could've probably taken this protocol to Rogaine, Propecia, or Minoxidil...
And sell it to them before retiring on a beach somewhere for the rest of my life.
But you've heard my story...
So you know that all of this is about helping as many people as I can get their confidence, their life, their personal self-worth, and their good looks back.
I know the sting of humiliation that comes with baldness...
And, like I've said before, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Not only does the Hair Rejuvenator Program completely regrow a permanent, safe, and natural forest of hair on your head...
But it will absolutely change the way you look at your life, your family, your job, and your friends.
There is simply NO WAY I could sleep at night if I suspected even for a second that I made it too expensive for people to get rid of their hideous bald spot...
All because my greed prevented them from accessing this program.
Which is why you're not going to pay $369 for the Hair Rejuvenator Program...
Or $269, or even $169...
Because my conscience just won't allow it.
Instead, but only if you act right now on this website...
You'll get immediate access to the entire Hair Rejuvenator Program...
The DHT blockers, the Decalcification Phasing ingredients, the incredible "booster" nutrients...
As well as the daily guidebook, comprehensive calendar, and the mouthwatering recipes...
For the small, one-time investment of just $69.
To get started, just click the big yellow button below right now.
Once you do that, you'll be taken to my secure checkout page where you can complete your order and enter your information.
After that, you'll instantly go to your "Member's Only" area...
Which is where you'll be able to access the Hair Rejuvenator Program in full detail.
You'll be able to view the guides, the lists, the calendar, and the daily schedule all from the comfort of your home computer...
Or, if you prefer to view the Hair Rejuvenator Program on your smartphone or tablet, you can do that easily.
You can also download and print out as many copies of the Hair Rejuvenator Program as you like.
When you stop and think about it...
The only thing standing between you and a permanent full head of healthy hair...
Is that big yellow button below.
But, even still, I know that there are some of you out there who need a little extra push...
So let me tell you about my platinum, 60-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.
Here's how it works...
All you have to do today is say "maybe" to the Hair Rejuvenator Program...
Click the big yellow button below, go through the secure check out process and grab your copy of the Hair Rejuvenator Program.
After that, you have a full 2 months - 60 days - to try out everything...
The lists, the recipes, the calendar and the daily guidebook.
And if you're not 100% satisfied with the Hair Rejuvenator Program...
Then all you have to do is shoot me an email to my PERSONAL address that I'll give you inside the 'Member's Only' area...
And I will instantly refund your entire investment without any questions asked.
This is a completely risk-free decision...
I'm taking all the burden right now and that is totally fine with me.
I've already re-grown the head of hair I've always wanted...
And I want to make sure that anyone who wants to do the same can get access to the Hair Rejuvenator Program with absolutely ZERO pressure.
So click that yellow button below and get started now...
But I DO have to warn you...
If you're ready to make this risk-free investment, you need to act RIGHT NOW...
Because the Hair Rejuvenator Program threatens to completely topple the multi-billion dollar hair loss industry.
And, every week, I get at least four threatening phone calls or emails from their lawyers...
While I've told them repeatedly that they have no case against me, or the Hair Rejuvenator Program for that matter...
All they do is just laugh in my face.
They've specifically told me that they have hundreds of millions of dollars set aside just to crush little guys like me...
And as much as I hate to admit it...
They're right.
Of course, I hope and pray that it never comes to that...
But if they ever do come after me, I'll have no choice but to shut down this website.
So if you click away right now and decide to come back next week and find that the website isn't here anymore...
There simply won't be anything that I can do for you.
But you don't need to take that chance...
Especially when you can have immediate access to the entire Hair Rejuvenator Program in a matter of seconds.
The choice is yours.
But my letter is just about over, so you'll need to go ahead and make that decision right now.
Your first option is to just click away...
Which is your right, of course, and I won't hold it against you if that's what you choose.
But if you do that, what will change?
What will you use to restore your lost hair and finally regain the confidence you've longed for?
Will you keep shelling out hundreds of dollars every 6 months on useless creams and foams that do NOTHING to address the real cause of your balding?
Or maybe you'll just accept that you'll be the "bald guy" forever...or learn to love the humiliating comb-over on your head?
Or, hey, maybe you'll just stock up on baseball caps?
You could choose to do those things, but why would you? When it's basically FREE to try out my method?
The decision seems pretty clear to me...
So just click the big yellow button below ...
Grab your instant, risk-free access to the Hair Rejuvenator eBook...
And in just 4 weeks you'll start to see the fuller, permanent head of hair you've always imagined.
You'll fill in that bald spot that has plagued you for too many years...
And finally reclaim the strength and confidence you've missed for far too long...
And you'll do it all naturally, without any side effects.
The decision is yours, but I think you know what the right choice is.
To Your Health,
... Still here?
That's fine, this letter covered so much information that it's only natural you have some questions.
Right now, let's take a quick moment to answer some typical questions asked by clients before they choose the Hair Rejuvenator Program...
1.) How does this method work?
It's simple, really. First, you must understand WHY people lose their hair, and then you can see exactly how this protocol works to reverse hair loss and instantly start growing it back.
Hair loss is kick-started by the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Though testosterone itself does not cause hair loss, it converts into DHT due to the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase - or 5AR.
DHT then causes calcium to build up in the scalp - called calcification - which in turn restricts the blood supply to the hair follicles. It's like the hair follicles are filled with cement and the live hair cannot grow through.
By de-calcifying your skull and using a few simple but potent techniques to increase blood circulation in the scalp, you can block DHT, strip away the calcification clogging your follicles and increase the supply of amino acids to hair follicles....
The combination of these "miracle growth" ingredients inside the Hair Rejuvenator Program triggers hair to stop falling out and, instead, start re-growing.
2.) Does this protocol work for everyone experiencing hair loss?
Yes! It works successfully and safely for everyone-regardless of whether your hair is just now starting to thin, or if you've already been bald for years (like I was).
In all types of hair loss, there is a cement-like "crust" lurking beneath your scalp, which smothers the hair follicles, causing them to die. It's a rock-solid substance that is completely non-existent in people who've never experienced hair loss.
The method inside this guide will allow ANYONE to naturally, safely and affordably STOP hair loss in its tracks and re-grow a full head of hair.
3.) What am I getting with the Hair Rejuvenator Program?
First of all, you'll get unrestricted access to my highly optimized lists of nutrients, ingredients, vitamins, and foods...
All of which have been shown through scientific testing to rapidly dissolve that tight, crusty layer of calcium deposits underneath your scalp - the one that's strangling your hair to death.
Second, you're also getting access to my DHT blocking formula...
These are all ingredient and elements that I personally used to quickly regrow the hair on my head in just 30 days... and that over 35,775 other American men and women have also used to regrow their hair as well.
Third, you'll get access to my complete, personal stash of "booster" ingredients... that will take your hair growth results to the next level.
But that's not all...
The Hair Rejuvenator Program lets you put this entire, life-changing, hair invigorating protocol on complete autopilot. Here's how it works:
Included in your copy of the program there is a daily guidebook, calendar, and complete schedule.
And it tells you how to quickly and easily add in the powerful and delicious hair-restoring ingredients to your daily meals...
Not only that, but you're also getting the complete recipe compilation for every single delicious meal!
4.) What happens after I click the "Add To Cart" button?
Once you click the button directly below, a secure checkout page will take your payment information. Then you've got instant access to every part of the Hair Rejuvenator Program. You can view, download, and print out anything you like-as many times as you need!
5.) Is there really a 100% Money-Back Guarantee?
Absolutely. Since the Hair Rejuvenator Program completely worked for me and countless others, I have ZERO doubt it will do the same for you. After such amazing success, it's my passion to get this hair growth protocol to everyone who's suffering from hair loss.
I knew that by making this program 100% risk free, you'd know you could trust my confidence in it. When you click "Add to Cart," you'll have 60 full days to love it as much as I do, or your money goes STRAIGHT back to you.
No questions... no hassles. Just email me and your investment is immediately refunded.
6.) I'm ready to buy! What do I do now?
Just click "Add to Cart" and INSTANTLY gain access to the eBook, along with your 60-day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. There is absolutely NO risk to you.

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