Monday, December 28, 2015

Archaeoastronomical Study of the Main Pyramids of Giza and Possible Correlations with the Stars

Someone has finally bit the bullet and has done a statistical analysis on the configuration of the Giza Pyramids.  They do clearly align with the Orion Belt to a sufficient degree of accuracy but not necessarily obsessively so either.  That merely means that they could have done using normal surveying methods. Not a bad plan at all and it is silly we should argue over the obvious.

However academic archaeology has consistently challenged the intellectual skills of the ancients even when their prowess was obvious, not least due to the inevitable ignorance of the majority of archaeologist when it comes to applied science, and elementary mathematical methods.

After all the victims cannot answer back.

 Archaeoastronomical Study of the Main Pyramids of Giza, Egypt: Possible Correlations with the Stars?
Since long time various qualitative speculations have been proposed about the link between the three major Giza pyramids and the stars. In particular, according to a popular and controversial hypothesis (the so-called Orion Correlation Theory), a perfect coincidence would exist between the mutual positions of the three stars of the Orion Belt and those of the main Giza pyramids. In the present paper, this apparent coincidence has been subjected to some statistical verifications, in order to assess the probability that the correlation between stars and pyramids, both in relative position and in luminosity/height, can be merely due to the case. These statistical analyses have been performed by means of Monte Carlo simulations and have been coupled with previous astronomical/astrophysical tests of the presumed correlation, finding that the coincidence does not seem to be fortuitous and that it is compatible with the naked-eye astrometry and photometry of the Orion Belt stars. On the contrary, unlike what stated by another popular and controversial theory (the so-called Cygnus-Giza Correlation), we have found no coincidence between the mutual positions of the three pyramids and those of the three stars of the short arm of the asterism of Northern Cross, in the Cygnus constellation.

6. Discussion and Conclusion

The results found in the previous sections can be summarized as follows: 

a) the relative positions of the three Giza pyramids coincide, within the uncertainties of the naked-eye astrometric measurements, with the relative positions of the three stars of the Orion Belt; 

b) the visual magnitude of the stars of the Belt is presently correlated with the height of the corresponding pyramids evaluated with respect to a common reference level (e.g. the base level of the Khufu pyramid); 

c) using a simple Monte Carlo simulation, the probability that the correspondence between the Giza pyramids and the Orion Belt is just due to the case, has been estimated to be very low (less than 0.02%).

Since the star evolution models suggest that the magnitudes of all the three objects of the Belt at the time of
the pyramids were substantially equal to the present ones, the above found correlation was still valid at that
epoch (Orofino, 2011).

In the light of the previous results, one can conclude that the OCT is compatible with what expected for the
stars of the Orion Belt on the basis of naked-eye astrometry and photometry, as well as of the stellar evolution theory. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the above cited correlation can be fortuitous. Therefore, there are no astronomical/ astrophysical and statistical arguments to reject the hypothesis that the main Giza pyramids will represent the monumental reproduction on the ground of the Orion Belt (Bauval & Gilbert, 1994; Bauval, 2006).

After this failure of our approach in falsifying the OCT, we have subjected to the same astronomical tests also another group of stars, searching for their presumed correlations with the Giza pyramids; in particular we have considered the three stars of the short arm of the Northern Cross, in the Cygnus constellation. In this case, however, unlike what stated by the Cygnus-Giza Correlation (Collins, 2006), we have found no correspondence between the above mentioned stars and the main pyramids of Giza, both in relative position and, specially, in brightness/dimension and therefore this hypothesis is not supported by our tests.

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