Saturday, May 9, 2015

Researchers from Russia have a 250 Million year old Microchip?

There is nothing I find less trustworthy than age estimates in geology.  This is made worse by a natural bias to go long.  anyway we do have the photographs and can make several statements.

First off, the inclusion must be ceramic typical of devices we ourselves have made in the not too distant past.  In fact this was obviously used to wind and thread copper wire.  Unless there is something here i do not know, there is scant evidence in the photo of a microchip but plenty of evidence of a pretransister radio component.  And i have not made it to the geology yet.

Then we have the rock itself.  It is a rock that has been tumbled rather thoroughly.  It is rounded such as we might expect in a stream bed or a tumbling machine.  The exposed artifact clearly made its presence known on the surface of the rock and a sharp blow with a geologists hammer separated material needed to reveal the artifact.  This is literally the first think you do with any odd piece of rock anyway but i do find that it was far too well chosen as i would if i knew what was there. 

After all that it is a conglomerate.  In fact it looks like beach conglomerate associated with a tidal wash.  I presume conditions allowed this conglomerate to calcify.  This can happen very quickly particularly if you are helping it along.  I even know a couple of tricks using electricity that just might do that.  Key though is to go slow enough to get the density up.

In short, faking this is no great trick at all.  If it is not faked, then mother nature could have done all this over the past fifty years even and otherwise through all geological time if we care.  Unless something very anomalous shows up about the rock we are going nowhere with this.  How much Russian and German hardware was blown up on the beach to produce this type of debris?


It looks like researchers from Russia have found a 250 million year old microchip

Researchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years. 

The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according to researchers, this ancient microchips dates back millions of years.

After countless tests, researchers have come to the conclusion that this antique piece was used as some sort of microchip in ancient times.

The problem is its age, according to tests, the artifact is believed to be between 225 and 250 million years old. 

Some researchers believe that the dating of the artifact is not entirely accurate given the fact that you cannot date rock, and the tests were based on traces of organic material found around the mystery “chip”.

The million dollar question is, who and what used a microchip that dates back 250 million years? Is there a possibility that this is in fact the remains of ancient technology? Technology that belonged to a highly advanced civilization that inhabited Earth millions of years ago?

Or is there a possibility that this artifact did not originate from Earth, but on another planet, belonging to an extraterrestrial species?

Better yet, what makes Russia so unique that numerous artifacts, like the one we see here, have been discovered over the years.

This “ancient microchip” was discovered in the Krasnodar region, and ufologists have already tagged this discovery as a fragment of technology previously unknown to science. 

Like many other discoveries, this remarkable artifact was found by chance by a local fisherman by the name of Viktor Morozov who donated his curious finding to scholars from the University of Southern Polytechnic Nowoczerkaskiej who performed several tests and concluded that embedded into the rock, is a strange “device” which strangely resembles modern-day microchips.

Researchers have not tried removing the alleged microchip from the rock in fear that the might damage it.

Geologists and researchers cannot explain the origin of this fantastic finding and there are numerous possibilities that explain what this object is. Extraterrestrial technology, evidence of sophisticated ancient societies, or just one of those strange rocks made by mother nature. 

Some researchers point out that this might actually be part of a stem plant, such as lillies, skeptics have already “debunked” this finding suggesting that it is noting worth the while, just like many other discoveries which couldn’t be explained, so the best guess was… “its nothing important”, however the origin of this artifact, and many others also discovered in Russia have not been explained. - See more at:

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