Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Herbs and Spices That Can Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar

Cinnamon seems the easiest to include in your daily protocol.  I like to blend a teaspoon of cocoa powder, a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a scant teaspoon of honey.  The Aztec added powdered red pepper but i have not had the nerve to try that yet.

My father drank fenugreek tea to help his angina and he thought it did some good.   I think that the leaves make a good addition for salads and other dishes.  All good.

Most of us who are into the last third of our normal lifespan have blood sugar issues that may well be below thresholds considered dangerous but still chewing away at our general well been. Herbal  stabilizers are our best friends and our taste buds often welcome things we never cared for.  that should be hint enough..

Herbs and Spices That Can Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar

By Susanna Deering, | February 8, 2015


By Susanna Deering on March 07, 2014

There are many approaches you can take when dealing with your diabetes treatment plan and how to stabilize blood sugar. A type I diabetic must be on insulin, a type II diabetic may be able to control or reverse their diabetes through diet and lifestyle changes. Both conditions can benefit from adding herbs or spices that can help stabilize or lower blood sugar levels.

Knowing your body is the key to successfully treating diabetes. When you are adding herbs that help lower blood sugar levels to your routine you need to be able to monitor your blood sugar levels more than usual. Just like food, emotions and physical activity can play with your blood sugar levels, herbs can as well.

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon slows down the rate your stomach empties after a meal, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Consuming cinnamon with meals helps lower the glycemic index (the rate your blood sugar levels increase with a particular food) of the meal you’re consuming. Research has shown that 1 gram of cinnamon per day resulted in an approximate 20 percent drop in blood sugar levels1.

2. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds have been proven to improve glycemic control and decrease insulin resistance in mild type 2 diabetic patients2. Including fenugreek seeds or their leaves is a great way to help with your diabetes treatment plan.

3. Bitter Melon

Bitter melon has been used for its hypoglycemic effect on blood sugar levels due to a compound called lectin, which has insulin-like activities when consumed. Bitter melon (as its name implies) is very bitter, so try soaking it with salt water for a few hours before cooking, or juice it with other vegetables or fruits to experience its blood sugar lowering effects.

Below is a cinnamon tincture recipe for how to stabilize blood sugar levels from Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs book. 

2-4 oz chopped cinnamon bark (sticks) & 80- proof alcohol (brandy, vodka or gin) 

Place cinnamon in a wide mouthed glass quart jar. Cover with 2-3 inches of alcohol. Let steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking daily. Strain through a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth. Discard the cinnamon then bottle the tincture. 

To use: Take ¼ to ½ tsp. two times a day for 5 days. Take 2 days off, then repeat the cycle. Continue for several weeks until blood sugar levels stabilize. 

Editor's Note: Remember, it’s always a good idea to talk with your natural healthcare provider before adding medicinal herbs to your care.

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