Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kingdom of Shu - An Atlantean Satelite?


This is important inasmuch as it coincides with the Atlantean Global civilization that impacted nascent culture everywhere to produce a palace based trade factory culture.  for whatever reason this region became the launch point of Chinese Civilization.

There is also a strong linkage to the Sumerian legend of long lived God kings.  All this is part and parcel of a global tradition of long lived rulers who acted as intermediaries with the heavens.  I do not know just now real that all is, yet the balance of probabilities keep shifting us into at least grudging consideration.

This has opened up a reformulated history that last from at least the Pleistocene Nonconformity through to the need of the Atlantean world in which the leadership had the benefit of centuries of life.   This ended with the Atlantean world and this suggests a last survivor who lived past that.

This also explains the general stability Sumerian culture and Egyptian culture at the time beyond mere military strength.

Kingdom of Shu and Cancong it’s God-King
MUFON’s Bob Spearing writes, “In Sichuan Province, China far from the Yellow River where Chinese culture was first thought to have developed, in a place called Sanxingdui, a remarkable culture, 3,000 to 5,000 years old, was discovered that turned Chinese history on its head several decades ago.
Thousands of artifacts radiocarbon dated to the 12th through 11th centuries BC were discovered in pits including intriguing bronze masks of beings with almond shaped eyes and large ears that are very un-Asian. In one case the mask’s eyes protrude so far out and are so alien looking that they are said to belong to the culture’s first God-Man-King known as Cancong who supposedly ruled for hundreds of years!!! According to the Chronicles of Huayang compiled in the Jin Dynasty (265–420 AD), Cancong was described as having protruding eyes. As obviously abhorrent looking as he was, he was beloved by his people.

This ancient kingdom was known as Shu. Pictographs of Shu are represented by a stylized eye over an insect. Cancong was believed to have brought silkworm farming and silk production to his people. Thus the protruding eyed God and his insect technology were the defining symbols of his culture. He is often depicted as wearing green robes – the color of the silkworm. 
Some of the masks of Cancong were enormous being over two feet by three feet and surely belonged covering the face of a God! Cancong reigned for several hundred years during the Xia (17th-15th cent. BC), Shang (17th-11th cent. BC) and early Zhou (11th cent.-221 BC) periods.


King Congong

A sprawling city for its time to rival Yellow River Dynasties, Sanxingdui was abandoned suddenly around 1,000 BC. No one knows where they came from although some legends say they came from another place or world. As mysteriously as they came, they went.

[ Again 1157 BC was the year of the total Atlantean Collapse and the outright end of the global trade factory system.  arclein ].
Now who was Cancong who lived for several hundred years and who may have been much larger than mortal humans? What about his eyes? As you can see from the photo no human ever had eyes like Cancong. Are they indeed eyes or are they light rays emanating from his eyes! Or are they some sort of lenses? The pictograph rendering of the stylized eye can be interpreted as “vertical eyed man.”

Did light emanate from his eyes? Did he wear special lenses to see properly in our light spectrum? Or did he indeed have eyes that protruded out several inches from his skull in some alien fashion? Was Cancong even a human being? Could he have been at least partly an android? Certainly a robot could survive hundreds of years unlike a human being. No one has ever found Cancong’s tomb. And Cancong brought an advanced technology to the kingdom that insured their survival. Adding to the intrigue are several totems and statues of birds that are also very un-Asian.

In one case, a representation of a bird with little to no correspondence to known Chinese Art bears an uncanny resemblance to a Thunderbird of Pacific Northwest Native American Cultures. See the photo of the side by side comparison of the wooden Thunderbird representation and the Sanxingdui bronze statue. The museum at Sanxingdui identified the bird in their totems as an Osprey which is an ocean-going bird. How does a land-locked central Asian culture come to have the symbol of the Osprey in their art even though the ocean was a thousand miles away? Was it a bird at all or some sort of aerial vehicle capable of long distance flight?
And what of the mysterious Thunderbirds? UFOlogists have theorized that perhaps they weren’t even live animals but air-going ships made of metal as some tales suggest. Other legends portray them as shape shifters capable of turning into humans – aliens perhaps? Lightning generated from a thunderbird’s eyes (a weapon?) and thunder clapped when it flapped its wings (an engine?).

BronzeGold 3000 Year Old Statue Sanxingdui

Finally a word about Shu’s other legendary kings! According to Chronicles of Huayang, King Yufu symbolized the Cormorant – another ocean bird like the Osprey. King Duyu taught the people agriculture and transformed into a Cuckoo after his death – yet another bird reference. When King Bieling died in Chu Province far from Shu his body floated upriver to Shu and came back to life – not hard for an android to do. Bob Spearing of

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