Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mu with Brian Forester

Brien is now tackling the problem of Mu.  In this item he makes us aware that Hawaii formed a large archipelago as recently as even ten thousand years ago and possibly much later as well.  I do not really need it to found Mu but it was also certainly inhabited into recent epochs.

As we have posted extensively the Atlantean world wide culture was an antique trade empire that initially peaked around 4500 years ago that included at least one thousand years of local prehistory.  Thus all these traditions were shared and strengthened then.  That is important because thereafter we see instead a rise of land based polities in which the problems of local and extended governance dominates without the benefit of a fleet showing up to imposes a common will.

The Atlantean world collapsed around 1159 BC.  I suspect that we had a major Atlantic subsidence of huge land masses representing the final adjustment brought about by the Pleistocene Nonconformity around 12,900 BP and the Hudson Bay Rebound  brought about by the Ice Age melt out  and rising sea levels.  This was a huge global disturbance.

It does not affect Mu.  That likely represents a memory of the flooding or the South China Sea at least.  such a land based culture could well have impacted India and the Hawaiian Archipelago.  All that loss can be explained by the sea rising from 12900BP through 7000BP at least.

Lost Pacific Continent Of Mu Or Lemuria:

What Is The Evidence?

29 August, 2014

By: Brien Foerster - - Although not as famous as its counterpart in the Atlantic Ocean, as in “Atlantis” much has been written and speculated about a continent in the Pacific that usually goes by the name Lemuria or Mu, which supposedly sunk below the waves several thousand years ago.

Probably the most famous and prolific writer on the subject was James Churchward, who penned several books on the subject.

The first writer to discuss the topic of Mu or Lemuria was Augustus LePlongeon in the late 1800s. He claimed that the Mayans had originated from a lost civilization, Mu, which was on par with Atlantis, and which had been destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

Unfortunately, when the Mayan language was deciphered several decades later, it was learned that LePlongeon’s interpretation was completely erroneous.

In India, Churchward befriended a priest who taught him to read an ancient dead language.

Allegedly, the priest and two others were the only people in the world able to read it.

The language was written down on numerous tablets, which the priest allowed Churchward to see and read. Churchward’s discovery became famous when a major article on it appeared on November 10, 1924 in the “New York American” newspaper.

In it, the central framework of his claims about Mu was put forward. Read more about Churchward here.

Geologists find it hard to imagine that there was dry land here, as the area is crossed by the so called Andesite Line, making it geologically unlikely there was a landmass. What is lacking from Churchward’s account is any verifiable information.

His story truly hinges on whether or not he was in fact acquainted with an Indian priest and saw numerous rare tablets.

Also, his claims that the sinking of Mu was the result of massive gas pockets under the continent exploding is scoffed at by geologists.

However, there may be some validity to the presence of a large land mass in the distant past which was in the Pacific. The end of the last ice age we know now was a very rapid event, and 12,000 years ago the world’s oceans were 350 lower than they are today, thus, low lying land from that time would now be submerged. My candidate for Mu is in fact Hawaii, which I briefly explain below…

As you can see in the schematic above, 12,000 years ago the islands of Maui, Molokai, Lana’i and Kaho’olawe would have been one land mass, with the Big Island of Hawaii, Oahu and Kau’ai being close by.

This would have been regarded as a mini continent at least. Also, in Hawaiian oral tradition they speak of a race of people living on these islands long before the Tahitians, who arrived in the 12th century AD and became what we now call the Hawaiians. These first people were called Mu, as was the land on which they lived.

Written by Brien Foerster - Contributor

About the author:

Brien Foerster - is the author of 15 books, 9 appearances on Ancient Aliens, numerous radio interviews. He resides in Peru with his wife. Visit his blog -Hidden Inca Tours - Exploring Ancient Peru and Beyond where you can follow his fascinating research projects and take part in the most wonderful tours of the ancient world.

Also, don't forget to watch some of his fascinating videos.

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1 comment:

  1. please read thiaoouba Prophecy then u know the true nature of Mu
