Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mound Giants With Dale Drinnon



 I must thank Dale Drinnon for piecing together this extensive report.  We have covered a lot of this ground to recognizing and establishing their integral presence during the Atlantean or European Bronze Age.   The sheer extent of the evidence here is well beyond what i had seen and located to date. 


Of course Academe continues to utterly ignore the whole Atlantean Bronze Age economy that clearly relied on shipping and established a serious presence world wide and likely inspired the whole global bronze age expansion itself including the whole global pyramid culture. 


Long items such as this must only make studied academic ignorance more and more untenable. 


I presently am satisfied that an extensive antique cultural trade imperium based on the mining and distribution of quality copper from Lake Superior in particular operated globally from at least 2500 BC through 1159BC  which was twenty years after the fall of Troy in a Baltic sideshow.  These are all dates that we actually know.  This lasted over a thousand years after they build the main pyramids which was only possible because of the special copper from Lake Superior itself.


And yes the genes are still out there.



The Mound Giants 

Monday, July 14, 2014


I have a Facebook Friend named Kay Hearle who does marvelous artwork reconstructing the life appearance of the giant skeletons that are found in Mound burials. Typically these burials belong to the Adena culture out of the several cultures which are all called Mound Builders less accurately.

I have hypothesized that the giant population comes from the same old European population that still resurfaces from time to time. In ancient times they were typically warriors, guards and gladiators. In more modern times, people of this size and body type can be found as professional fighters and wrestlers.
Including famously Andre the Giant

There are a couple of distinctive genetic strains that are behind this and they have distinctive types of skulls. The basic population was identified by Carleton Coon as deriving from a very old mixture of CroMagnon and Neanderthal remnants at the end of the Ice Age, and he called the modern ones "Upper Paleolithic Survivals"
This large-bodied type and the distiunctively roundheaded, distinctively very tall Dinaric types from Europe seem to have fed into what became the Beaker Folk in Europe (Associated with Stonehenge and other such sites) and the Adenas in North America (Below is a reconstruction of an Adena man, typically 7 feet tall or more according to the older reference books)


The European populations were famously associated with mining and trading copper in Europe (and later trading in tin and bronze). In North America there is a parallel in the Old Copper Culture. in both areas there was a peculiar form of hafting made by curling the base into open sockets: by the bronze age in Europe regular complete sockets became common.

The descendants of the Adenas were said to be very tall and very strong people that bore more than a passing resemblance to white Europeans. They also had a fondness for tattooing themselves, in patterns reminiscent of Old World tattoo patterns.

An Adena skull below, he has a wolf jaw and probably was buried wearing a wolfskin overe his head. In Europe the special set of warriors known to wear woldf and bear skins to invoke greater ferocity in battle were known as Berserks (Berserkers)


The giant warrior cult was Trans-Atlantic and miraculous though it may sound, the giant warriors themselves were a valuable commodity to be traded over long distances. They started showing up in all the wealthier markets including in Mexico, Peru, Egypt and Phoenicia. And any army that included them could pretty much expect to go unchallenged.

A Giant Skeleton. Typically they were buried bundled up into minor megalithic monuments called Cists but hollowed out log coffins were also very commonly used when there was sufficient available timber around. Log Coffins seem to have been introduced by the builders of large ships.

Bronze age trade brought conspicuous consumption of luxury goods to a clearly affluent aristocracy. In order to keep well supplied, raw resources from a very large area had to be regularly exploited and then shipped over a large area. (At the same time some of the poorer European hunters and farmers were still making do with plainer and cheaper wood, stone and antler tools)
For most of the later Bronze Agge in the Mediterranean, the tin for bronze came from Britain. And American copper was regularly shipped in to Europe, we know that because the chemical composition was different  (European copper was typically "Dirtier" with more impurities in it)

And some of the weapons during the Bronze age must have required giant-sized handlers.

(Giant-sized Two Headed axes from a Greek museum exhibit)

The Adena ground stone and pottery industries were much like the European ones in the early Megalthic age. The use of the ground stone axheads (celts) and cord-marked or incised pottery is especially notable. Trade in nephrite jade is also notable in Europe at this time.

   European "Beaker" Pottery

Some of the Adena Weapons were strikingly outsized and much to heavy for men of normal strength to wield them. Below a stone warhammer head. I have a similar one at home myself.

Very large outsized bronze age weapons: the Biblical Goliath was probably armed with a spearhead like this

  American conical or round Adena ound above and European counterpart below.

Roundhouses and round or conical mounds of similar design were built on both sides of the Atlantic by these peoples

The appearance of the gigantic European warriors was also similar to the American ones, and the European Giant warriors were commonly tattooed and wore war paint.

These depictions are meant to show the Picts of Scotland and Britain

The Adena are marked by the use of especially large stone spearheads at their time.
Some of the same outsized spearheads also show up in the adjacent Woodlands cultural area


The Mound Giant Warriors became the stuff of legend and the stories kept getting more and more exaggerated. But the legend never did die. People still recall the giants of old to this day.
Below, Legendary Giant in artwork to the Left and a Giant Skeleton to the Right. From a creationist site which collects and archives reports on Giant skeletons.

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