Friday, May 30, 2014

Valery P. Burdakoy and Phobos

Here again we have direct reference to Russia’s extraordinary interest in Phobos.  They have never promoted this but they certainly spelled it out as in fact I have.  Just as last year their mission crashed and burned, so too had the effort made in 1989.  This represents an unusual level of single mindedness that is surprising.

Recall that it appears from mass calculations made by the Russians in 1959, that Phobos is hollow.  This makes it a powerful candidate for a human or otherwise manufactured Space Station.  It would have a spinning onion shelled craft inside which naturally produces g force artificial gravity on a myriad of working surfaces.   The shell would remain thick enough to protect from space radiation.  It may well have served as mankind’s refugia when the Pleistocene nonconformity was deliberately induced almost 13,000 years ago.

I should observe that its manufacture would entail mass acceleration to hollow out the craft and that would allow it to be moved for the asteroid belt down to Mars orbit.

Obviously it must still be operating and it is a pretty good bet that planetary facilities exist as well.  However as posted before, they all are likely underground for the same protective reason.

Russian Scientist Dies

Paul Stonehill writes, “Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences Valery Pavlovich Burdakov who passed away on April 22, 2014, was a, a distinguished Russian scientist, and co-author of an immensely popular book Rockets of the Future.” He knew many of those who had created Soviet ballistic missiles and the nation’s space exploration program. For thirty two years, Valery P. Burdakov had worked in Korolyov’s design bureau who led the development of several generations of Soviet ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, military and communications satellites, interplanetary probes and manned spacecraft in the USSR.

Valery P. Burdakov was author of more than 400 works in engineering sciences and patents. In the course of his career he had often communicated with cosmonauts and knew of their UFO sightings. Professor Burdakov studied UFOs for sixty years and felt 3% are real messages from extraterrestrial civilizations and we should listen to such messages.

In October of 1996, Professor Burdakov published his memoirs in Anomaliya Magazine and revealed Stalin’s interest in Ufology. According to Burdakov, Sergey Korolyov was summoned, and informed that it was by Comrade Stalin's request to come to the Kremlin where he was provided with two female translators to assist him; was given a stack of foreign newspapers, books, and three days to evaluate the 1947 UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico. In the stack of papers, Korolyov saw many published materials, testimonies and USSR sightings reports. After a few days he was again summoned before the dictator.

Korolyov's told Stalin that UFOs were not weapons of some potential adversary, and did not pose a serious threat to the country. However, the phenomenon itself does exist, added Korolyov. Stalin said that other experts were of similar opinion.

The second information had to do with the failure of the Phobos 1989 mission. Valery Burdakov made direct inquiries about the loss of Phobos 2 probe, and discussed the matter with the original designers of the project. Professor Burdakov questioned the series of strange events that led to the destruction of Phobos 2. The Professor came up with a hypothesis: if Mars is inhabited, the intelligent beings who exist there would not like the idea of a device placed on the surface of their moonlet for purposes of constant observation. Consequently, in his opinion, they did something about it. Burdakov's views were expressed in 1992 in a Russian magazine Quant. Valery P. Burdakov was a full member and Presidium member of the A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of engineering. His influence, research and knowledge have made him part of the history of Soviet and Russian Ufology. Thanks to Paul Stonehill

1 comment:

  1. Our moon also might be quite hollow.

    On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned their lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics: the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. - Read more at:
