Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Original Garden of Eden Identified

We return here to the ongoing efforts spearheaded by Michael  Tellfinger of South Africa.  

We posted a long time past of his researches on the unusual stone rings found throughout the veldt of Southern Africa including north through Zimbabwe through what is the world’s greatest gold country.

At the time, I dismissed his efforts to tie these odd rings to the Sitzen chronology that can be outlined as follows:

1                    Mankind created by Alien race around 200,000 BP in order to take over the onerous effort mining this gold.
2                    This worked well enough for at least 150,000 years.  During this period, mankind lived in what came to be called the Garden of Eden. Time period my input.
3                    Then it somehow fell apart and we slide down to the more recognizable time eras of the last 10,000 years.

The only evidence on the table was the stone rings, and the extensive evidence of associated artisanal gold mining.

Yet the gold could be explained handily by the rise of the Atlantean global economy that operated mines worldwide for 1000 to 2000 years.  Thus I had a clear market and system for acquiring this gold without going back further than 5000 bp.

What it clearly failed to do was explain properly the odd stone rings as well as other odd structures.  Yet that appeared to be simply a failure of our own imaginations.

I recently sat through a recent you tube presentation and much has changed.

1                    all the stones are the exact same type of rock.  This rock is a quartzite.  Far more important is that it is carries acoustical energy as well as other forms of energy including electro-magnetic energy.  They are too hard to shape and are all broken pieces suggesting a significant effort to break to usable size for carrying.
2                    Associated magnetic fields have also been discovered on testing.  Other similar effects have also been noted.  These rings are not passive components to what is here.
3                    The number of rings structures is unbelievably huge and is in the millions.
4                    The rings themselves are clearly unique individually suggesting a personal signature.  The opposite is expected.
5                    Most astonishingly, the surrounds disclose extensive terracing.
6                    The rocks sport patinas consistent with aging conforming to the 200,000 year history.
7                    As well a site known as Adams Stone, shows deliberate alignments to stars, but also the existence of a significant crustal shift about the amount I would expected at this point.  I expect this can be used to confirm the 12900 BP event date as a comparable.  This was an extra tossed in that came as a bonus.  I have been investigating the Pleistocene Nonconformity for some time and it is becoming an excellent test of validity.

The indicated amount of terraced land informs us that we are dealing with an active population base in the tens of millions all operating individual gardens.  This is huge and it throws out the Atlantean solution as a sufficient solution.  The population and the implied agriculture, presently nonexistent as well, needed many millennia to transform the landscape as it has.

The case for the 200,000 year history just became plausible.

Now we come to the real breakthrough.  We are looking at the scant remains of the Garden of Eden.  These stones were typically part of artificial pools placed throughout the gardens to manage water supply.  They were important for additional reasons which may turn out to be extremely important.  It appears that the actual provenance was the creation of sacred pools throughout the Garden of Eden.  I will get to that in a second.

Here however is the two hour you tube video.  The last hour is not critical to our conjectures.

Now let us return to these sacred pools.  They were formed and shaped much as we would using cement and strengtheners.  The latter could be a variety of product and certainly does not have to be our choices.  Again it is only necessary to hold up against minor ground movement and cracking.

Now recall that we no longer are bound by primitive technology.  Assume access to the Eden machine ( google this blog ).  This device, which we are a five to ten year development drive away from having is an inexpensive device that draws moisture out of the atmosphere for immediate delivery to adjacent trees in particular and into nearby ponds both directly and indirectly.  Thus it becomes possible to fully vegetate most arid environments.

In that case it is appropriate to shape the land with garden terraces as moisture is freely available on demand.  This would have produced the most productive land possible.

At the same time, it was plausible and easy to use these structures to produce natural stone rings inside the cement with these special stones.  They could well have been tuned as well to optimize their effect.  The resultant ring structure naturally anchors a torus of EM fields as well as plausible sonic and other unrecognized fields.  These ponds would allow an exceptional spiritual response as well, likely supercharging an individual’s capability.

Thus this massive population could have provided labor for mining, while growing ample food as well.  Their solace would come from meditating besides or inside these pools.  That appears a more than fair exchange.

This is a pretty powerful vision of our own human future as well and an indicator to directions. 

Quite simply, if Michael is correct regarding the extent and numbers of these ponds, then millions did live in an artificial garden and this was surely the Garden of Eden.

Adam’s Calendar

A 75,000 year-old stone calendar - In the cradle of humankind.

A new discovery of an ancient circular monolithic stone calendar site in Mpumalanga has proven to be at least 75,000 years old, pre-dating any other structure found to date. Southern Africa holds some of the deepest mysteries in all of human history. What we are told is that at around 60,000 years ago the early humans migrated from Africa and populated the rest of the world.

Who were these first humans? What did they do? And where did they disappear to?

It estimated that there are well over 1,000,000 (one million) ancient stone ruins scattered throughout the mountains of southern Africa. Various tools and artefacts that have been recovered from these ruins show a long and extended period of settlement that spans well over 200,000 years.

Many of these artefacts that include, coins, carvings, swords, symbols, head rests, bowls, statues and more, show that virtually every ancient culture was present here in southern Africa at some point in history. This includes the Sumerians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Dogon, Dravidians, and even the Incas. The most spectacular examples of these ancient ruins lie between Machadodorp and Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga. Modern historians have been speculating about the origins of these ruins, often calling them ‘cattle kraal of little historic importance’.

The truth of the matter is that closer scientific inspection shows that we actually know very little about these spectacular ancient ruins. While many have been adapted by more recent arrivals or inhabitants over the past 500 years, the original “stone circles” have no doors or entrances while most are connected by an expansive network of mysterious channels that are often misinterpreted as “roads” by some historians. Furthermore, this massive connected grid of circular ruins are immersed in a seemingly never-ending expanse of ancient agricultural terraces that surround the structures and seem to be an extension of the ruins. It is a great tragedy that countless ruins have been destroyed by human development and industry through sheer ignorance but some farmers and forestry companies have started to protect a small number of these ruin as they recognise their importance in human history.

Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among these ruins. This spectacular ancient site is aligned with the N,S,E,W cardinal points of planet Earth, solstices and equinoxes. It is still accurate as a calendar by following the shadow of the setting sun, which is cast by the taller central monolith onto the flat calendar stone beside it. It has been dated with relative certainty to at least 75,000 years of age based on a number of scientific evaluations.

The calendar was re-discovered by Johan Heine in 2003 and named by Michael Tellinger as Adam’s Calendar because it is possibly the oldest structure on Earth that is linked to human origins. It has however been known by African elders, indigenous knowledge keepers and Shaman as “The Birthplace of The Sun”, or “Inzalo y’Langa” where humanity was created by the gods.

From a geological perspective, Adam’s Calendar presents us with undeniable geophysical evidence that our planet has undergone a crustal shift, or crustal displacement at some turbulent time in our past. This is when the north-south axis of the planet actually moves to a different position. This was proposed in the work of Charles Hapgood in the 1950s, which was strongly supported by Albert Einstein, suggesting that the Earth’s crust shifts from time to time, moving the polar axis of the planet with it.

Adam’s Calendar also presents the first tangible evidence of consciousness among the earliest humans in the ‘Cradle of Humankind’ while some of the tools suggest that they had a much better understanding of the laws of nature than we have today. The site is built along the same longitudinal line as Great Zimbabwe and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, suggesting a connection between those ancient civilisation and the builders of all three of these sites.

The stone ruins of southern Africa present us with a very exciting missing piece of the puzzle regarding the murky origins of humankind and possibly point us in the right direction to discover the true cradle of humankind.

Michael Tellinger 
13 January 2013
Adam’s Calendar: This is possibly the only example of a functional, mostly in-tact monolithic stone calendar in the world. The founder of Adam’s Calendar, Johan Heine, observes as the shadow of the setting sun on the summer solstice 21 Dec. As the sun sets the shadow slides off the edge – only to resume its path back to the opposite edge where it stops on the winter solstice, 21 June.

First Civilisation on Earth Discovered in Southern Africa

Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. The persistent research by South Africans Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, over an extend seven-year period, has resulted in astonishing new archaeological and scientific discoveries. It shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.

These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilisation which they now call the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the ancestors of all humans today with an advanced knowledge of energy fields through planet Earth.

They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. Tellinger presents this groundbreaking new evidence in which is released in his latest book Temples Of The African Gods. It graphically exposes these discoveries and will undoubtedly be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history. The new release is a continuation of Tellinger’s previous books Slave Species of god and Adam’s Calendar which have become favourites with readers in over 20 countries.

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