Thursday, January 16, 2014

Invention Changes Biking Forever

Our global culture has a long way to go in order to make the bicycle the go to device for everyday travel and it may never quite make it.  Yet assuming the natural evolution from our present hyper urban configuration to what is better understood as the urban farm hyper village protocol which I see as our natural future then the bicycle becomes the best local choice.

Thus providing grade assistance is valuable for all users.  This technology appears to do just that without adding serious energy costs.

This is also likely to become industry standard very quickly.  The majority of the market, as yet untapped needs just this convenience.  Most of us know how to manage our physical output to minimize actual overheating and sweating.  This is impossible without an assist on grades.  For that reason an urban commute often requires a change room and even shower at the end and that is mostly impractical.

This will change that part of the equation.

See The Invention That Just Changed Biking Forever

    What is the solution to a greener, more physically-fit planet?  Biking!  Even though forward-thinking cities already use bikes for their transportation, the US has been lagging behind.  Even though biking is fun and practical, there are some drawbacks that may keep people from taking it up.  The most common reason why people don’t bike is the amount of energy needed to do it.

Meet the invention that’s going to change all of that.  Developed by researchers at MIT, this device snaps onto your bike and helps you conserve energy.  And it does it in an ingenuous, remarkable way.

It’s called the Copenhagen Wheel, and it stores the energy that you already use, and saves it for when you need it most.  Hills become flat, and you no longer have to expel loads of energy to get around.  Curious?  Watch the video for more information.  It’s a device so simple, you’ll be amazed at what it accomplishes.  It just might change the cycling world (and our planet) forever.

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