Friday, October 4, 2013

Raw Garlic Halves Lung Cancer Risk

This is a noteworthy and seriously strong empirical result.   Lung cancer is unforgiving.   Thus if you must smoke, put raw garlic into your diet.  There are a number of ways to dance around the pungent odor but if you can live with it there is my favorite method to be used only when you will not be involved in social contact for many hours.

Rub a raw clove into a crisp slice of toast, both sides if you are particularly brave, butter and eat.  It will consume most of a crisp clove.

Otherwise, fine chop and merely swallow with a carrier to retain the volatiles.  Salad dressing comes to mind.

Raw Garlic Consumption Cut Lung Cancer Risk Half

 SEPTEMBER 17, 2013

A new study out of China has remarkable findings in regards to lung cancer prevention. Lung cancer was responsible for the deaths of 158,081 people in the U.S. in 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention, above treatment, is crucial as more people die from this type of cancer in the U.S. than any other type. The latest research indicates something as simple and readily available as garlic could play a big role in reducing our risk for developing the deadly disease.

According to the study published in Cancer Prevention Research, people who consume raw garlic as a regular part of their diet were 44% less likely to suffer from lung cancer.

The research relied on data from 1,424 lung cancer patients and 4,500 healthy adults. Researchers with the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control surveyed the participants on their diet and lifestyle habits, including garlic consumption and whether or not they were smokers—a known-contributor to lung cancer risk.

While raw garlic consumption at least twice weekly was associated with a whopping 44% reduced risk of lung cancer, that wasn’t even the most remarkable news from their study: Even among those who smoked, the garlic consumption reduced lung cancer risk by 30%.

The study authors wrote:

“In conclusion, protective association between intake of raw garlic and lung cancer has been observed with a dose–response pattern, suggesting that garlic may potentially serve as a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer. Effective components in garlic in lung cancer chemoprevention warrant further in-depth investigation.”

It’s believed the component known as allicin is related to garlic’s anti-cancer benefits. According to the Daily Mail, allicin calms inflammation in the body while acting as an antioxidant and reduces damage to the cells by free-radicals. Not surprisingly, this active compound is just one notable reason for garlic’s many health benefits.

While raw garlic may not sound appetizing to many, it can be sliced thinly and added to various salads and dishes without an overpowering flavor. You can also use raw garlic in dishes you would normally add cooked garlic, simply adding the garlic right before serving.

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