Tuesday, August 6, 2013

William Tiller and Intention Host Research

I am sharing just this item here first because this effect is all over our research and seriously impacts so called double blind testing in which this becomes the wild card.  What is possible is that a mind’s intent can shift the direction of a chemical reaction.  It is time we paid attention to actually eliminating that effect in research.

This is not even a new observation but it certainly has been dismissed.  This work ends that option.

The paper goes on to establish working protocols to allow measurement.

A Brief Introduction to Intention-Host Device Research

William A. Tiller, Ph.D. and Walter E. Dibble, Jr., Ph.D.

Introductory Experimental Background

For the past 35 to 40 years, in parallel with my traditional science research and teaching at Stanford University, I have been seriously investigating the effects of human intention on both the properties of materials (inorganic and organic; non-living and living) and on what we call physical reality.

From this research, I and my colleagues have discovered that it is possible to make a significant change in the properties of a material substance by consciously holding a clear intention to do so. For example, we have repeatedly been able to change the acid/alkaline balance (pH) in a vessel of water either up or down, without adding chemicals to the water, by creating an intention to do so.

This is very exciting – but even more exciting is the fact that we have been able to use a simple electronic device and actually “store” a specific intention within its electric circuit. This is important because, now, this intention-host device can be placed next to a vessel of water at any physical location and one can expect to obtain the same results. In this way, we have had others replicate these water results at multiple locations around the world; such results are consistently reproducible!

So one might ask, “How is it possible for something like this to occur in the physical reality with which we are all so familiar?” The answer is that, from our experimental work of the past ten years, we have discovered that there are actually twolevels of physical reality and not just the one with which we are all familiar. It is this new level of physical reality that can be significantly influenced by human intention – not our familiar electric atom/molecule level!

The two basic kinds of unique substances inhabiting these two levels of physical reality appear to interpenetrate each other but, normally, they do not interact with each other. We label this state as the uncoupled state of physical reality. In the uncoupled state, with one’s five physical senses, we can detect out normal physical environment all around us. This new level of substance, because it appears to function in the physical vacuum (the empty space between the fundamental electric particles that make up our normal electric atoms and molecules), is currently invisible to us and to our traditional measurement instruments. It also appears to be of a magnetic information-wave nature.

It is the use of these intention-host devices that affects the experimental space in such a way that meaningful coupling begins to occur between these two very different kinds of substance. Then, the vacuum level of physical reality becomes partially visible to our traditional measurement instruments. We have labeled this condition the coupled state of physical reality. Figure 1 metaphorically illustrates a key difference between amaterial in these two states of physical reality. In Figure 1, the black balls represent the electric substance and the smaller white balls represent the magnetic substance. The black lines joining the black balls to each other represents that they are interacting with each other and, in (a), since no lines connect the white balls with the black balls, this represents that they are not interacting with each other – the uncoupled state. In Figure 1 (b), the dashed lines connecting the white balls with the black balls represents that use of an intention-host device has caused them to significantly interact with each other and produce the coupled state of physical reality.

The implication of all of this for our world is enormous! However, before proceeding to discuss some major implications of large-scale use of such intention-host devices in scientific laboratories and industrial sites around the world, let us look at a few of our key experimental results upon which I have based the foregoing remarks.

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