Saturday, July 20, 2013

Human Origins

I share this piece with you in order to introduce a powerful paradigm.  As a luminous dream insight it actually adds insight that I have already suspected through the flow of evidentiary input.  I will take it.

1                    It is plausible that humanity was jump started genetically some 200,000 years ago and the changes are radical enough to confront researchers with impossibility. That humanity developed a successful primitive lifeway that continued until the Earth was fully populated but was never agricultural.
2                    It is plausible that such minds would connect directly with the Ubermind that I suspect can be also created as such by ourselves inside of two generations.  Calling this the cosmic consciousness is nice but a better analogy is mental access to our own internet.
3                    It is plausible if not a certainty that humanity arose as modern man once before and took the remarkable step of shifting our crust in 12900 BP to end our Ice Age.
4                    It is also plausible that shutting of access to the Ubermind took place in 45000 BC to force the population to evolve.  Life was simply too easy.
5                    The time has now come to restore access to the Ubermind and this needs to be a research endeavor.
It is already clear that we have a significant transition in the archeological record around 40,000 BC which coincides with the minimal 5000 years needed for a primitive people to transition into antique civilizations at least on the Continental Shelf.
Presuming another 5000 years to achieve modernism takes us to 35,000 BC.  This provides twenty thousand years to prepare for the transition to space habitats such as Phoebus and to modify the path of the chosen impactor comet.
     6          After the impact or what I call the Pleistocene nonconformity, mankind was reintroduced some ten thousand years ago as agricultural man with sufficient toolkit to get established.  Ultimately due to foreshortened lifespans, knowledge was lost and we continued to expand our effective range as agricultural man.

Human Origins

Chris Bourne
December 4, 2012

How did we really evolve?

On the surface, our evolution step-by-step from the apes has been heavily researched and documented. Anthropologists would have us believe our original ancestors were two legged homonoids that first stood upright around 4 million years ago. And yet there are still many missing links in our fossil records. A growing lobby of independent researchers are saying for example the change from early pre-humans to Homo Erectus around 200,000 years ago was just too great and too sudden for it to be a simply natural evolutionary process. So what are our origins exactly? These are incredibly exciting times where much of our convoluted past is coming to light. Especially since we are now able to look deeper into the Human Genome…

Homo Sapiens…a correctable mistake

The inquiry into Humanity’s past began for me in the “Oracle Shopping Centre” in Reading, UK where I’d been guided one day. I’ve come to adore the wonderful irony and humour of Benevolent Consciousness…”are you Reading this?”
As I surveyed book titles in a well-known book store, the benevolent presence was ‘spiking my consciousness’ to key words. We were communicating through the weave of life. Every sequence was like a hidden code revealing answers to many inner questions that had been activating for me.
As the answers flowed like a streaming download, I felt expanding inner joy and a deepening sense of rightness – a sure sign that my own truth was being activated, stimulated and unveiled. However one sequence of titles stopped me dead in my tracks: “Homo sapiens…a correctable mistake”
What could this mean? Here is a short extract from my book Five Gateways
Later, as I pondered on this, I was suddenly compelled into a lucid dream. I was having flash backs to a previous incarnation approximately 45,000 years ago where we, as Cro-Magnon men and women, walked the plains of a stunningly beautiful bygone continent – what one might describe as the “Garden of Eden”. It was a profoundly moving experience with the absolute feeling of joy and at-one-ment with all things. The river of Unity Consciousness flowed through my being and in my mind existed crystal clear clarity. There was a a depth of peace and stillness which surpassed any meditative experience I’ve since had.

Then suddenly, the dream became a nightmare. Somehow fear had been induced within me and my awareness of the Universal Life Energy had vanished. It seemed I had been suddenly removed from my divine birthright. Whereas before there had been no fear whatsoever of death, now it seemed that danger lurked behind every boulder and I was deeply afraid. I was afraid for the safety of my partner, my children and myself, afraid of not finding food or safe shelter. It seemed I was afraid of my very own shadow. My body became tight and closed down as if my very life force was being drained from me. This was the experience I have come to know as “Homo Sapiens”.

How did it all go wrong?

In the months and years that followed, the parts of an ancient jigsaw steadily fell into place for me, a story involving past life regressions, both my own and those I’ve worked with in many corners of the globe. It’s a story where the facts are stranger and more incredible than any fiction could be. It’s a story that I feel responsible to be careful with. It can easily close internal doorways of doubt and disbelief. It’s one that has been much distorted in the past and used to mislead people. So I feel we have a duty to be careful with it and allow to unfold in its natural course. I can clearly see that the underlying flow of consciousness is now taking humanity ultimately to full disclosure – over time.

Physical evidence is coming to light which I believe will blow apart the straightforwards Darwinian Story. Why for example do we have only 46 chromosomes when the Hominoids we evolved from have 48? Traditional science postulates that the 2nd and the 3rd chromosome have spontaneously mutated together creating 23 pairs. Indeed you can see that these two chromosomes have been fused. But how could that happen naturally when it’s not what makes us Human and offers no evolutionary advantage? If the mutation had happened naturally you’d expect some people to have 48 and others 46, but not all 46. Why is it that those with 48 all mysteriously died off?
And why, when most creatures have just a few genetic defects do we have several thousand? Including genes that when active are terminal. How is it that these defects are still in the gene pool? Why is it for example that humans have 223 genes that can be in no other life form on the planet? Why is it that we’re so poorly adapted to life here? Take away houses, central heating, clothes, energy, the gadgets that we have come to depend upon and food supplied through the industrial food chain and most of us would probably expire in a matter of days. We are the most evolved and yet least adapted to natural life on this planet.

The reason for these ‘adaptations’ is to do with how humanity was ‘seeded’ on the planet. I feel increasingly to share Openhand’s experiences and evidence in the immediate future.

ET intervention

There are many who have speculated Extra Terrestrial intervention. That somehow we were ‘dumbed down’ by genetic manipulation and energetic or subconscious mind control. For me there is absolutely no doubt. When we become multi-dimensional, we first expand into the 4th Dimension where much of this interference is still taking place by what I call an “Opposing Consciousness”. I see it and feel it happening daily to people all around.

Our genes have been manipulated and we are constantly being subjected to sensory over-stimulation. Our chakras are being interfered with principally through the solar plexus. In our subconscious minds, closed loops of controlled activity are continually created just like programs on a computer. This is why so many people are living a life of the false self. Humanity has become enslaved by a malevolent agenda. Opposing Consciousness is exploiting humanity for their own selfish ends.
To some, this may seem like science fiction fantasy. To me, it is not speculation however. I experience it day in, day out. And now more and more people are beginning to speak up as they too Awaken to multi-dimensionality.
With so many people around the planet now speaking of a global conspiracy,
there’s one part of the puzzle that’s still missing and needs to land: the conspiracy is happening from a higher density – from the 4th Dimension.
The solution
The intervention has gone on long enough. It contravenes a direct law of the Universe – that of free will. Even if Opposing Consciousness has the ‘intelligence’ to manipulate humanity in this way, it is limiting itself by relating to a lower harmony and truth. It has created for itself its own karmic control drama.

Humanity’s Enlightenment cannot be controlled indefinitely. The flow back to full awakening is inevitable (for those that choose it). Our universe is moving to a higher perfection and harmony, so anything of lower realisation will simply begin to fracture and fall apart. That’s what’s happening right across our planet as we witness ongoing financial instability, accelerating climate change and dwindling natural resources.

The old control structures are falling apart. Benevolent Consciousness is helping us re-awaken to who we truly are. To see how this is happening in detail, you might like to read our article “Being Human”. It explains what it really means to be a fully interconnected, multi-dimensional being. It provides guidance on how to reawaken the divinity that was taken from us. The time has come to reclaim that divine birthright…Being Human

About the Author

Chris Bourne – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.

I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here.

During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.

This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.

My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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