Monday, December 17, 2012

Building Food Revolution

The hard point is that the real science has landed. It represents uniformally bad news for the purveyors of out food supplies. First off though we have the sheer weight of the China study that cleanly links animal proteins in general with the full palette of our chronic diseases and then shows that plant proteins obviate those same diseases.

The stunning take home is that all animal and fish proteins need to be used rarely if at all and even then as flavoring agents. Even our obsession over fat in fact appears to have been triggered by the animal protein co-product. There may be finesses out there that allows some to be used, but I do not know of such and the surest way to a healthy old age is to become vegan.

With that in the quiver, it is easy to see what will damage your health and what will not.

In the long term, the whole population is preparing to go vegan even if they do not know it yet. It may be generational as the cigarette business was. The science in that case became undeniable by the late sixties and that is when the suppression of the tobacco industry became inevitable. It took most of forty years with the last holds of my generation out now dying off.

The food industry has through various tactics steadily sowed controversy and confusion into the science narrative. There is enough on the table now to win class action suits against huge sections of the food industry. I do not think it will happen but the Nutella case should be treated as a wake up because the science did not exist to exonerate and that is why Nutella settled quickly.

The China Study seriously puts the cat amount the pigeons with the human consumption of animal products generally and that particularly includes milk and cheese. As I remarked the animal protein complex outright drives cancer promotion and circulatory disease. I suspect though that animal fat could be excluded but no science supports that hypothesis as yet. This is also the complete reverse of our expectations.

What the China Study did was cleanly link animal protein consumption to the health problems so that it is beyond doubt.

For the record, we want no more than a ten percent protein content in our diet generally of which one percent could possibly be animal. The good news is that you will eat more to fill up and your scant meat portion will be a weekly addition.

The science has spoken and halting the developing cascade of change in the food industry will be like playing King Canute.

How the Food Movement Is Gaining Strength

Published on Friday, December 14, 2012 by Common Dreams

More and more people are realizing that our food chain is in crisis. Agribusiness has made profits more important than your health -- more important than the environment -- and more important than your right to know how your food is produced.
The United States now spends nearly 20 percent of GDP on health care, but levels of obesity, diabetes and chronic illness arehigher than ever.

Perhaps because so many people are suffering, beneath the surface, a revolution has been building.
From rural farms to urban dinner plates, from grocery store shelves to state ballot boxes, ever more people are finding their voices and taking action. If you believe in taking responsibility for your health, if you believe there is an important link between the quality of the food you eat and the quality of your life, you are part of this movement.
In the seven years after my dad and colleague, John Robbins, released the first edition of his landmark bestseller Diet for a New America in 1987, beef consumption in the United States dropped by 19 percent. The National Cattlemen's Association, not pleased, pointedly blamedDiet For A New America. Since then, beef consumption has continued to slowly drop, whileorganic food sales have increased over 26-fold, to now exceed four percent of market share.

This month marks the release of the 25th anniversary edition of 
Diet For A New America, and it couldn't come at a more opportune time. People are taking an increasing interest in the way that the animals raised for food are treated. In fact, a poll conducted by Lake Research partners found that 94 percent of Americans agree that animals raised for food on farms deserve to be free from cruelty. Nine U.S. states have now joined the entire European Union in banning gestational crates for pigs, and Australia's two largest supermarket chains now sell only cage-free eggs in their house brands.

The demand is growing for food that is organic, sustainable, fair trade, GMO-free, humane, and healthy. In cities around the world, we're seeing more and more farmer's markets (a nearly three-fold increase in the last decade), and more young people getting back into farming. Grocery stores (even big national chains) are displaying local, natural and organic foods with pride. The movements for healthy food are growing fast, and starting to become a political force.

Earlier this year, California voters put an initiative on the ballot that called would have mandated the labeling of food containing GMOs. Monsanto and their buddies in the pesticide and junk food business were forced to spend $46 million burying California's voters under anavalanche of deception in order to narrowly defeat California's Proposition 37 in the November election. Although they won the battle, more than six million California voters had come out in favor of the "right to know." It was clear that the natural foods movement was becoming a political force to be reckoned with.

Now organizers in 30 other states have begun building GMO labeling campaigns, and efforts to improve treatment of animals, to make factory farms pay for the pollution they produce, and to reform the food offered in school lunches are all gaining strength.

What You Can Do

Go to the movies.
 Eric Schlosser's Food, Inc., Drs. Caldwell Esslestyn and T. Colin Campbell's Forks Over Knives, and Jeffrey Smith's Genetic Roulette are some of the most popular and insightful films currently on the market.

Boycott the bad guys. Many people are choosing to boycott companies that oppose labeling of GMOs, that treat farm animals cruelly, or that profit from the sale of junk food. Other consumers are choosing to buy from the good guys. For example, the non-profit Non-GMO Project, which offers a third party certification program, has now verified 764 products, and had a record-shattering 189 new enrollment inquiries in October. You can also check out the farmer's market nearest you.

Sign petitions for GMO labeling. Want to work for policy change? A team of organizations, led by Care2 and the Food Revolution Network, have launched a petition demanding that Congress label GMOs, and it has already generated more than 65,000 signatures. And last year's JustLabelIt petition to the FDA, which generated more than 1.3 million signatures, is being revived in hopes that the FDA might eventually dig itself out of Monsanto's back pocket.

Get politically engaged. For the passionate activist, there's always more you can do, like lobbying your member of Congress, your mayor, your governor, your local media outlets, or your relatives. You can also join the Humane Society's campaign for farm animal protection, or Farm Sanctuary's work for animal welfare legislation.

Get engaged and informed. For a directory of organizations working for healthy, sustainable and humane food, as well as free access to dozens of cutting edge articles and tools to help you make a difference, you can join the Food Revolution Network. Or check out the newly released 25th anniversary edition of Diet for a New America, the book that helped to launch the modern food movement.

Big agribusiness would probably like us all to sit alone in the dark, munching on highly processed, genetically engineered, chemical-laden, pesticide-contaminated pseudo-foods. But the tide of history is turning, and regardless of how much they spend attempting to maintain their hold on our food systems, more and more people are saying No to foods that lead to illness, and YES to foods that help us heal.

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