Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Triple Confirmation of Sasquatch DNA in Russia

This report had already popped up on the usual feeds, but I was startled to find it up front and center on the main news feed of Google. This surely means that all the publicity over the past year is now lowering media barriers to these stories.

Rather importantly though, this is a major DNA disclosure. We have had the equivalent in North America but done under the radar by nervous experts. It is nice to know that some folks have recalled that they are scientists.

The results are exceptional and triple confirmed. You can not get any better than that.

We clearly have unique DNA that is not human but close enough to assure us that we are dealing with a close relative. I expect to see other results already obtained in North America to be released now for direct comparison.

As I posted a couple of years back, the momentum behind the emergence of the Sasquatch has become unstoppable. I thought then it would be accomplished with night cameras which has been done but still been debated. Real trackers are now working the case. This is a much better way. A triple confirmed DNA test to provide a standard for Asia and a comparable for North America raises the Sasquatch out of controversy forever.

Again it is rising on to the front pages of our newspapers.

Sasquatch in Siberia? Hair found in Russian cave 'belonged to unknown mammal closely related to man'

    Hair did not belong to any known animal from the region such as a bear, wolf, or goat
    Mysterious mammal more closely related to man than to monkeys

30 October 2012

Astonishing claims were made in Russia today that DNA tests on suspected 'Yeti hair' reveals the existence of 'an unknown mammal closely related to man'.

The 'tests' were conducted on samples of hair found in a Siberian cave during an international expedition last year.

'We had ten samples of hair to study, and have concluded that they belong to mammal, but not a human,' said Professor Valentin Sapunov, of the Russian State Hydrometeorological Institute.

Nor did the hair belong to any known animal from the region such as a bear, wolf, or goat, he claimed.

Analysis was conducted in the Russia and US and 'agreed the hair came from a human-like creature which is not a Homo sapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey', said the Siberian Times, citing claims made on a regional government website in Russia in the area where the hair samples were allegedly found. 

It stated that long-awaited scientific tests were conducted on their hair at two institutions in Russia and one in Idaho in the US.

'All three world level universities have finished DNA analysis of the hair and said that the hair belongs to a creature which is closer by its biological parameters to Homo sapiens than a monkey. The Yeti's DNA is evidently less than one per cent different to that of a human.'

The tests were undertaken on hair found one year ago in the Azasskaya Cave in the Mourt Shoriya area of Kemerovo region in Siberia, it was alleged. 

The 2011 expedition to  the remote cave complex in Kemerovo when the alleged Yeti hair was found was led by Dr Igor Birtsev, seen as Russia's leading advocate of the existence of the abominable snowman.

Yeti region: The hair was found in Kemerovo which is a notorious yeti sighting spot

He last night questioned the conclusions saying he was seeking more information about the alleged tests.

The Siberian Times said only 'scant' details were made available of the 'DNA findings'.

Sapunov claimed that the prestigious Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences was involved in the tests.

Yeti 'sightings' have been reported for centuries in most continents but the creature has evaded capture and no remains have ever been discovered.

Several 'sightings' of yetis have been made recently according to a Russian official and fishermen in Siberia. 

'We shouted to them - do you need help?,' said fisherman Vitaly Vershinin.

'They just rushed away, all in fur, walking on two legs, making their way through the bushes and with two other limbs, straight up the hill.'

He continued: 'What did we think? It could not be bears, as the bear walks on all-fours, and they ran on two.... so then they were gone.'

Russia's leading researcher on yetis, Igor Burtsev claims around 30 of the 'abominable snowmen' live in the Kemerovo region, where these sightings were.

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