Saturday, October 13, 2012

Roswell Witness Exon

The source speaking to the Roswell issue certainly had the security clearance and rank levels to pretty well know the whole story that he was involved with. All others were at best aware of small parts of a confusing picture and this has fueled speculation and conspiracy theories when the government chose to clam up.

This was the first such event and since then, we can be sure protocols were put in place to acquire and deep six additional artifacts. This likely takes place in area 59.

The materials acquired are described here and they are what one might expect. It is noteworthy that we are now beginning to fabricate similar materials. As I have posted, these craft are all MFEVs or magnetic field exclusion vessels whose fabrication demands graphene skins and similar materials made from other elements.

Just understanding what these materials were would have been impossible with lab work of the time and place. At best we got a pointer and that is important in itself.

Simply understanding that UFOs existed begged the question of lift and propulsion in my fourteen year old brain and I ultimately understood that it must use thin layers of exotic materials that we simply did not then understand. The demonstration of a supercooled material been levitated in a magnetic field showed me where the lift came from. From there it was a simple matter of waiting for lab results, and those materialized six years ago allowing me to write and publish an article in about reverse engineering the UFO.

All this has led to a clear understanding of the whole phenomena. If actual contact has been established and conflicting claims to that effect have been made, then it is through the form of a cut out operation which no-one who can not be trusted has access to. This is obviously problematic and the arguments in favor of such behavior are now largely mute. I will leave it at that.

General Exon Confirmed Alien Crash

I called Brigadier General Arthur E. Exon several times concerning the Roswell crash before he died in 2005. General Exon was very reachable, friendly. I identified myself as a retired intelligence officer and flyer and President of an Air Force Association Chapter that was interested the alleged Roswell crash. He told me he had been the Commander of Wright Patterson Air Force Base and knew quite a bit about Roswell. Among the things that Exon was very specific about was that everybody "from Truman on down" had known about the Roswell incident from the day it happened, and that "it was known to be an alien spacecraft almost as soon as we got on the scene."

Don Schmidt gave me a copy of his and Tom Careys excellent book "Witness To Roswell." I was particularly interested in their interview with General Exon. This is the books version of their interview, which is essentially the same information he told me.

General Exon, as a lieutenant colonel, was assigned to Wright Field in July of 1947, and was there when the wreckage from the Roswell crash came in. He was aware of the recovery in New Mexico and some colleagues performed the tests on the metal, trying to determine what it was. In July 1947, he learned from other colleagues that the bodies had arrived on the base. All described to us what happened after; the flight reached the Foreign Technology Division (FTD). 

Exon, then a lieutenant colonel, was an administration student in technology at the FTD. "We heard the material was coming to Wright Field," he said. Analysis of the debris was performed in the FTDs various labs: "Everything from chemical analysis, stress tests, compression tests, flexing. It was brought into our material-evaluation lab. I dont know how it arrived, but the boys who tested it said it was very unusual." Exon also described the material: "Some of it was very thin but awfully strong and couldnt be dented with heavy hammers....It was flexible to a degree."

According to Exon, "Some of it was flimsy and was tougher than hell, and the [rest] was almost like foil but strong, it had them [the FTD analysts] pretty puzzled." The lab chiefs at Wright Field set up a "special project" for the testing of the material. "They knew they had something new in their hands," continued Exon, "the metal and material was unknown to anyone I talked to. Whatever they found, I never heard what the results were." When asked what he thought about the components physical makeup, he said, "...I dont know, at that time, if it was titanium or some other metal...or if it was something they knew about and the processing was something different." 

There was another location where ... apparently the main body of the spacecraft was ... where they did say there were bodies.

They were all found, apparently, outside the craft itself but were in fairly good condition. In other words, they weren't broken up a lot"

General Exon experience with the recovered Roswell remnants wasnt limited to the work at Wright Field. A number of months later, he flew over central New Mexico near Corona and checked out the crash sites. There were two distinct sites. At the northwest [site], pieces found on the [Foster] ranch, those pieces were mostly metal." The general also confirmed having seen the gouge that others had reported. Exon said, "I remember auto tracks leading to the pivotal sites and obvious gouges in the terrain." When asked about the bodies, he said, "I know people that were involved in photographing some of the residue from the New Mexico affair near Roswell. There was another location where...apparently the main body of the spacecraft was...where they did say there were bodies." Asked if the bodies had been sent to Wright Field, Exon said simply, "Thats my information...people I have known were involved with that."

According to Exon, the instant they understood the nature of the find, Ramey would have alerted the chief of staff, Dwight Eisenhower. Once they had the information in Washington, control of the operation would have come from the Pentagon. The men at Roswell would have been tasked with the clean-up because they were there, on site, but the responsibility for the clean-up would have moved up the chain of command and into the Pentagon and the White House.

He told me that he thought the craft was heading SE or NW based on the debris field and he mentioned the craft was up against a hill or mountain. In 1948, following completion of a two-year industrial administration course at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, (W P) Ohio, he was assigned to Air Materiel Command Headquarters, as chief of the Maintenance Data.

From 1964-66, he was he commander of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and access to many of the key labs. I get the impression he was continuing to get intelligence data on UFOs from various scientists on base some seventeen years after Roswell.

He obviously had an interest in UFOs, and as Base Commander he would have access to almost everywhere on base including where the actual craft debris was being stored, He said other UFO-related field operations were staged at W-P during his tenure. Teams of men would fly in from Washington on an investigation. W-P would supply them with planes and crews for their operations. He was assigned to Air Materiel Command Headquarters, as chief of the Maintenance Data Section from August 1951 until April 1952. Exondid emphasize that he was told these things by men who were directly involved and whom he knew well and trusted. He mentioned knowing some of the photographers who photographed the sites.

He was a pilot with 135 combat missions during World War II and his aircraft was severely damaged by an exploding ammunition dump and he was forced to bail out over enemy territory. Captured, he spent just over a year in German prisoner of war camps. On August 20, 1965, he was promoted to brigadier general. General Exon had a most impressive military career and it is doubtful he would lie about Roswell.

Both Blanchards and Rameys wife were aware that the crash was likely extraterrestrial. Exon elaborated, "I know that at the time the sightings happened, it was [up] to Gen. Ramey...and he, along with the people at Roswell, decided to change the story while they got their act together and got the information into the Pentagon and into the president." Thanks to General Exon


  1. My pet theory about Roswell is that the space aliens were in fact alien teenagers who had taken and accidentally wrecked their Mom's flying saucer. This explains the lack of a follow up alien military invasion.

  2. My father was there. He worked for years at Wright Patterson reverse engineering the ship. He wouldn't say much beyond that.
