Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Record

This is not a coincidence anymore but a near certainty that the increase in Arctic heat is naturally offset by a similar and generally equivalent decline in Antarctic heat.  This could only be achieved by a shift in oceanic circulation that shoves more warm surface waters north through the Atlantic Basin.  We surmised as much in past posts a few years back, but now this year’s behavior pretty well locks down the conjecture.

What matters is that the Northern hemisphere is naturally warmer and that this has absolutely nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions whatsoever.

This also powerfully explains the onset of Little Ice Ages, which is what got me looking at ocean currents in the first place.  A sudden reversal of this tendency would flush cold surface waters into the North Atlantic with a vengeance.

Let us understand the processes here in play.  The reduction in the sea ice mass has naturally reduced the mass of fresh water and this is allowing the salinity to steadily increase in the Arctic.  At the same time the increase in heat transfer implies a greater influx of warm ocean water all of which increases the gross mass of the water in the Arctic Ocean.  It really becomes a reservoir of potential energy waiting to be released.

Simultaneously the opposite is occurring in the Antarctic in some way or the other.

For several reasons, I suspect that this cycle is part of a super cycle that is approximately one thousand years in length with a plausible eighty year normal cycle that steadily increases in intensity over several centuries before entering a series of declines culminating in a general collapse that hits the Northern Hemisphere with seriously cold conditions.  That is what the data at least suggests although developing confirming proxies will be a challenge.  We really need several thousand years of data with a high resolution confirmed in multiple locales.  Good luck on that.

Antarctic Ice Area Sets Another Record – NSIDC Is Silent

Posted on September 16, 2012 

Day 256 Antarctic ice is the highest ever for the date, and the eighth highest daily reading ever recorded. All seven higher readings occurred during the third week of September, 2007 – the week of the previous Arctic record minimum.

NSIDC does not mention the record Antarctic cold or ice on their web site, choosing inside to feature an article about global warming threatening penguins.

NSIDC does have a completely nonsensical discussion page explaining why Antarctic ice does not affect the climate.

Scientists monitor both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, but Arctic sea ice is more significant to understanding global climate because much more Arctic ice remains through the summer months, reflecting sunlight and cooling the planet.

Nonsense. There is very little sunlight reaching the Arctic Ocean in September, and much more reaching Antarctic ice – because it is located at lower latitudes. Arctic ice took its big decline in mid-August, after the sun was already low in the sky.

Sea ice near the Antarctic Peninsula, south of the tip of South America, has recently experienced a significant decline. The rest of Antarctica has experienced a small increase in Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctic ice is nearing an all-time record high, and is above average everywhere.

Antarctica and the Arctic are reacting differently to climate change partly because of geographical differences. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by water, while the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land. Wind and ocean currents around Antarctica isolate the continent from global weather patterns, keeping it cold. In contrast, the Arctic Ocean is intimately linked with the climate systems around it, making it more sensitive to changes in climate.

Antarctic and Arctic ice move opposite each other. NSIDC`s dissonance about this is astonishing.

Imagine If Climate Scientists Actually Used Their Brains

Posted on September 15, 2012 

Antarctic ice area once again set a post-1979 record high for the date today, and is closing in on the September 20, 2007 post-1979 record high.

Does that date sound familiar? It should, because it was the same week as the previous post-1979 record low Arctic ice area.

Global warming theory requires that both poles warm, but we are seeing the exact opposite – the poles move opposite each other.

And prior to 1979, Arctic ice was increasing, while Antarctic ice was decreasing.

It is quite clear that the mechanism driving ice gain in Antarctica is the same one driving ice loss in the Arctic, but climate scientists refuse to think about this. Their brains are locked in CO2 stupidity hell.

1 comment:

  1. Climate change is a normal, natural and absolutely un-stop-able reality of nature. Just like a vacuum or gross in-equilbrium (ie tall mountains vs deep oceans) there is no such thing as steady state.

    On a perfectly round earth each and every sqaure inch of surface area receives an average of 12 hours of sunlight. At the poles it comes in chuncks of 6 months on 6 months off. At the equator its about 12 hours per day. In between the numbers are an almost perfect sinu-soldial (sic:) function. Which just like a pendulum moves (ie changes) the fastest near its average and spends most of it period trolling around the extremes.

    Nothing new. Nothing special. Nothing wrong. Just food for thought and justification for research. Gerhard
