Monday, December 19, 2011

Pterodactyl Sightings Improve

I have posted on and also reviewed individual sightings that appeared to be some type of pterosaur.  In fact there seems to be a wealth of types and indicated within that family description.  Here are some of the scant items so far available on the subject.  It is not well organized yet but reports are beginning to show up and we even have a convincing picture to look at.

Two observations.  Firstly, although seen in daylight, it is a nocturnal animal.  Secondly it is able to produce managed bioluminescence.  This is a pretty extraordinary creature that really does not overlap our own ecological niche at all.

I want to make a conjecture.  Since it lacks fur or feathers, it is able to easily slip into the water and capture fish for its food and then just as easily fly out of the water to return to its roost and young.  In this way it avoids feeding of land based prey.

Bioluminescence allows it to see its own kind in the air and also in the sea.

Again this is all different from our expectations but certainly explains the actual rareness of human observation.  As the material makes clear, the Ropen is clearly well established in Papua New Guinea which is part of the surviving Sahul continent that harbored remnants of the age of Dinosaurs.  Yet a surviving population would have easily spread out globally and also speciated.

A recent report was clearly a North American report and again observed bioluminescence and the tell tale shape of the creature..  It will take many more sightings before most observers will come forward and tell their stories.

What comes to mind when you read "dinosaur?" Probably "extinct" or "extinction." What about the word "ropen?" Until 2007, when the Sci-Fi Channel gave us the Ropen episode ofDestination Truth, most Americans would think "jump rope'in" or "cowboy rope'n a steer." But gradually Americans are coming to learn about a strange flying creature that is said to live in Papua New Guinea. How strange? Try "giant long-tailed pterosaur."

The ropen is described in ways that actually lead to two words: "dragon" and "pterosaur," depending on culture and taste. But notice the word noticeably absent: "extinct."

Several Americans searched for the elusive creature; important expeditions were in 2002, 2004 (two), and 2006. But the Sci-Fi Destination Truth expedition of 2007 introduced the word "ropen" to many thousands of American T.V. viewers.

Live pterosaurs! But it gets even stranger. Reports starting coming in from North America, and some of the Americans who explored Papua New Guinea, in 2004, searching for ropens, began searching for them in the United States. In at least two of the West Coast states, one of the locations became extremely secret. Nevertheless, according to one press release, one of the living-pterosaur cryptozoologists has estimated that at least 1400 Americans have seen a living pterosaur between early-1980 and the end of 2008. Most of those who have given their reports remain anonymous.

But not everything is secret. According to a new nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America," (by Jonathan Whitcomb), Scott Norman stayed up one night and saw a pterosaur-like animal that "had an 8-10 foot wingspan; the wings were bat-like . . . the neck about 1-2 feet in length, the head was about four feet in length, and the head . . . has a crest that was about 2 feet in length." With a long neck, a long head, a head crest, and an 8-10 foot wingspan, it was no bat. And it was not in Papua New Guinea but in the Western United States.

Pterosaurs Alive, Not Extinct

Part of the problem is the breadth of the belief in absolute extinction of all species of pterosaurs. That means that nobody, in a "developed country," can easily report a sighting of an apparent pterosaur, even if that species is not extinct but simply rare. Anyone reporting a live pterosaur is subject to being not just doubted: A person's mental health can easily be brought into question. Eyewitnesses can be interviewed, however, by cryptozoologists who specialize in this field of cryptozoology: Jonathan Whitcomb and Garth Guessman (of Southern California) or Phillip O'Donnell (of Oregon). Interesting to note, those who have interviewed eyewitnesses in "primitive" cultures find no such problems interviewing eyewitnesses or finding those who have seen an apparent pterosaur. In Papua New Guinea, natives have no fear about what their neighbors will think about their mental stability, so they freely report what they have seen.

by Nathaniel Coleman (a cryptozoologist not closely related to Loren Coleman)


Ropen's territory is situated on the island of New Guinea and its neighbors, but pterosaurs have been seen in the Americas and Africa, especially in rainforest regions.

Unique Talent:

Ropen seems to have the power to be bioluminescent, able to naturally glow in the dark. Bioluminescense occurs in fungi, bacteria, and animals, but the only known bioluminescent land animals are invertebrates and the only known glowing vertebrates are aquatic. If the ropen exists, that would make it the only known land vertebrate that's capable of glowing! But how and why? One possibility is it shares a symbiotic relationship with a type of plant or more likely fungi, but that's unlikely because it is said ropen can control its glow. That means that it's like a fish in a way. If it could control the glow, it would need a symbiotic relationship with light producing bacteria contained inside its body or it has light producing cells called photocytes.

Escaping the KT event:

The KT event is the famous mass extinction 65 million years ago that took out the dinosaurs and (supposively) the pterosaurs. The only large animals to survive lived deep underwater. The only land animals to survive could only grow to the size of a cat. During that extiction, birds and mammals were probably small oppurtunists as the fossils suggest. The theory of the meteor means most of the plants died because the sun was blocked out. The small nocturnal mammals were better suited for such an environment then the large diurnal (day-time) dinosaurs.

My theory is that there were small pterosaurs as well. The fossil record can't tell us everything. For one thing, certain fossils could be destroyed. It is possible that small pterosaurs dwelled during the Cretaceous era with the birds and their larger cousins. To add, fossils can't tell us much about soft organs and nothing about exact behavior, so it is possible that somewhere along the line of pterosaur evolution, there could have been a light producing mutation that faired well during the dark end of the Mesozoic era.

Ropen sightings:

Ropen, aka the duah, is usually only seen as a light in the night sky, but they have been seen for hundreds of years. It took World War 2's end to bring the ropen to the Wesstern world. A small group of soldiers saw a ropen (meaning demon flyer) on the ground, before it took off, circled above them, and left. A pilot estemated its wingspan to be 20 feet long. They said it had a beak, a crest, a dark-grey body, and a long neck. Maps dating 1565 has two images of ropen-like creatures, but with a major difference. The images are described to be more fish-like than the bird or bat-like creatures we know pterosaurs to be. They were sea monsters rather than the reported airborn creatures known to the natives. It is said they have been seen hunting humans and scavenging human remains at buriels and funerals.

Ropen's African Cousin: Kongamato

Pterosaurs have been seen across the world, but few are more famous than the Ropen of New Guinea and Kongamato of central Africa. Kongamato means overwhelmer of boats because of how it has been known to attack native canoes. Kongamato is often described as a bright red pteranadon of some kind. Many sightings have been situated in the Jiundu swamp in Zambia. Unlike it's Oceanic cousin, Kongamto doesn't produce light.


Misidentification is the main arguement. Africa and New Guinea have high levels of avian biodiversity. Large birds like storks, herons, and eagles could easily be mistaken. Bats, even ones of cryptid sizes can be mistaken for pterosaurs. Ropen's light could be mistaken for stars or planes.


  1. Where I live in norther australia, I see eagle rays( stingray family) all the time they can leap up to several meters out of the water, in summer when the bioluminesece is up in the water , they look exactly like a pterodactly cruising through the water

  2. I am in North Georgia, As unlikely
    as it may sound I have seen 3 in the
    past 3 years. The most recent sighting was 2 days ago on Dec. 9th
    2012 There were two others with me
    who saw it too. It was what looked
    to be a young Pterosaur. What makes
    this even more interesting is the fact that I saw 2 adults flying together along almost the same flight path back in 2010. This most recent sighting has led me to begin a full out attempt to prove their extence. I am hoping to put together an expedition into the back-country to find nesting sites
    (which are obviously there) to bring
    back evidence so that mainstream science will have to except the fact that they are real.

  3. I expect them to have the ability to enter water to go after fish. this suggests that a nest will be close to a decent lake with ample fish. They will also be active nocturnally and that can be early evening or early morning. That does not narrow it down much but you may be surprised to locate locals with knowledge. No one knows were to go with this right now.

  4. There is a large body of water here,
    it is a flooded river valley that has
    lots of coves and branches, it is
    stocked with fish. Something is
    making them desperate enough to fly
    in the day-time though, it's not
    very often but what do you think this
    could be ? If they are nocturnal in
    nature, then it must be for a really
    good reason they are taking this chance. Also, does it sound right
    that they would nest in caves ?
    Most hunters don't usually get too
    excited about entering caves do to
    the bear population in our area, it
    would be possible for them to stay
    somewhat hidden from us, what ever
    the case, they are here in this
    area and there is no doubt, given
    that, there is edidence to be found.

  5. They will want their eggs to be protected from snakes and rodents. normally one would expect a cliff ledge, but then they would have been spotted a long time ago. Perhaps a small cave up a cliff? They may even be able to make underwater dens like alligators although that seems unlikely. Been natural gliders, they should look for altitude or natural warm thermals nearby. Try looking for positive airflow at night around a cliff face.

  6. Do you know of anyone that I could
    actually speak to that has looked ?
    Forgive me if you have, I am just
    so intent on finding people to talk
    with on what I know that I may not
    have done my research on the actual people. The advice you gave in your last post seems sound, given some
    of the other comments I have received
    on a couple other sites, this is a
    very welcomed thing. There seems to be not much to speak of on-line
    of an intelligent nature when it comes to this subject, I have been
    trying to siftt through the rubbage
    of insanity that appears to be so
    wide-spread that it is a scary.
    Thank you for your replies, I look
    forward to any additional thoughts
    you may have on this subject matter

  7. No one is collecting reports yet so an observer has no place to go. However, your search area is an excellent place to start by going to the local papers to see if they have much.

    while you are at it, your country is an excellent place to locate giant sloths. Look for reports of a large creature that is not a bear and not a bigfoot. It can smell like a cadaver and has long claws which will make odd tracks different from a bear. It will have a resident hunting range and be careful and look up in the trees.

  8. This is real, I can't believe that
    I can't get any moore interst in this
    subject matter than this. I have
    just spoken to Steven Holland, he is
    ofcourse not the right peoson in these regards, but thought he might
    be able to point me in a general direction of others to try to contact. He suggested David Schwimmer
    I left a post on a video he made but
    don't expect much, do you know of him

  9. do not worry. You are at the beginning of this exercise and finding other witnesses and supporters is a challenge. The good news is that you know what you saw. Try talking to the handful of other observers out there and interview them in the same way as BFRO does its witnesses. this eliminates the fools and establishes a secure data base.

  10. Thank you for the incouragement.

  11. Although I believe pterosaurs are real, are not not extinct, the image at the top of the page is Photoshopped. Everything in the image is crystal clear except for the animal. The argument could be made that obviously it's blurry because it's moving. However, with a photo like this, one would expect even a small part of the animal to be in focus. Also, the "water scrape" has a border on it to the right, which indicates fallacy.

    Photoshop work is my job. I'm using a 27" Mac with PS CC.
