Friday, December 23, 2011

Hobbit Trailer

This is a copy of the Hobbit trailer recently released.  Even more interesting is the other pieces in which we get a good look at the technology been used to produce 3D and some of the issues involved.  These are mega expensive systems that can only be justified for mega grossing movies and because the class of movies that produce mega gross sales happens to be uniformly science fiction and fantasy, this leaves traditional films in the technological lurch.

The industry has worked its way through the obvious oeuvre of fantasy and science fiction and what I mean by that it has picked off material from fairies tales and some of the classics.  What it has not done is even begin to tackle the post Tolkien literature with perhaps the exception of Avatar.    That is a rich vein quite able to continue filling theatres.

A remake of Ben Hur is likely in order in 3D since we are now tackling classical times with some ability.

Hobbit Trailer

DECEMBER 20, 2011

The first half of the prequel to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy will be out December 14, 2012

The first Red model was introduced in 2007, and immediately attracted the attention of filmmakers like Peter Jackson and Steven Soderbergh. Since then, directors have used Red cameras to shoot some of Hollywood's biggest movies, including The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and installments of such blockbuster Hollywood franchises as The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Spiderman.

A fully-loaded version of the latest Red model costs between $45,000 and $60,000, perhaps a quarter as much as a new film camera—if anyone were still making them.

Lights, bytes, action!: The Epic digital camera starts at around $31,000. The camera has become popular among Hollywood directors, but now faces competition from electronics firms like Canon. Red Digital Cinema Camera Company 

Hobbit is being shot at 48 frames per second. The human eye sees 60 frames per second and previous movies have usually been 24 frames per second.

The crew filming The Hobbit in New Zealand is using 48 Red Epic cameras, including models configured for 3-D effects.

Digital cameras can also capture more images per second than standard film, enhancing the image quality. Jackson, who is directing The Hobbit, has said the effect is "like the back of the cinema has had a hole cut out of it where the screen is, and you are actually looking into the real world."

The next video blog has an italian introduction from some entertainment news company and then it transition into the english video blog.

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