Monday, May 16, 2011

Vampire Pterodactyls Explanation for Cattle Losses

Note:  The image is of the largest such creatures known with wingspans of as much as sixteen meters.  Merely replace the jaw with an adapted jaw for draining blood and we are in business.

Recent reports has triggered further reports and we have two such here.

At the moment we have way too few such reports, we have no clearing process unless we want to count this site run by Coleman as such and we are unable to re interview the witnesses in order to substantiate their likely creditability.

There is also now enough hard information for a spoofer to reasonably produce a fraudulent report.  Thus we need a site such as BFRO in which witnesses are paired up with volunteer interviewers who are able to pretty well police the story and confirm the witness quality.  Obviously most prefer to keep their heads down but still want to share an amazing observation in the hope that it leads to answers.

With BFRO we now have thousands of individual Bigfoot reports properly qualified.

I also think that the Mothman and the Chupacabra is one and the same creature.  The actual body is not massive but actually lean as a sprinter and thus plausibly weighs somewhere between 100 to 165 pounds altogether for a six foot specimen that is likely the biggest version.  It sports a plausible twenty foot wingspan and is quite able to jump launch itself into the air with enough speed to flap away.

The wings and the tail are pure pterodactyl.  The unusual aspect is the adaptation to drawing blood through vampire like teeth.  This provides a superb energy source and an effective kill mechanism for a soarer. 

The actual size range that has been observed so far runs from a several foot wing span up to a twenty foot wingspan.  We are likely looking at males and females.

These creatures can be characterized as follows:  (expect changes as more observations are made)

1                    The creature is a nocturnal.  Thus it is rarely seen at all.
2                    It hunts large animals and has recently taken to exploiting cattle in particular.
3                    It drains the victim’s blood in a swift draining through the jugular.  The victim loses consciousness in seconds and has no chance to defend itself.
4                    It also takes its share of jack rabbits and the like for a more conventional feed somewhere in a convenient roost.  For this reason I was originally prepared to go looking for a giant owl.
5                    It is able to soar at speeds approaching seventy miles per hour with minimal wing flapping.  Thus it is likely able to range five hundred miles in a single night.  This is a huge range and immediately answers another question.
6                    It migrates from tropical conditions during the summer rather easily and avoids been trapped in winter conditions for which it is clearly unprepared.
7                    There is curiously no indication of feathers at all and some indication of scales making it closer to pterodactyl that to bird or even mammalian bat.
8                    It clearly can fit in our evolutionary chain although it is a surprising derivative of the reptile pterodactyl line which we have assumed extinct.  So far it is a pterodactyl with a radically modified jaw to accommodate its unusual feeding protocol.

That last conclusion is both unexpected and hard to believe.  Its original home is surely South America and it has now set up house keeping in North America.  Alternatively, it may also be from the remnants of Sahul in New Guinea and has in fact become global in its distribution.

I think we can presume that they occupy breeding colonies, possibly in caves in the tropics to avoid cold seasons.  As the seasons cycle they are able to range widely and this results in rare bodies such as inspired the European Gargoyle.

The level of actual predation on cattle is significant and suggests actual populations totaling hundreds at work.  We need to track the number of such reports because that is the one noticeable change in behavior that has brought this to our attention.

I appended an additional item on cattle mutilation and that establishes the onset as around 1973 which may be a bit too early for the helicopter theory.  The actual numbers are in the thousands each year and that certainly supports a population of a few hundred such predators.  Also note the characteristic of the predation itself.  The blood is completely drained – no mean trick – not to be done without a block and tackle in a slaughter house or barn, and soft tissue is also taken suggesting more than one predator on such a large animal as cattle.

The smell of the predator likely scared of other animals who normally would have joined in the meal.

New Mothman Sightings in Mertztown, PA and New Miami, OH

MAY 14, 2011

I received the following anecdotes as a result of my previous posts New Sighting of the Conewago Phantomand Mothman Sighting - Middletown, Ohio:

## Mertztown is in Longswamp Township in eastern Berks County,Pennsylvania

Good morning,

As I sit reading this article, it amazes me that no one caught one of these things yet. I understand that if something with a 25-30 ft wingspan flies past you, you're not going to grab your camera as a first instinct.

My son and I saw this monster thing last summer in Mertztown, PA. We were parked on the side of the road in a heavily wooded area when this thing casually glided up the road. It looked big enough to carry a full grown man away with no effort. When thewing flew over the hood of my car, we instantly ducked down. This thing had a round human sized head with no beak (hence the term man-bird), and huge bat-like wings. Now I would never tell this story if it wasn't for my 16-yr-old son sitting in the backseat who also witnessed it on that summer day. I'm a pretty capable guy, not too many things can shake me, but this thing scared the hell out of me. Here is what I saw:

The body was 5-6 ft in length easy, wing span was 25-30 ft easy, no feathers, bat like skin, jet black, and a 4-5 ft skinny (rat or dragon) like tail that stuck straight out. This thing didn't fly like a bird, it glided about 10 ft off the ground at a VERY slow speed. After 50-75 ft of gliding, it took one huge flap ofthe wings, never changing elevation, and glided up the road till it disappeared into the woods. I'm convinced this thing lives underground, probably near some sort of hot spring cause it has no feathers.

Well that's my story. Feel free to reply with any questions, that 45 second event will forever be etched into memory. I say we find it and catch it, I would love to see it again up close.

### New Miami is in central Butler County in the southwestern part of Ohio

### The intersection where this creature was seen

On Monday May 9th, 2011 around 5:45am, I was on my way to work headed north bound in to the village of New Miami on Seven Mile Avenue. I left the traffic light at the southern most edge of town in to a dark stretch of road when a large flying creature swooped in over my car and snatched up a small animal in the road ahead of me at the edge of my head lights. As a construction worker, I feel I can judge the size of objects fairly well. This creature had a wing span of at least 12 feet and was jet black. It completely blocked the view out of my windshield and then some and moved at a very high rate of speed. I was traveling between 35-40MPH. It had to have been traveling at around 70-80MPH. Like I stated before is swooped down grabbed the animal and was gone over the trees very quickly. I've researched large predator birds and raptors indigenous to Ohio and there are none that fit the description of what I saw. If you have any other questions about my experience please feel free to email me back. Tex

Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in North America where cattle have been found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. The cows are found dead (although the cause of death is undetermined), exsanguinated (all their blood has been removed), and have had certain organs surgically removed from their bodies. Often their reproductive and rectal organs have been removed.

Abnormally high radiation levels have been detected near the dead animals when they are found, and scavengers will not touch the carcass. There are no footprints leading to or from the cows. There is evidence (clamp marks on the animals' legs) that the cattle were taken from their habitats and mutilated elsewhere. Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked, black helicopters coincide with most cattle mutilation cases.

The phenomena began in the Fall of 1973, when farmers in Minnesota and Kansas reported mutilated cattle. The circumstances surrounding the deaths were different then anything the local police had ever investigated. At this time, the blame for the mutilations was placed on Satanic cults. Soon, reports of cattle mutilations spread throughout the Midwest United States and even into Canada. Paranoia and speculation about the deaths ran rampant. By the late 1970s, four main theories about the mutilation cases had emerged:

The blame was to be placed on Satanic cults and ritual sacrifices.

The deaths were a result of intelligence agency secret projects involving chemical weapons testing.

Mass hysteria had blown simple cow deaths out of proportion.

Extraterrestrial experiments were to blame.

Police agencies in Alberta, Idaho, Montana, and Iowa did link some mutilation cases to satanic cults. However, police investigating this theory found little supporting evidence and often ran into dead ends. Evidence has been found to support this theory. Black, unmarked, helicopters with tinted windows and powerful searchlights are often seen during a cattle mutilation wave. Evidence at the scene of a mutilation suggest that the cattle were taken elsewhere by air, mutilated, and then dropped back near to where they were taken. A number of mutilations revealed that the cows may have died from a simple cattle virus, but nothing experimental.

It is very unlikely that all the mutilations were simple deaths blown out of proportion. There is much evidence to support the fact that these incidents were indeed extraordinary. The U.S. Government has expended thousands of dollars to investigation agencies to look into this phenomena.

The fourth hypothesis is very interesting and has much supporting evidence. UFOs are usually seen in the vicinity of cattle mutilations, and cattle are deathly afraid of them (i.e. they have been noted as stampeding and bellowing when in the presence of a UFO). Cattle mutilations often occur in UFO Hotspots such as Northern New Mexico, and near Area 51, Nevada. Two separate alien abductees have reported, under regressive hypnosis, seeing cattle taken into the alien craft and mutilated.

The cattle mutilation phenomena claimed the lives of over 10,000 head of cattle by 1979. Areas such as New Mexico had been especially 'hit' hard. It is a phenomena that has haunted and terrified ranchers, investigators, and many others all over North America.

The purpose of these grotesque and strange occurrences still remains a mystery. 

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