Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hatin' Palin - Gunning for the Presidency

This is a very funny piece of commentary by Megan Fox who is a Palin fan as I admit, I am. I have never seen so vitriolic an attack on a political person by the media in my life.

It was also the making of the Palin upcoming presidential candidacy and her recent success in using the media to make her fortune and present her personal message.   As I posted at the very beginning, all the negative stuff invented to stop her merely made her immune later.  This is now later. 

This lady is going to shoot her way into the Whitehouse and I am going to have fun using that image while she does it.

I do not think that her candidacy will be a romp simply because two other candidates are also deemed deserving at least.  A great ticket would be Palin - Romney inasmuch as Romney could be as important for the same reasons as Cheney.

However, her sheer charisma and ability to communicate is quite capable of rolling over all opposition.  Her alignment with the tea party makes traditional vote hustling in Iowa et al very unpredictable.  She is obviously both the Tea Party favorite and the favorite of core republican voters.  I simply think that the usual elites will be unable to stand up to her after a show of token resistance.

And since the Democrats have fired all plausible bullets at her already in the past campaign, they are in trouble trying to stop her at all. 

Hatin’ Palin – Why She Provokes the Left

Megan Fox is a stay-at-home mom, blogger, radio-talk show host and conservative folk-singer. Visit her

Palin Derangement Syndrome

Hatin’ Palin – Why Palin Provokes the Left’s Fury

When Sarah Palin first stepped onto the national stage (in the hottest red high heels anyone ever saw) this country was changed forever. It will be remembered in history as the moment conservative women stepped onto the grid in a meaningful way. In the same instant, the Left froze in terror and a seething hatred began to build until it could no longer be contained and was unleashed in the most brutal assault on a woman in politics this nation has ever seen. The most vile and disgusting remarks were made about her family, her baby’s paternity, hermarriage and her motherhood. Late night comics made rape jokes about her minor daughter and degraded her by calling her a “stewardess” and “sexy secretary.”

Leftist website the Daily Kos started the rumors about Trig not being Sarah’s child, but if you look for the story today you will find this message on the Kos, “I’m sorry, I can’t seem to find that story.” Typical. It went down the memory hole. But here’s one that didn’t go down the memory hole thanks to screen grabs and smart bloggers: Alan Colmes, creepy Ichabod Crane look-a-like, had the audacity to suggest Palin didn’t seek proper pre-natal care during her pregnancy. This is rich coming from a guy for whom “pre-natal care” includes visits to Planned Parenthood butchers. Colmes tried to delete the story when he realized what a jerk he was for posting it. That’s what leftists call “courage.”

MSNBC used faked, highly sexualized photos of Sarah in a news broadcast which they later had to grovel over. But it didn’t stop them from flippantly arguing they were just having some “fun.” I’m curious as to whatNewsweek‘s excuse was for allowing a Sarah Palin doll dressed up in a sexy school-girl outfit, shirt unbuttoned to show off a red bra to be featured in one of their stories about Palin. The hatred was (and still is) palpable. But why? The following are the top ten reasons leftist moonbats hate Sarah Palin.

10. She’s Prettier Than You (and She Couldn’t Care Less)

“Caribou Barbie,” they sneered while insinuating anyone as attractive as Palin couldn’t possibly house a brain behind that stunning face. And she is stunning. Palin is one of those beautiful women for whom doors open, heads turn and lesser beauties fade. She’s one of those girls I imagine had a hard time keeping girlfriends if any were too self-conscious to be lost behind the radiance that is Sarah.

And yet, she is the most unassuming beauty queen I ever saw. How many women on TV can you name who would be caught dead in waders (giant rubber pants with suspenders that make even a taut size 4 look like she weighs 200lbs) and slugging giant halibut with a billy club? And yet, there she is on her show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, without a stitch of makeup, hair a mess, up to her elbows in fish guts (having a marvelous time) and still managing to look better than most Cover Girls. It must really burn Maureen Dowd that on her best day (with professional makeup artists) she can’t hold a candle to Sarah Palin working a slime line.

This might explain why Dowd has repeatedly said nasty things like Palin is “one nutty puppy,” and has a penchant for “naughty monkey high heels.” I’m willing to bet there’s more than a little jealousy that no one would look twice at her in those same (fabulous) shoes.

Of course, Palin doesn’t care about any of this and would probably not approve of my bringing it up, but I can’t help myself. Much of the hatred from the Left (especially from the women) stems from this type of petty jealousy. And who could blame them? Conservative women in politics tend to be more attractive than leftist politicians. Usually that’s because conservatives do their hair and wear makeup versus the Janeane Garofalo approach which involves not showering and wearing big clunky spectacles last seen on Buddy Holly.
It might also have to do with the optimistic, baby-loving, country-loving, family-centered outlook conservative women embrace. It’s better for your pores to have a spirit of love. It reminds me of a country song (doesn’t everything?) We’re just like you. Only prettier.

9. She’s Married to the Father of All Her Children (i.e. Traditional Family)

Despite the best efforts of the tabloid media (and by tabloid I mean the major networks) to implode the Palins’ marriage, they failed. Sarah and her high school sweetheart, Todd, are still happily married and doing just fine. They have mutual admiration for each other and it shows. Everything out of Sarah’s mouth regarding her husband is complimentary. (I hope Kate Goesslin took notes for her next marriage.)

The other thing that sticks in the craw of the Left is the non-traditional setup of this traditional marriage. Sarah brings home the bacon and Todd cares for the babies and cooks! It’s a “feminist’s” dream come true right?Gloria Steinem once said,

We know that we can do what men can do, but we still don’t know that men can do what women can do. That’s absolutely crucial. We can’t go on doing two jobs.

Seems like the Palins know this very well. But it does not endear them to the Left. Sarah has everything the lefty-fems said they wanted. A career, children, a husband who embraces his feminine side and helps around the house and yet they hate her for it. Probably because they’ve never been able to achieve the dream they sold for themselves.

A post-script in this category is Sarah Palin as fertility goddess. This powerful archetypal image is something the faux feminists have laid claim to, presupposing that women because of their fertility power and life-giving ability were at one time in ancient herstory revered and worshiped. I took the college indoctrination courses and there is no proof of this nonsense of course. Only a couple of cave paintings and carvings that look like ancient porn to me. But the fertility goddess image lasts and is still a powerful one in the mind of mankind.

Sarah is a modern fertility goddess. Her five children are proof and her sexual attractiveness only increases with the evidence of her fertility. In the basic caveman mind of man, she is the epitome of the perfect mate who clearly has no trouble procreating and has retained her sexual allure. Not only do her five children give evidence of her fertility, but Sarah is so potent it has spilled over onto her oldest daughter who has begun the ancient cycle again by giving birth. Sarah is a grandmother! And yet, her fertility on display is like catnip for most people (men especially.) Her status as a grandmother doesn’t diminish her attractiveness at all.

The leftist feminists are tied in knots over this one. On one hand they want to embrace the fertility goddess in all women. (For them this means attending several showings of the Vagina Monologues per year and staring endlessly at their hoohas with hand-held mirrors.) They are the advocates of goddess worship.

The Great Goddess was worshiped as the feminine life force deeply connected to nature and fertility, responsible both for creating life and for destroying life

This connection progressive feminists feel to the ancient fertility goddess is deep. There are many exhaustive tomes on the subject. But the pagan feminists abhor women who have more than one or two children and refer to them as “breeders.” They revere women who advertise they killed the evidence of their fertility through abortions. They know there is a disconnect in this thinking. They may not be able to explain it, but they feel it when they look at Sarah and her brood. They want to deride her for her choice but you can’t help wondering if they secretly wish they had the same freedom. It is as if they know what she is should be respected based on all their beliefs, but beliefs be damned, she’s not one of them. Her failure to tow the leftist line makes every accomplishment null and void. Faux feminists hate Sarah for illustrating a basic truth about them; “feminists” are leftists first.

8. She Encourages Character Building, Not Eyebrow Tweezing

Contrary to my opening item regarding her beauty, Sarah does not care about looks. (Which oddly enough just makes her more attractive.) And she’s teaching her girls the same thing. There was a moment on the show when they were all traveling in their RV and Willow and Bristol were razzing each other like sisters do. They got to talking about one of them having a “uni-brow” and teasing ensued. Sarah quickly put an end to it by declaring, “Girls, that’s enough about physical appearances.”

I thought about this and how much different Alaska is from any other “reality” show on TV. I hate that they even put it in that category. It is much more like a documentary on Alaska and its natural resources than anything else. It reminds me of my all time favorite PBS classic, Wild Wild World of Animals. When I think of reality TV I think of all the scandalous misbehaving, as showcased on idiot shows like the Kardashians, Real Housewives and Rock of Love. There is nothing even remotely comparable to Alaska in any of these formats. No one is getting breast implants, knocking over tables, making out in hot tubs, picking up chicks in bars by insulting them, or getting horrible face lifts. (Oh where have you gone Bruce Jenner? Our nation turns it’s horrified eyes from you.)

The Left thought Sarah’s “reality” show was going to be a great source of ridicule, but all it has done is highlight to America how bereft of values the Left truly is. We all know progressives control television. The leftist cultureshapes entertainment. Their idea of family, that started with the Osbournes and has given us the dysfunctional Goesslins, the drunken and stoned Anna Nicole-Smith, Hugh Hefner’s misogynistic lifestyle, is seriously lacking. Watching the Palin’s incredibly normal (albeit more interesting than most) family makes the Left look more vile than ever.

In fact, there is a warning at the beginning of Alaska that says something to the effect of, “this show may be disturbing to some viewers.” Who? Democrats? It shocks me they can air The Jersey Shore with no such warning, but watching the Palins go fishing and camping is “disturbing?”

Americans relate to the Palins. We don’t let our kids swear, we don’t let them deride each other, and we don’t give them boob jobs for their birthdays. We encourage our children to work, to earn their way. We recognize that allowing children to stay too long nestled on the parental teat will make it all too easy to transition to thegovernment teat when we’re gone. This one idea is like garlic to vampires for leftists. Where will their new troops come from if we teach the next generation to be self-sufficient? We see ourselves in the Palins and that makes it increasingly difficult for the Left to proclaim her bat@$?t crazy. They hate that.

7. She Likes Guns

Girls with guns. You would think this is an idea at least the “feminists” would get behind. What’s more empowering than a chick with firepower? Hollywood sure understands the draw. If it weren’t for the girls withguns obsession on film, Angelina Jolie would be stealing small-town girls’ husbands and appearing on the Jerry Springer Show. But alas, even as popular as sharpshooter women are in the movies, the lefty-fems can’t get behind real women who want to own and use guns. Instead, they advise us to passively fight off our attackers and get raped quietly hoping to survive. Do you think anyone would even try to attack Sarah in a dark alley? That girl is probably strapped 5 times over with extra clips in her fanny pack.

Watching Sarah at the gun range is fun. She’s an excellent shot and you can see she loves it and enjoys mastering a skill most women shy away from. The Left hates this because young girls, who know deep down they really aren’t empowered at all when it comes to protecting themselves from evil men, might be inspired by her and enroll in shooting classes. Sarah could single-handedly usher in a whole new era of girls with guns and it’s about time! Let’s give those rapists something to fear. This is not good for the Left. They have been so obtuse about “gun control” for so long and it’s got to end. Illinois is one of two states left without conceal carry rights and has some of the highest crime in the nation.

Sarah’s weekly lessons in the art of shooting and the importance of Second Amendment rights is doing more for the education of young women than any public school health class. Gun sales have increased this Christmas and guess who’s buying? Sarah has opened the dialogue among women about the importance of self-defense. This is an offense the leftists cannot forgive.

6. She Hunts

All leftists hate hunters. It always cracks me up that during the presidential election cycles we will invariably be bombarded with hilarious photos of the limp-wristed leftist candidate trying to carry a gun on some pheasant hunt while appearing cool. Nine times out of ten, he’s carrying it wrong or struggling under the weight of the unwieldy thing he’s never before touched, let alone fired. The reason they do this is not because they’ve discovered a love for hunting but because the majority of Americans believe in hunter’s rights and either are or are married to, or have family members who are hunters! During an election, progressives must lie and try to pretend to be like most Americans when in reality, they are anything but!

They usually out themselves like Obama and his famous “bitter clingers” line,

[T]hey get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment

They just don’t understand why anyone would rather fill their freezer with totally organic meat they tracked, shot, skinned and butchered themselves instead of paying twice as much for worse quality at Whole Foods. And, like Kate Goesslin, they can’t figure out why anyone would want to slog through the cold, rain and mud when there are hotels with restaurants where food magically appears in front of you. They just have no concept of the pioneer spirit, they are so removed from it with hands freshly exfoliated and moisturized with something that cost more than most American’s weekly grocery budgets. So it’s no mystery when Sarah shows us how she stocks her freezer for the low cost of a few bullets and some serious hiking, the Left recoils in horror. Self-sufficiency isn’t on the menu of totalitarian regimes. The little people must be made to rely on the government for their very existence. Those who don’t are a threat to the power structure.

5. She’s Pro-Life and Lives It

Of all the reasons to hate Sarah Palin (if you’re a moonbat) this is the one they won’t say out loud but believe me, it’s at the top of the list. In the leftist manual, a woman should never even consider keeping a disabled child. And if she actually does it, she is regarded as a freak. Someone who has no consideration for the groaning planet, heavy with the weight of too many people. A leftist believes even healthy babies should be pruned for the good of the species, so you can imagine their outrage at a person who willingly brings a child into the world who is less than perfect to consume more precious resources.

This may be the most disgusting of all leftist beliefs. The absolute  arrogance of the Left is astounding. They believe they can be the arbiters of life and death, that only they know what is best for all of us and the planet andthe universe for that matter. How would we survive without them telling us what to do? It’s a mystery.

It pierces their souls (if they have souls) when a woman such as Sarah makes a choice for life because they don’t have the moral character to make the same choice. Their guilty conscience makes them hate anyone who has more compassion than they. Progressives love to talk about compassion but their words never require them to actually be compassionate. When someone else lives in a compassionate way (and isn’t ideologically copacetic) it sears what is left of the conscience inside a leftist. It reminds them who they really are; people who advocate for the killing of the most helpless among us. (Death-loving tyrannical eugenicists.)

4. You Can’t Rattle Her

Despite the attacks, which unarguably have been the worst and most vicious in history, Sarah is still standing, never once bowing her head in defeat. Not only is she still standing, she ridicules and tweaks the Left regularly. They hate this. A few examples of Sarah’s refusal to be cowed come to mind.

During a speech to the Tea Party Sarah referred to three bullet points written on her hand. The media jumped all over this as proof that she is dumber than rocks.

Former Alaska half-term governor Sarah Palin delivered a highly-anticipated and ridiculously lucrative speech to around 1,100 supporters at the Tea PartyConvention last night, but she couldn’t get through it without a few notes scrawled on her hand.
Well, this is ironic. Moments after criticizing President Obama as “charismatic guy with a teleprompter” at the National Tea Party convention tonight, Sarah Palin sat down for a Q&A session—and appeared to read notes written on her hand.

Of course, Sarah was not hiding the notes on her hand and I believe intentionally gave the cameras a view so these hypocritical attacks would happen. Sure enough, they raced to the presses to yell about how stupid she is for using notes before realizing…hey wait a minute. Obama can’t even talk to schoolchildren without every word typed out for him on a teleprompter. The guy is so dependent on it, he started to reintroduce people he just introduced moments earlier during a speech at the National Academy of Sciences.

If that weren’t bad enough, he also thanked himself during another teleprompter flub while he and the PM of Ireland couldn’t seem to get their speeches straight. Strangely enough there’s no video. But it would take a simpleton indeed not to see the difference between three bullet points and every word typed out for you on a teleprompter.

My favorite media tweak by Sarah has to be her Thanksgiving message to all 57 States. If you haven’t read it, please do. It’s absolutely hilarious. And one more reason so-called liberals hate Sarah Palin. She keeps “refudiating” everything they say. (Just Google the word “refudiate” and witness for yourself the double standard when it comes to verbal gaffes.)

3. Her Children (and Husband) are Native Americans

We all know how much the Left loves to co-opt ethnic groups. But Todd Palin’s Inuit heritage isn’t helping the progressive media feel warm and fuzzy toward the Palins. In fact, they’ve never mentioned it. I only learned that the Palins are of Inuit descent from watching Alaska. The bend-over-for-Obama media doesn’t want you to know that this family is Native American. In fact, they’ve been so horrible to them, if any of us found out the Palins are actually brown people we could have accused them of being….racists! What do they have against the Inuit people exactly? Maybe we should start asking that question. Haven’t Native Americans been abused enough?

The Palin children are one quarter Inuit. That means they will be eligible for affirmative action placement and all sorts of yummy leftist treats (maybe even their own casino!) They should be totally immune to the vitriol of the Left. But no, progressives only care about minorities when it suits them. Instead of endearing them to the Left, their minority status has only made the Palins more hated.

2. She Loves Jesus

Everybody knows the Left only proclaims to love Jesus during elections. If anyone should mention Jesus’ name at any other time of the year they must be some sort of fundamentalist FREAK. Sarah has never been ashamed of her faith and is willing to admit she prays for guidance. This makes her a major target. A “bitter clinger,” if you will. One of those psychos who believes a man once walked on water. They took her faith and turned it into an outrageous excuse to accuse her of not believing in dinosaurs. This came from Matt Damon’s mouth and if Matt Damon said it, it must be true! And everyone knows Christians (who actually believe the Bible is true) are crazy nutjobs who want to ban books and refuse to believe people come from apes.

 The problem is, most people in this country identify as Christians and we know we’re not crazy and so by default we know she’s not crazy either. This makes the left hate her and us more than ever.

1.  She’s Not a Democrat

The number one reason the left hates Sarah Palin is because she’s not one of them. Rest assured, if she was pro-abortion and pro-big government, they would be announcing her as the second coming of Fidel Castro. (I would have said Christ, but we all know how much they despise Him.) She has outsmarted them at every turn. Everything they said would be her demise has made her more popular. The Dancing With the Stars debacle was hilarious. They were so mad about Bristol doing well, but imagine how different it would be if Chelsea Clinton had gone on the show? They tried to impugn Bristol for everything. Her clothes were too dowdy, then they were too racy, it’s a fluff show, no one will take her seriously…they just couldn’t make up their minds on how to get rid of her. Kevin DuJan at made sure they failed. Good times.

Then the “reality show” came out and they were sure they’d be able to ridicule her for that too. Pundits on both sides called it “un-presidential,” without watching it. I would like to remind them that Ronald Reagan once played opposite a chimpanzee. And contrary to being about entertainment, Alaska is far more. It’s a brilliant show packed full of conservative values that is communicating to the young in their language. It is simply brilliant. And really, what’s worse to a leftist than Sarah Palin doing something smart?

The real reason they hate Sarah is because no one on their side has anywhere near the charisma, star power, and influence as she does. And they’re pea green with envy!

Whatever the reasons, it’s a certainty that no other woman has ever been hated as much as Sarah Palin in modern history. Her remarkable ability to rise above it and even laugh at it is a lesson we could all use and more than enough proof to me that she has what it takes to stare down opposition and any challenge you can throw at her. I’ve always been a fan, but the more I get to know her, the more certain I am that Sarah is the next best thing since Ronald Reagan. Her uncanny ability to make leftists writhe with anger and hatred (and dare I say fear) warms my insides. I could definitely stand to see her do that to them for eight years from the inside of the White House. Here’s to hoping the Oval Office gets a new rug soon (a bear rug.)


  1. Wonder how you, and Palin feel about her hate filled and violent rhetoric, now that 5 people have been killed, including a 9 year old child, at a Democratic open forum in Arizona?? Tell Palin to take down her "crosshairs" map, which had Rep Gabriella Giffords district in one of Palin's crosshairs. Everything she does, relates to guns. "Reload", "Gunning" for certain people, etc. She now has blood on her hands, and I am sick at heart.....also I am a Republican, but a smart thinking one, not a palin sheep!

  2. Fiona, try to come down off the emotional roller coaster the press is putting you on. What "violent rhetoric" has Palin said that led to a mentally disturbed boy (who wasn't a Palin fan, but loved Karl Marx and burning flags)?

    It would behoove you to think before you spew your vitriolic hate toward Sarah Palin. Someone might take you at your word and try to kill her. And would you then have blood on your hands? I think you should "tone down" your rhetoric before someone gets hurt. But, then again, I don't believe such things happen. It is true that a mentally disturbed person might hear something a politician says and it sends them over some edge...but that's their mental problem and not the politician's.

    If you had seen the other Democrat maps that were out during the same time, what would you say? I could show you one with targets over states with verbiage like "behind enemy lines" and "targeting" congress. It's metaphorical and everyone knows that. There is NO evidence that this kid ever even knew who Sarah Palin was. He was stalking the congresswoman since 2007...BEFORE Sarah Palin came on the national stage.

    Your willingness to paint Sarah Palin as a murderer is unstable and you should perhaps receive some counseling before you snap.
