Monday, January 24, 2011

EEStor Publishes Patent Application

A new patent application points us to another key product been prepared for early distribution.  Not too surprising when one considers the likely testing and special geometry demanded for automotive devices before actual shipping.  A box in a home is way less problematic.  It still needs to be interfaced properly with the grid, but plenty of work has already gone into that in the past decade.

We now understand what has delayed actual product production.  Unsurprising actually.  Had this gone of without a hitch, it would have been a first.  At some point the pilot line will be made to work and product will be delivered to the first adopters standing by.

As I have posted in the past, the energy storage protocol is as simple as the protocol shown in high school.  The trick is in achieving nanoscale scales and that was well answered through the independent lab work.  Making the devices after that can be first simulated with a handful of marbles and that was surely done years ago.

Thus what they propose to deliver appears plausible and what is left is Murphy’s Law who will interfere for a while.

That they could design a pilot production line also tells us there is a lot less fuss in the manufacturing than any outsider would imagine.

Otherwise, we get to play hurry up and wait and remember that this is possible.  Last week Rossi brought out and demonstrated the first over unity heat engine (twenty times) inspired by the cold fusion paradigm that got folks to think about the very real forces existing in crystals.

We already now have a heat engine and an energy storage device matching the EEStor promise is due from either EEStor or a competitor.  Global civilization will soon be flooded with cheap storable energy.

Put these two together, and coal, uranium, gas, and oil not only become totally obsolete but then even the renewables become so.  We enter a new world of cheap grid energy and distributed energy storage.  You house and car store energy in the off times.

EEStor Ultracapacitors: Battery Revolution begins with Electric Cars?

News, Reviews, Interviews and Overviews of all things related to EEStor Inc.
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yet Another EEStor Patent Application: Power Averaging

Due to an inadvertent misconfiguration early in the process, the EEStor pilot production line under construction in their Cedar Park, TX facility has been producing patent applications instead of capacitor components for the past couple years.  No word on when that might get corrected. In the meantime, the    latest EEStor patent application, published today, January 20, 2011 has to do with power averaging.   The abstract indicates the following:

A system is disclosed for providing power averaging for the utility grids and more specifically to utilizing a unique EESU unit with the capability to store electrical energy over 24 hour periods each day and provide power averaging to homes, commercial, and industrial sites to reduce the peak power requirements. charging such power averaging units during the non-peak times and delivering the energy during the peak demands times provides for more efficient utilization of utility-grid power-generating plants and the already existing capability of isolating the users from utility grid power failures, transients and AC noise.

According to unnamed sources, this patent has caused a few concerned individuals over at American Power Conversion to clean out their desk and update their linkedin profile.  Not so fast folks. You can always license your existence from EEStor.  Good luck.  Oh, I almost forgot, that is....IF Dick Weir's battery works.  So many geniuses make it clear to us that actually testing dielectrics and components for energy density may be something Weir shelved a long time ago.  Brilliant insight.

Furthermore, the patent reveals what EEStor thinks a home EESU might cost:  $4000-$5000. It would save the end user approximately $1000/yr in situations where off peak electricity is cheaper than during peak. (assuming more variables than I or EEStor care to list). 


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    with regards
    earth lover
