Saturday, October 16, 2010

Obama Revealed

There are few issues in a man’s past resume that cannot be handled in the public arena using the simple tactic of a full frontal disclosure and then refusing to answer further questions.  The public will forgive and the press will move on.

Thus my own concern when the Obama candidacy emerged in 2008.  His story had clear gaps were ample white out had been applied to the discerning investigator. These were been studiously ignored by the press which meant that they knew the back story, but were deliberately suppressing it.

We have not quite seen something like this before.  It left me with a clear sense of unease.

Here is a lone voice that is willing to fill in part of the story.  In time and place, what we get is not unsurprising.  The surprise is that this naïve ideologue has retained those youthful convictions.

I get here a picture of another young ill read and profoundly naïve student entering the college milieu and been quickly rounded up by the local liberal arts fraternity that in time and place was dominated by Marxist professors.  During college, he progressed at best to a more polished Marxist outlook and then migrated naturally to community organizing in Chicago were there were many like minded ideologs about to support him.

That story could never have been sold to the American people.

Interestingly, his experiences seem to have kept him in the socialist milieu and outside the entrepreneurial mainstream.  He remains singularly uninformed in all that and even naive economic philosophy.  He has passed through law school but appears to have practiced little, but I could be wrong on that part.

Here we are meeting a chap who helped guide the young Obama through Marxist thinking, but who has since left it behind.  It is no surprise that there are almost no witnesses.

In the meantime, the press continues to ignore the back story, yet it really must be addressed and answered.  College Marxism thrived in the sixties and into the seventies under the umbrella of academic freedom while actually suppressing alternative ideas.  The outright demise of Marxism has merely redirected these energies onto other excesses in ideology.  Somewhere, the belief system still lurks.

Glorious Leader Gap: Dr. Drew’s Take on Young Obama’s Marxism Now Included in Michael Savage’s New Book, Trickle Up Poverty

2010 OCTOBER 14

A year ago, I was a lonely voice in the wilderness.  I knew the young Barack Obama when he was a sophomore at Occidental College in 1980-1981, and – as far as I could tell – I was the only one who knew him who was willing to verify that young Obama was definitely a Marxist socialist ideologue.

To my frustration, it looked like the McCain campaign did not want to investigate Obama’s past.  McCain, in fact, piously asserted that paying attention to something as outrageous as Rev. Wright’s anti-white hostility was a non-issue for the Presidential campaign.  Personally, I was heartbroken.  I was frustrated that Obama’s extremist ideology was hiding in plain sight and the voters had no idea what was really going on.   I didn’t give up.  I also sent e-mails to Fox News and the Orange County Register.  I tried to get in touch with Ann Coulter.  It was all fruitless.

This week, for the first time in a long time, however, I feel relieved and at peace.  I learned last week that the story of my face-to-face political conversations with the young Obama have been included as part of Michael Savages’s new book Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy and Security.  It hit the bookstores last week.  I have not read it yet, but I’m already fascinated to see how Savage has weaved my observations on young Obama’s ideological views with his own interpretation of  how Obama’s ideology developed and how it is impacting our country.

Savage told World Net Daily (WND) that he wrote the new book “hoping to alter the course of human events” and added that the Obama administration is the “greatest fraud perpetrated on the American people in history.”  See, here.

Understanding the pain caused by Marxist philosophy in the past, Savage labels Obama as “the most divisive and dangerous man that’s ever occupied the Oval Office.”

In Trickle Up Poverty, Savage examines Obama’s “Marxist-Leninist roots” in some detail, noting, for example, my assessment – as a contemporary of Obama’s at Occidental College in Los Angeles – that Obama was a serious “Marxist revolutionary.”

Acknowledging my own embarrassing past as a Marxist revolutionary, Savage reports – truthfully – that I came to see Obama as a “blood brother” and as a “member of this revolutionary elite that was going to turn around our country when the revolution hit.”  One of the things that Savage left out, however, is that Obama and his friends went out of their way to persuade me that Obama was not just playing with Marxist revolution.  They were anxious to assure me that young Obama had been active in the work of the school’s Democrat SocialistAlliance – a group I had founded in 1976.

Savage goes on to explain that Obama is not the stereotypical Marxist of “the red beret, the marching, the Russian revolution and killing the rich.”  Instead, Savage places Obama in the historic Frankfurt school of socialism, a school that espoused a gradual transformation from capitalism to socialism to communism. Myconversations with young Obama, in fact, were mainly focused on helping him shift from a silly revolutionary Marxist perspective to the more realistic insight of the Frankfurt school.

Savage also documents radical-left influences in Obama’s past and concludes this is why Obama spoke of “spreading the wealth around.”

After reading a number of biographies on President Obama’s life, I can report that Savage is the first person to really get the story right.  He appears to be the first to directly connect Obama’s ideology to his current dysfunctional choices.  As far as I can tell, Savage understands the long-standing, highly ideological motives which guide President Obama.

This insight leads to chilling warnings about our future.  Savage admits, for example, that in the face of the Tea Party Movement and low Presidential approval ratings, Obama has not gone after the control of the airwaves – as was previously threatened by members of his administration. Nevertheless, Savage is anxious that Obama may move forward with a revival of the “Fairness Doctrine,” a law that would most likely shut down conservative talk radio.  Right now, I cannot think of anything that would be more frightening for our safety and our freedom.

“Don’t think this man has stopped just because he’s unpopular,” Savage warns WND. “Don’t underestimate him.”

In a piece of good luck, Obama’s presidential seal fell off his podium the same day that Savage’s book came out.  Obama covered this mishap by saying: “All of you know who I am.”  Thanks to Michael Savage’s new book, Obama’s statement is certainly truer now than it was a week ago.  See, here. For me, the wilderness is starting to look like the more green lawns of the comfortable suburbs.

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