Friday, September 10, 2010

Archeological Evidence For Early Americans

The dearth of really early evidence in the Americas has been a combination of limited resources and rather selective archeology.  If you do not look deep it is impossible to find what is a rare item anyway.

I have every reason to surmise that large Bronze Age populations arose worldwide.  They communicated by sea travel and trade.  All that went into collapse around three thousand years ago with a devastating impact of isolated local populations.  Throughout the period of collapse, metal was scavenged and consumed so that the archeological record is scant.

Long before metal working established the first global trade culture we had fishermen everywhere generally.  In Europe once blown out to sea in a storm and with a lost mast, a fisherman was on a one way trip to the Americas.  Yet he was well equipped to survive the experience.

Recall that Columbus’ contribution was to understand that he could come back by pressing north at the end of his voyage.  Everyone else before did not know this and was cast up in a strange land.  Such accidents must have been common back through the Stone Age and up to forty thousand years ago or more.

Thus a trickle of people was possible over the past forty thousand years.  While the advent of Asians along the northwest was necessarily an organized movement by village and predictable this was made by peoples not intending to do so.

I expect that the next generation of Archeology will dig deep and uncover a completely different history of small hunting groups scattered over the Americas far back in time.  Unfortunately these are difficult to discern and date.  After all even in Europe, our knowledge is largely based on the rare usage of caves.

Archeological evidence suggest origins of 'first' Americans

Everything that is accepted as fact regarding the first humans in North America is upon further evaluation, just theory. The explanations are full of “probably,” “likely,” “accepted,” and other terms that translate into a simple “we’re not sure.” Academics lap up these hypotheses and perpetuate it until evidence to the contrary is presented.  Even then, there are those who cannot accept that what they may have believed for a lifetime may in fact, be false. A research team may have come up with evidence that may force the rewriting of history books currently accepted by academia.

A perfectly preserved skull was found near Mexico City sometime in the 1950's. At that time, carbon dating techniques were primitive, and the age of skull could only be estimated. The technology today is much more advanced, and the skull is now accurately dated. The result was a bombshell that shook everything that was theorized about the settlement of North America. British scientists from Liverpool’s John Moores University and Oxford’s Research Laboratory of Archaeology found that the skull was around 13,000 years old, at least 2000 years older than any other human remains found in North America. This would appear to debunk the theory that Mongoloids from the Asian continent walked here on what was the then frozen Bering Strait.

The skull, belonging to a 26 year old woman known as the “Penon Woman”, has a shape that typifies Caucasians. According to research team leader Dr. Silvia Gonzalez, the evidence points to the fact that indeed, whites were the first humans in North America
“At the moment it points to that as being likely. They were definitely not Mongoloid in appearance. They were from somewhere else. As to whether they were European, at this point in time we cannot say ‘no’,”

If this skull is indeed the oldest remain on the continent, it would prove the "Solutrean Hypothesis," the theory that Europeans were the first humans to touch North America.

Academics and skeptics will attempt to discredit this particular theory, because it does not fall in line with what they have been taught and believe to be true. They may point to the fact that this is just a single skull. There are other scenarios that could disprove the Solutrean Hypothesis. Could this woman possibly have made the trip alone? That is an unlikely scenario, which brings up another possibility: That the skull was for some reason brought here later, and in fact the Penon Woman never made the trip on her own. It would stretch the boundaries of imagination, but since this is still theory, any explanation is possible. Another possibility is that over the course of thousands of years, any remains that existed earlier are either too poorly preserved to be identified, or were consumed over time.

Currently we have this single skull, and it is yet another theory regarding the first humans in North America. This theory is backed up by the Penon Woman though.

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