Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Live Cartilage Preserved

This is of great interest, if only because there are so many victims of cartilage damage out there.  In fact it appears almost inevitable for the aging although I suspect that there will develop a statistical decline as more and more patients adopt condriten therapy at an earlier stage to prevent this disease and others.


Cartilage damage from aging is largely due to a decline in the bodies ability to either produce enough condriten or consume enough natural condriten in the form of animal connective tissue.  Supplements alleviate this.


Of course most folks began condriten supplementation only when arthritis is established enough to produce clear symptoms and that means far too late for condriten to do much good.  Often it is enough to alleviate pain.


It is curious that tissue that is not served with blood and the ability to regenerate is still troublesome in terms of tissue rejection.  One would expect more flexibility there.  Anyway, there is a lot of prospective donor tissue available and been able to support it in live form for thirty days makes it a completely feasible therapy for the medical industry.


This can become a replacement for metal joints now been used.


Alberta researchers preserve live cartilage


A soccer player has received the first transplant of live cartilage into his repeatedly dislocated shoulder, thanks to two decades of Alberta research.

Cartilage is the connective tissue in joints and other body parts, and protects bones for smooth movement. It requires nutrients but cannot heal on its own if damaged, as it has no nerve endings or blood supply.

Dr. Mark Heard transplanted live cartilage into the shoulder of Jim Chebib, 45, during a two-hour procedure at Banff Springs Mineral Hospital in March.

Chebib, an avid soccer player, said Thursday he now has full movement in a shoulder he had dislocated eight times in the last five years from cartilage damage.

"It sounded like a good solution because it's all natural and, really, I was happy to have the surgery so I could play soccer healthy again," he said.

Heard used cartilage — from a donor — that had been kept alive for 30 days using a preservation method developed by a team at Calgary's McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health.

"That gives us a window for when someone dies and donates their organs. That gives us a window of a month to find a match transplant to put their cartilage in," explained Heard.

Could expand for arthritis patients

"The result is a nearly seamless healing of the joint as the new tissue is incorporated into the existing bone," said Dr. Norman Schachar, program director of the joint transplantation program at the University of Calgary.

There have been previous live cartilage transplants into knees, but this is the first such operation for shoulders and with the breathing room of 30 days.

"There is lots of work that is done with fresh frozen cartilage, but not live," Heard also pointed out.

Perfecting the preservation of live cartilage could allow surgeons to expand to transplanting it into hips, wrists and ankles, and eventually to help seniors with arthritis.

Heard has several more patients waiting for the same shoulder procedure, as part of a pilot project.

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