Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cooking Shaped Human Development

It has been clear for a long time that the advent of cooking was the necessary change that brought about modern humanity.  This item spells out the details for us.

The pre digestion of food promoted and accommodated the advent of the infantile facial structures that make up the modern human.  The process began at least 1.8 million years ago and fits in with what we know of the advent of the human use of fire.  This allowed an accelerated development of fire using primates that fits normal breeding selection.  Less gut and more brain and accommodating changes in the jaw is obvious.

The larger brain eventually supported a larger social group most likely in response to a large resource base that necessitated communal living.  I have suggested that this naturally occurred on the shores of the Indonesian archipelago and also encouraged adaption to aquatic conditions.

It is very easy to use fire to prepare foods.  Yes one can roast a chunk of meat over a fire it one is in a hurry, but more likely raw meat can be simply gulped down.  More generally, one creates a water holding device, even with a skin set in sand and use hot stones to keep the water boiling.  Everything goes into this stew.

The pots got better, but all hunter gatherers worked toward the nightly stew pot to the present.

The only surprise is just how early this all began.  Modern humanity emerged as homo sapien sapien a mere hundred thousand or so years ago.  The change then was the increase in his social world which jumped from a band of twenty to a village of at least 150 to 200.  All the other changes had as much as two million years to develop, though I suspect the full emergence of modern man took half a million years in Indonesia.

Did the discovery of cooking make us human?

By Clare Kingston 

Learning to cook created 'big brains'

Cooking is something we all take for granted but a new theory suggests that if we had not learned to cook food, not only would we still look like chimps but, like them, we would also be compelled to spend most of the day chewing.

Without cooking, an average person would have to eat around five kilos of raw food to get enough calories to survive.

The daily mountain of fruit and vegetables would mean a six-hour chewing marathon.

It is already accepted that the introduction of meat into our ancestors' diet caused their brains to grow and their intelligence to increase.

Meat - a more concentrated form of energy - not only meant bigger brains for our ancestors, but also an end to the need to devote nearly all their time to foraging to maintain energy levels.

As a consequence, more time was available for social structure to develop.


Harvard Professor Richard Wrangham believes there is more to it than simply discovering meat.

He thinks that it is not so much a change in the ingredients of our diet, but the way in which we prepare them that has caused the radical evolution of our species. "I think cooking is arguably the biggest increase in the quality of the diet in the whole of the history of life," he says. "Our ancestors most probably dropped food in fire accidently. They would have found it was delicious and that set us off on a whole new direction."

To understand how and when our bodies changed, we need to take a closer look at what our ancestors ate by studying the fossil records.

Our earliest ancestor was the ape-like Australopithecus.

Australopithecus had a large belly containing a big large-intestine, essential to digest the robust plant matter, and had large, flat teeth which it used for grinding and crushing tough vegetation.

None the less, it was Australopithecus that moved out of the trees and onto the African savannah, and started to eat the animals that grazed there.

And it was this change of habitat, lifestyle and diet that also prompted major changes in anatomy.

Bigger brain

The eating of meat ties in with an evolutionary shift 2.3 million years ago resulting in
more human-looking ancestor with sharper teeth and a 30% bigger brain, called Homo habilis.

The most momentous shift however, happened 1.8 million years ago when Homo erectus - our first "truly human" ancestor arrived on the scene.

Homo erectus had an even bigger brain, smaller jaws and teeth.

Erectus also had a similar body shape to us. Shorter arms and longer legs appeared, and gone was the large vegetable-processing gut, meaning that Erectus could not only walk upright, but could also run.

He was cleverer and faster, and - according to Professor Wrangham - he had learned
how to cook.

"Cooking made our guts smaller," he says. "Once we cooked our food, we didn't need big guts.

"They're costly in terms of energy. Individuals that were born with small guts were able to save energy, have more babies and survive better."
Professor Peter Wheeler from Liverpool John Moores University and his colleague, Leslie Aiello, think it was this change in our digestive system that specifically allowed our brains to get larger.

Energy transfer

Cooking food breaks down its cells, meaning that our stomachs need to do less work to liberate the nutrients our bodies need.

This, says Wheeler, "freed up energy which could then be used to power a larger brain. The increase in brain-size mirrors the reduction in the size of the gut."

Significantly Wheeler and Aiello found that the reduction in the size of our digestive system was exactly the same amount that our brains grew by - 20%.

Professor Stephen Secor at the University of Alabama found that not only does cooked food release more energy, but the body uses less energy in digesting it.

He uses pythons as a model for digestion as they stay still for up to six days while digesting a meal. This makes them the perfect model as the only energy they expend is on digestion.

His research shows that pythons use 24% less energy digesting cooked meat, compared with raw.

So being human might all be down to energy.

Cooking is essentially a form of pre-digestion, which has transferred energy use from our guts to our brains.

According to Professors Wheeler and Wrangham and their colleagues, it is no coincidence that humans - the cleverest species on earth - are also the only species that cooks.

Horizon: Did Cooking Make Us Human? will be shown on Tuesday, 2 March 2010, at 2100 GMT on BBC Two. It will be available for seven days after that from the BBC iPlayer

1 comment:

  1. Who do you work for? Sounds more like a disinformation campaign to me.

    Have you even heard of the raw foods movement?

    Tens of thousands of people around the world survive (and thrive!) on raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds every day.

    In fact, there are several movements of people worldwide that survive on little more than sunlight, the power of love, God, creation, etc. called breatharians, sungazers, etc.

    Some raw foodists go so far as to believe that the quintessential Adam and Eve were the "first" humans to actually eat solid food and that the symbolic apple was man's fall (downfall?) into needing solid food to survive.

    What hunter gatherer would prefer to wait all day to get home to a cooked stew versus the ability to eat fruits and veggies instantly at their maximum nutritional capacity, fresh off a tree or in or on the ground?

    Of course, if you mean, by modern humanity, the devolution of mankind, society and our Mother Earth, then your arguments might hold more water. We certainly don't have more "Less gut and more brain" today; in fact, I would beg to argue that the exact opposite is true, at least in recent times.

    I would suggest that we are more "chimp-like" today, even though the ape family is vegetarian to begin with, much stronger than humans, and dare I say, probably gaining on us in intelligence, as well.

    And as far as chewing is concerned, what with our fast foods and microwaved dinners, (which, if you knew better, wouldn't even qualify as food), almost all of us could benefit from chewing more, moving more and eating less.

    Five kilos of raw food, eh? Do your homework. A raw food lifestyle takes much less time to shop for, prepare and consume. And once your body gets comfortable consuming the right offerings, you tend to need to eat less over time.

    I don't know why our brains and intelligence grew, though it certainly wasn't the meat that this carnivore author obviously consumes.

    I say all of the above coming from a sense of love and compassion for all people, no matter what they may think or eat.
