Friday, February 20, 2009


Gravity is a topic taught in physics and largely apologized for. We are given the formulation of Newton and perhaps a quick pass on the subject of General Relativity in which gravity disappears into mystery. This is unfortunate, but is caused by a simple remarkable fact. We are barely able to sense it at all if at all or so we believe. Its existence was deduced by its apparent action as an attractor at a distance in the planetary system, with a lot of clever mathematics.

For the other apparent forces of nature the opposite is true. They are detectable and measurable because they are generated by complexes of those components that originate gravity. Gravity is far deeper in the structure of our universe.

You may or may not know that I have constructed a metric that is able to describe gravity at the particle level and have submitted a paper describing that metric and its mathematica. Constructing the particle universe with this metric is a larger task requiring substantial computer resources. We are not about to go there, but there is a few things that I can say.

Gravity is better described as impressed curvature. Just as a planet creates a gravity well, so too does a particle at the sub atomic level. It is not however a Pythagorean metric. It is quite different except that it also satisfies a Pythagorean metric of order greater than two. More importantly all matter is structured as we know already and homogeneous for the scaling we care about today.

If you feel that you slightly understood what I just said and wish to discuss it further, feel free to contact me.

What this is all saying is that this impressed curvature which at the macro level is simply positive though whose magnitude is very small is also geometrically cumulative. This is also common sense. If you have a stick, then the impressed positive curvature will be larger at the ends than along the sides. We are not dealing with any cancelling effects and the curvature itself is not shielded at all. The gross geometry of the structure guides the impressed curvature.

Now from my perspective this was all obvious and could be dismissed because we could not sense or measure these differences. Then along came the late Grebennikov who not only was able to sense these effects but then learned to work with them. It turns out that insects, that have a lot to gain through such mastery had developed ways to use this curvature. This also made plenty of sense since their aerodynamic strength profile is responsive to such mastery whereas we certainly are not.

Check out the described experiments posted a couple of days ago and try them out. I have not done so yet but some are dead simple and no fuss at all. If we can all make the pyramid frame spin we will all be on his page knowing that fine geometric curvature actually exists. It is also better to have a lot of folks doing these experiments because it will allow us to report to each other through this blog. Also a hundred people demonstrating gravity effects and perhaps even gravity shielding as opposed to antigravity is vastly more convincing than looking over the shoulders of a lone individual and kibitzing. In other words, I am damned if I am going to do this all by myself because I know better.

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