Monday, December 8, 2008

Meteor Spoor 12900 BCE

More data is slowly popping up now that it is circulating that a major blast took place around 12900 BCE, close to the North Pole. While I am partial to a large meteor impact, there is some suggestion that a nuclear blast took place. However, the radioactives picked up on could well have been part of the original object. Alternatively as this was surely a deliberate event, it is no stretch to have the object blasted internally just before impact by atomics. This would spread out the application of the impact’s shock.

It has been observed that the remains of mammoths killed by the event contain micro beads of metal that needed to arrive at very high speed. I suspect that supports an air blast of vaporized metal from the incoming meteor. We already know that the forests of North America were flash roasted with little if any actual fires afterward. Had there been fires, the charcoal would have been burned out.

The heat wave must have been some thousands of degrees for it to blanket North America. That meant that nothing could survive in its path.

The bulk of the incoming impact energy still was absorbed by the ice and crust generating an additional explosive event that saw ice and debris hurled into the atmosphere and landing throughout the Northeast. The lighter ice traveled furthest and gave us the structures found in the Carolinas.

We now have a picture of a high speed meteor passing over Siberia and impacting close by the western side of Hudson Bay. The high speed vaporized some of the metallic meteor on the way in and the shock wave left by the passage through the atmosphere acted orthogonally to the direction of passage. This shock wave killed the mammoths and all else and was followed up by a dissipating heat wave that peppered the mammoths with micro pellets of metal. This suggests that careful mapping of mammoth remains and the intensity of pellet peppering should allow us to accurately map the passage of the meteor, perhaps even to a few miles.

Upon impact, the bow wave carried on over the ice and struck into eastern North America delivering shock death and a high temperature compression wave that roasted everything it touched. As we mentioned the impact itself blasted huge amounts of ice into the atmosphere as well as rock. If the meteor was blasted apart just before impact it may even be possible that penetration was minimized while actual impact weight was achieved to send the crust into motion.

I am finding this reconstruction becoming more satisfactory as we keep adding data. A high speed impact crashing in to the crust and doing deep penetration is scary. Spreading it out in a large footprint is a lot less scary and much less damaging to the crust itself. In fact it should have the effect of bouncing the crust to liberate the slip plane and to initiate motion. Read my article on about the Pleistocene nonconformity to understand this.

We can now do the impossible safely.

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