Friday, September 7, 2018

Swiss Bank Freezes $5 Billion In Russian Money


The one certainty that bankers world wide face is that Donald Trump  understands the strategic value of banks and money.  After all he has been beating them up for years.  

Thus USA sanctions have real teeth if only that Trump may pay attention.

Right now Trump has been distracted because he is fighting to erase the pernicious effects of the DEEP STATE.  That battle is actually close to been fully won.  We are now at 51,700 which suggests we are about to wrap it all up.  We are expecting those indictments to be resolved through public trials and the like, but until now a number have been resolved in secrecy.  That may continue although i do not see how.

It is my point that the soft underbelly of all criminal activity is the movement of money.   Trump understands this and knows that billions of drug profits can be harvested.  I suspect it is only a matter of when and must coincide with the decriminalization of all drugs.  No sense in allowing the enemy to have cash...

Swiss Bank Freezes $5 Billion In Russian Money

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